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<br /> � Ci of Grand_Lland. Hsll Coan . Rebraaka _
<br /> -- • ' 79— .
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<br /> -�;=•`' y��T.�;�';OUNTY� �'� me, the undersigne�3, a Notary Public �in and �or safd !
<br /> :-�__� ' F Rosehewski of First FederalSavings
<br /> County PersonaliY dam¢ �. _
<br /> �s-.:-; Presideat a�didentical `
<br /> 2�nd Loan Association of Linwtn,to mepersonally known to b¢the -
<br />- , ��ti , person whose name is aff ix¢d to the abave release and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntaiy acc --
<br />° . and deed as such oNicer,and the votuntary act and d¢¢d of the said First Federal Savings and L.oan Associatbn .
<br /> ___ _ of L3ncoln. � L#tt�oln
<br /> - ' Wltn¢ss my hand and Notatial Seal aL --Nebraska.in said County the day and year iast
<br /> F ,
<br /> '.°: above written.
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<br /> :°, Aprf 1 ; ,19 g2. � .NotaryPubti�
<br /> - �Mt� -
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