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<br /> ` �,�mndann�cion ar aher w�ins ot�ny p.�oi�be P'enperiy.or far conveyana in tieu of conde�i«r:ac�h�eneby�ip�ed and
<br /> shd!6e p�id to Leoder-� ` . ' ` �
<br /> Tn d�e event a�f a totat wicin�of tbe P�opatg.the prnceeds shal!6a appT'Kd tq.the sums sawc�ed bY�s�y ' �
<br /> ` , �R,�r�oot the�t du�witlt�ny ea�ctss paW to 8o�sower. Tn the event of.a partiat tahtng of the Pmpecty in :
<br /> �which the fiir m�M�et value of the P�m�pe�ty immediately beCooe tht tatcingis equal to ar gteatertGart the amamt of tAr.s�, <
<br /> � secutod b�r this$ocu��Y��nt immediatety liefaie the taking.�inTess Bortvwer�uid Lender atherwise a$nee-in wtiting: �
<br /> � thc simis savred by�6is Savrity lasnnrmrni shat!be teduced bY the�mou�of thr proceeds�nultiplied by thp fdbwieg
<br /> ' � fiaction: (a)the tatal smwnt c�f the sums secwrd immediatetY befar the t�lcing.di�ided b�r.1b)the fair nwlcet value af tT�e
<br /> - pmperty i�medi.uciy befae;tise t�kiag. Any batance shall�c psid to Bas:uwa: lnthe:evrnc of s�uzial taicing o�the
<br /> . Ptope�ty�n which ttx fair muket value of the Ploptr�y immcdiuely befoce tde taking is Iess than the amo�mt of the sums
<br /> serurod'ana�diatety 6efuis the.taicing.wless Bamwet and Lenckr otherwise agtte in avrittng ar mllas applicobk hw
<br /> , otherwise p�ovidts.the procads shall he applied co tha sums secutrd by this Security InswirKat wtxtber or�wt the sums ace
<br /> " ' then due. � . • ,
<br /> 1f the property is Ab�ndoned by Barower.ar if.after,notice by l.e�r to Borrower that the coademnor offe�s to malct
<br /> 'an award or settk A claim far°�a�s.BoRavver fa�'ts to trspond to Lendet within 30 days aftu the date the notice is given.
<br /> l.awles is a�thorized w colloct and appty the pcoceeds.at its option.either to�esta�tinu or tepvir of.tbe Prnpe�ty ar�to tbe
<br /> sums secu�+ed 1y this 5eciurity Instwmmt,whether or not then due. " -
<br /> Unkss Lender and Barowar ottxrwise agnee irt writing.any appl'ica6on of proceeds to priacipal sh�11 nat extend or�,
<br /> pos�ne the due due of the manthtY payments�eferied to in pauag�aphs t and 2 or ct�ange ihe araouat of s�ch payments. . .
<br /> � iI, Barn�er No� Rdeased;.Fa�beara.ce 8y l�eader Na a Wsiver. Exte�uinn of the time for paymrnt or
<br /> cdodifiption of unottiratioa bf tt�e svms securcd by this Securiry instrumedt granted by Lender ta any snccessorin intenest
<br /> of Bamvtrer shall not operate to nkase the(iability of the original Barower or B�xrower�successots in inter�esL Lender
<br /> s�il nd be rcquued to cortutxt�ce pmceedings against any s�ccessor m interest or cefuse to eatead time fat payment or.
<br /> _- otl�rsse modify arnortiration of the sams secuied by thu Securiry(n�nnnent by reasor►of a�y demand made by tiie onguial
<br /> _- Borrovver or Barowerk s�sors m intec�est. Any forbe�uance bY L.ender in exercising any right oc reirredy shall not be a
<br /> - - waiver ofQr preclude the exercise of any right or nmedy. � ' ` ,
<br /> - �IZ. Swoeaeors a�d A�ipts Boqad;Jdet and Several Liabi�:Ca-si�ne�'s- 1be covea3ais aad agrameius of this
<br /> -- Se�urity Instniment shaU bind and benefit the successors aiid assigns of Lender uad Bormu�er.sa.'�eet to tl�e pronswns of `
<br /> =- paragrapli 17.Borrower's covenants and agreemei�ts shall 6e joint and several.Any Borrowec v►'�o co-sigms tf�is Security
<br /> - _ ��g,�g Not��a)is.co-signing.this Security Instrument only to martgage,grant and convey that
<br />._,..
<br />�,.�-. , ,_
<br /> ... . _ _ . .. _ _ _ . .
<br /> : �omawer's intemst in ihe Pr.operty unde�tlie iemis of d�is Sec�irity" (nshumene; (b)is rra�-pers�rtaByabi'igatut ta p-ay sums
<br /> �=�Y • secured by tius Security inst�umen�auct f�)agrees that Lender and any ottier Borrower may agree ta extend,modify,forbeas
<br />°'_ � pc.make.atty accammodations with regard ta the temis of this Security tnstru�nent oc the Note without that Boaower's
<br /> consen�, ,
<br /> 13.I:oan.,C6ar��s. If the toan secured by this Security in�trument is subject tn a law which sets maximum ioan
<br />-��,� ,�e]�arges,aud that Iaw is�nalty interprtted so that the interiest or otber toan charges collected or to be coltected in connection
<br /> h
<br /> =`? with the loan e�the pennitted limiu.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount neeessary to reduce
<br />•-.�.�,.
<br />- tlte charge to�he pennitted limiw and(b)�nY sums already collected flum Borrawer which exce��ed permitted limits wil!6e
<br /> ���:' i+efitnded to Horrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal awed undes the Note or by making a
<br />- direct payment tu Borrower. If a refand ceduces principal,the reduction w�116e treated as a parciat prepayment without any
<br /> ������, � prepayment charge under the Note. , : , �
<br /> 14. Notice.9. Any rtoGce to Borrower provided for in this Securiry In.strument shall be given by deliti•eris�.g it or by
<br /> mailing it tiy first c1a5s mail unt�:s applicable law requires use of another method.The nodce shall be directed tothe Property
<br /> Addcess or�ny other addiess Borrower designates by notice to l.ender. Any nofice to l.ender shall be given by first class
<br /> mail to l.enders address stated herein ar any other address l.ender designates by norice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> _ in this Security lnstrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or l.ender when given as provided in th�s
<br />- P�B�Ph• . ,
<br /> ,15. Governing Law;Severability. This Securiry Instrument shn{I be govemed by federa! law and the law af the
<br /> jurisdietion in which the Property is located. In the even[that any provision or clau�:e af this Security Instrumrnt ar the Note
<br /> conflic�4 with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnstrument ar the Note which can
<br /> be given effecc without the cantlictin�provision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and Ihe Notc are _
<br />♦�� "y declareQ to be severabte. • �
<br /> - - 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformeA capy af thc Note and af this�erurity Instrument. _
<br /> _ 17. 71�anster of the Propeely or a Beneticial I�terest in Borrower. lf ali ar any part of tAe Property ar uny interest in _
<br /> � it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest i��asrower is sold ar transfcrned and Borrower is not a natural person)
<br /> without Lender�prior writterr eon�cent,l.ender may.stit itc option.require immediate payment in full of alt sums seeured by
<br /> this Securiry]nstrumen� However,this aption shall nvt be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federa112�w as of .
<br /> '1^�'�. � the date of this Security Instrumem. -
<br />'-:.��'�_ If l.ender exercises thi�aption.Lender Shall�ive Bonower nolice af acceleraticm. The natice shaU pravide A perial oF
<br /> - not fess than 30 days irom the date the notice is delivered�r mailed within which Barrower mus�pay Ap sums secured by this
<br /> - - Securiry Inswmem. li Borrower fail�to pay ihesc sums prior to the expiration oi thiti periad. Lendcr m�y invoke�anS -
<br /> ranedies petmitted by this Security Instrument without further notice ar den�and c�n Raaower. :
<br /> - I8. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. ,li�arrower meetti cerlain canditions. Borrower>t�all have the right�o have
<br /> enforcement of this Security in�trument discondnued ut any timc prior to thc cadicr��f: (s�15 da}y lor such other pericx!as _
<br /> ,. . _
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