.:. ...�._ __ _ . _ ..__ _ _ 4yv_. S __. —
<br /> _ ,� L . „=,$ L " . _ `C - C
<br /> _ — _�-_ r., _3. __ � - -- — ...r. - _ __ _ _ ._
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<br /> c _�. _ _ ; - � ° - � � : ` � 91—�. i0,.493�` ; --.--.
<br /> �- .
<br /> _ . -i"i�idd a t�s�i:ieed(ae��fi be�c�ii'�-i�Ho�aMer is atiid or aaa�ed aod Hcn��m,t:a�si pee�os)�ri1T�o�t
<br /> Lc�adec`�Riot!writoes oomait+ isade�m�r, �t itt option, �aqaIce i�eediata pymimt in fnIt of ati auais aacured by iiis ' .
<br /> Searit�►in�umeat.�Wwe.wu,t6i�op�ioo�It ttat be euerci�ad by I.eoder if exetciae is p�ol�ted.�►laderai ia�v�_of dit dre. .
<br /> ofihis,Soauityt�emme�t- . : : � : . �
<br /> .If I�eder cxerci�a tdia optioe,�.a�da elall�ive Baao�rer natiae nf aoaktation.Tbe nottoe a6allp�w s pericd at aot `
<br /> ' � {eae tbm 3Q'dnra fnoet�d�te the not�oe is delivued or m�ibd wittin afiecd�urnnwer mnst�piy dl�bocuted by�is - .
<br /> � Socvrity Inmuimeat.I�Hortower tsils w piy t�we sum�priur w t�e wcpir�tion of ttiis period.i�eader may ibvoke aay e�modies .
<br /> pe�miaed by this Sacurity I�atzumr�t�liuthet notice�d�d an Horro�vec. '
<br /> � i=. �eenr�S iti�t �,RelrlafG If Bar�uwer a�eets oewin.o�d�tian�. Bonower sb�ll tntre tAe.ri�t w htve
<br /> � aafu�eeat of dus Seatttty�niotwmeot di�qo�uod-at aay t�me pri�to t6e tariies o� (a)S days 4at susJ�ather petk�d�` �
<br /> a�pp�Lw.�b1e ls�r u�Y spacdY fai i+eimti`apeat)6efae�le of the P[operty puts��aot W aoY Puw�er of_�de ooatained in t�f
<br /> 5 Ia�tn�t:-or(b�eatrY of a jud�neat eafoocina this Seivrity Ins�ua�nc.Those oonditions ate th�t Bam�rer.(�)Pa�ri
<br /> I�eade�sil sam4 wAich tika wauW 6e due mder tltis Socuriey Inmumeat�ad the Note as if no aoxkration h�d oavrn6;(b)
<br /> � eurea aty detiWt af aoy at6ar wven�ors or agtem�ars:(c)WYs all e:paoses invmed in eafotcing thts Socuriry Instna�ent,
<br /> incindiq,.bat uot Waiood to,nn�omble attornrys'fas;aud(d}tiJces sucR�etion s I.aider may ieatambly ieqiure ta auune.
<br /> dat tbc liea of this Sxurity i�na�at.Irade�s n u�the P�eAy and Barcow�er'a abligatiat to pay tbe wa�s ebcuted by .
<br /> this 5aerit9 Im�amaot slall aontiaue uo�Upoa �eia�tstprteat by Botrower. this Savnty_ Insuumeat aad tlu :
<br /> abliaatious secured l�ec�dfy�Il�auun fuily effoctive�if no acakt�tion had,accurted.However,this r�g1u w teiauate sWU �
<br /> - .��PP�Y w the c�te of aoce{eration under patsgnph l7. '
<br /> - 1! S�le et Nef�Ci�e af Lo�t Smiaer..Tbe Nate oc a partial intet�est iu tbe Notc(togeEder witb this SaCUrig►
<br /> --- . �Straa�eat)m�y bqsoW one or mune tiau.s witlaut pcior mtioo to Bormwer.A sale mry n.wlt ia a ctnage ia tGe erxity(Imown
<br />- - as t6e'Lo�e Secvicer')t6�t coilects raoathlY PaY�ats doe tmder the Note aad this Sccurity Iosltum�t.T6e�e also may 6e ooe -
<br /> �_�,s or.mo�+e chaoEes of the I.aa Servicer uniet�ted to a sate of the Nate.If theti is s�cl�nge oE the Loon Servicer,Bomowec will be �
<br /> - givm wr�ten notioe af the chmge in aa�otd�ncc with pu�gr�ph 14 above aod applicabk law.T6e mtice vin'II state tGe uame and
<br /> addcess of the new l.aan Servioer ud the address to which payments sbould be made.Tde natice arill also coetairt aay.utha
<br /> - s �form�tio�n naNited 1►l►aPPlkabk iaw. �
<br />:.'' 2�.Hmedo�S�b�.Bormwev sbtU not cause or pemdt the piesenoe.use,disposal, storrge,or akase of my.
<br /> ,�,
<br />_=:. � . Hacadous Su6stsooes on or in t6e Pmperty. Bomawer sb�il uot do, nor ailow anyone else to do. anydting affxtiag the
<br />:�r�.. � Propetty tb�t is in valatiao of atry Eatn�maemal law.T7ie preadin8 two seateaoes shall nat apply to t�e preseaoe,ase.or
<br /> , swrnge oo tbe Pmperty of sm�ll quantitks of HaiaMou.q 3ubstaaces that are S��Y����aPP�Priatc ta normal
<br /> . .- reside�ial oses smd to ma�ntenaace of tde Ptopaty. .
<br />' :-._.:. � - - �l�en�wer s6�11 peompttY�ive_(snder vrrittea notia.oi any iave�stig�on,claim,demand.lawsuit or other accioir 6y aay _ '. - -
<br /> � _. � •� grnes�mantal or n�ulatory aBencY or pdvate party invoivingiie�capeity a�n �-- u --ar�. vir�nniattalT.a�v - -
<br /> of whicti Bonnwer has actusl kriowtedge.1f Borrowcr lcams,or is notified by any govemraeata!or regutatoiy autuority,tt�
<br /> - ' .` a�r cemoval or othec tiemediat�on of any Ha�rdaus Substaitce affeiYing the Pceperty is t�ssuy,8amnwer shaU pmmptly tal�e
<br /> `': all naessary tert�edial actiops in accoidance wit6 Envimntnental Law. •
<br /> �? • As a4ed ia ti�is puagraph Z0. "Hazardous Substances"are those substance.g definec�as toxlc or 6a7andais substanc�s by
<br /> •- Snrimnmeawl�isw ud the faliowing sabstaoas: gasolire, kerosene. ather flammable or toaic petraleum products, to�uc
<br /> • pest{cidea and f�e�bicides,volatile soD�ents,materiala cantaining a.cbestos or fortnaldehyde.a�i radiaictive materials.As.usod in
<br /> this p�graph Z0, 'Earinonmeatat�.acv" means fodera!laws a:*xi laws af the jurLsdictiva.�}iere d�e Pioperty is locaced that
<br /> �,..' cel�te to health,safetY or environmensal protection. '
<br />• � NON-UIVIPORM COVENAN7'S.Borrower and I.ender farther wvenaat and agrce as follaars:
<br /> . 21.Aeodaation,Ranedles.Leoder sLall give aotke to Boero�rer prtoe to aooda�tion idiowi�Borrovre�s 6sracL —
<br />, ••:, , � t : �o�wny oovea�nt oe�aK in this Secmritg Iasdvma�t (but rat prior to aoakratbn undec parag�api�la ankss —
<br /> , appikable!sw prnvldes Mberwise).The notioe shall specify: (a)the defxWh(b)t6e�ction requieed to cm+e tlrc defaplt; __-
<br /> � (c)a d�te,aot 1�t6aa 30 dsps f�+om tiie ds�te tUe notia i�givrn to Bornowa�,by whicb tbe detaak mu�t be c�d;aad -
<br /> (�that failace to caez t6e defauh o0 or bd'oe�e the ds�te speciAed ia tLe aotice may rssWt in a v e�e k r atlon ot tbe smns _ ------
<br /> ; ' .:t ee�u��d by tNls Se�urity Ia�trumeat nud s�te at the Property.The natice s6a11 lurtber inform Borno�rsr at t4e rlght to __�=`�"-�
<br /> retastnte atter acceta�atbn and tbc right to�f�g a coaet adioa to a�sse:t tLe ao�txtsteaoe ot s ddaalt or any other � �-�_=�-�. -
<br /> - ' de[ea�e ot Borruwer to aooelenNon nnd sn1e.if the defiwlt i�not caned oA or be[ore the date specitle�ie ttie nWke.
<br /> 1.eader,at its option.msJ rald�''�����l�y�in ful!o!Wl s�secured b�r 16is Secu�ity I�tnuneet wltLout �=�.:e=:�__
<br /> � ;�' _ la�t6es dan�nd snd msy imroke tbe power oi sWe aad a�ot6er remedies permitte�by applicabk Isw.l.tader sball be '��`��r���;;; -
<br /> , . :: akitkd to oolkd all expeases innQred in parsuirqs tde r+e�r�s+�providcd In this p�ragraph Zl.includieg,6ut noE 6mited �.;;��l.;��;.�;_.----
<br /> . . '- a,rra�ambk sttoeeeys'fees And costs ot titk evidenoe. `' '.,�},; -__--_
<br /> ..:� nn : . . , r
<br /> , �;. It t6e powa o�aale b inroked,Tn�ta shnU record a natiae ot drfanit in wch'ooanty in which sinq pprt ot tI� ,� u=
<br /> � ��. • pe+npe�is lacsted sod e6aU mail co�ies o!suc6 nMioe in the manner pn.gcribed by�pplica6k Iaw to Boriroper Aod to ''' :''•'�'-`--
<br /> - ' ' ttie at�es pe�som p�ibed bY applica6k Is�w.ARa tbe time nqulred by npplicable law,'j'ru�ta shrll aiva paWic�oNa .�:.:r-°a_
<br /> ol sde to the pe��o�1s�nd in tbe m�antr peescri6ed by appikabk fs�w.Tn�sta,without denwnd oe Bomnwer.si�A se0 ' �.�:..:+�:`:-�,,
<br /> � '' the ptope�ty at poblk andion to the hi6hest bldder at tlk time and plaoe aad onder the term+d�ted in t6e aaHce ot :,:'�R-;.:
<br /> � , sak io a1e or more p�+ceN and in any ot�der Ti�u�ta determtnes.Teu4tee awy pastpoae sWe o!ali or any p�rcel ut t1�e ': :`.--'..
<br /> � p rcel
<br /> ; ;:.; � p�pe�1Y bY pablic�nnouecemeot at t6e time and pl�+c at anY P��9 sc6edaled sate. Lender ar its de�pee msy � .
<br /> ,:,;:-:r, °� p�e,cl�e tbe Propesty at aay ade. .
<br />. -,- - ��,�.,�: . �. _,l,`��:.'--__-_..
<br /> x. �.-- .
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