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<br /> �aic 3o Th� 'I�ec�u recoavey rhe rrcpercy rYiurout��ananty aoa w;d�c cb�e eo.Me pa�oa ar pe�sorc ,
<br /> --=- Ie�IIYqkitledb.it. 5w�ptftbnb�pe�sanls�UP�Y�Y�ab�ts. � ; . .
<br /> < � �SMTirlN�fe'd�.�eedet.it�option.a�Y fraQ tane m time removtlivsiee aed appoi�t�sucaeswr.�tQ- -_. '._ -.
<br /> �ny�7it+flee appoi�Mea beneuoda by an ia�hudta�teoo�dcd in t6e c�oir�ty in wfiich dus Se�nity In�ttummt is ieca�ded:
<br /> � 11V'qLoYtiaaveyaeoe af dre Aop�aty.Wc suooessoFtnt�tee slall�ed�alt Ibe 1lUe,Pow'or aad d�ies caafe�ed upoa _ .
<br /> • 'IIwlee 6aein md� taM: . � � � ,
<br /> . . �.Re�N�rr��Bazakrs ieqaes�s d�t obpies of the aotices af de�iuk.aed aale be seaE to BaROwa�s add�ea _
<br /> ' � �rl�ich i�Wt Pbope�ttY Add��. , . . � • .
<br /> � ��iie�a N Ws Searit.!I�M�esf. If one ar mae rideis at�exxated 6y'Barower aod ncaded�o�dl�vQNh
<br /> •tl�Secrrity�-t�md�t,tiie eoYeamts#ad�of ach aucb�ider sfiaII 6e inoo�poEatoa inio aad sTailt�e�ea�!and
<br /> ` wpplaap�t the ooMetirots�nd sgt�ee�aa�of t6is S�cwitY Iastrw�sK as if the ridais)wec�¢a paR of this Sxurity lasnroaaeat. .
<br /> [Che�t�pplic�bte bo�t(es)I . � _
<br /> , - ,'. �Adjusta6ie Rate Rider - � �Condaniuiwi Rider �1-4 Family Itider ` ,
<br /> ; �Gs�tat Ayment Itider , �P1wne�.Unit Oevelopmmt[tider ., � a Biwakly Pi�yme�Rider , .
<br /> , �BatToon Ridet ; �R�we Improvement liider • �Secand Iiane Ridet ` : '
<br /> ` QOQKt(�)�'Yt . - ' : ` . . '
<br /> � BY SI�NIN(i BE[AW,Bonnwer accepts and ageres to the te�m.s and covrnants contained in this Seciulty Ynsuuma�t . �
<br /> -- -
<br /> and in an rida(s)es v.��d rocatited with i�: — — — - = �
<br /> . Y �b� . - - - - ' .
<br /> Widiesses: - . . .
<br /> . � t . o e . Car�trell ' _a«��
<br /> • • 'ty Number 507-68-5743
<br /> . _ ' iSeal) -
<br /> , -eomower
<br /> Sactal SC�LY hambeT
<br /> ,STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hell County ss:
<br /> On this 31st day oY Ju2y, 1991 .6eEore me.the u»dersigned.a Notary Pubtic
<br /> duiy cor„m;ss;oned and qw113fied for said caunry,personalty came Joyee E. Carttrell, an unmarried perso[1
<br /> .to me known to be�he_
<br /> identiql persons(s)whase name(s)are subscn'bed to ihe foregoing insttument and acknowledged the exocution theieaf to
<br /> be her , voluntary act and deed. '
<br /> Wimess my hand ar�d notarial seal ae Gran� �sl n Nebraska. , in said counry.the. .
<br /> date afaesaid.
<br /> My Cammission,expires: /�' �- J'��
<br /> . No(uy PubiFc
<br /> TO U � Oiw.�EA�M�1!!f
<br /> note or notes secured by this Deed of 7iust. Said note or notes.togetdet wlth all
<br /> d1Kr� ss secu�ad by this Doa!af'livst.have been paid in foll. You are henby dlncted to cuicel said note or n�s
<br />- and this Deed of'flras�t.wt�c1�ue delivqred herebY,au�c1 to recor�vey.wit�vut warrarty.a{3 tbe e.state naw heM by you un�e�.
<br /> this Dad of'tiust to the�son or persons legally endtled thereto.
<br /> . Date: '
<br /> � Fira�3� !Ht (PQRd8oI6P�+Rrs}
<br /> � , <
<br /> ' • ' �-
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