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<br /> 1. Paymmta. Botrower agrees to make all peyments on the secured debt whtn due. Unless Borrower and Lender agree othe�wise,any payments Lender receives&om
<br /> Botrower or for Borrower's benefit will be applied first to any amounts Boirower owes on the secured debt exclusive of interest or principal,second to interest,and then to
<br /> principal. If partial prepayment of the secured debt occurs for any reason,it will not reduce or excuse any scheduled payment until the secured debt is paid in full.
<br /> 2. Claime Againat TiHe. Borrowet will pay all taxes,assessments,and other charges attributable to the property when due and will defend title to the properiy against
<br /> any claims which would impair the lien of this deed of trust. Lender may require Boirower to assign any rights,claims or defenses which Botrower may have against
<br /> parties who supply labor or materials to imorove or maintain the property.
<br /> 3. Insurance. Boaower will keep the property insured under terms acceptable to Lender at Borrower's eacpense and for Lender's benefit. All Insurance policies shall
<br /> include a standard mortgage clsuse in favor of Lender. Lender will be named as losa payee or as the insured on any such insurance policy. Any insurance proceeds may be
<br /> applied,within Lender's discretion,to either the restoration or repair of the damaged praperty or to the se�ured debt. If Lender reqaires mortgage insurance,Borrower
<br /> agrees to maintain such insurance for as long as Lender requires.
<br /> 4. Properfy. Borrower will kaep the property in good oonditian and melce all mpairs r�oneblY nooessaTY•
<br /> S.'• Lr=�. Borrawet agrees bo pay all L,endd�'e expemsea,including reasonable attomeys' fees,if Borrower breaks any covenants in this dced of m�st or in any
<br /> obligation secured by this deed of trust. Boirower will pay these amounts to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of trust.
<br /> 6. Prior Security Interests. Unless Botro���er first obtains I,ender's�i�ritten contest,Bocrower�rill not make or gernrit any chan�es to any prior security interests.
<br /> Borrower will perform all of Borrower's obligations under any prior mortgage,deed of trust or other security agreement,including Brnrower's covenants to make payments
<br /> when due.
<br /> T. Asaignment oT Renb and Profita. Borrower assigns to Lender the rents and profits of tt�property. Unless Boaower and Leader have agreed otherwise in writing,
<br /> Boirower may collect and retain the rents as long as Bwrower is not ia defauh. If Botrowet defautts,Lender,Lendet's agent,or a ' � v�er,�ay e
<br /> possession and menage the prc�ty and collect the reats. Any rents Lender collxts shall be applied Srst to thy,costs of aianaging tl� ,inch�P�otaE�and
<br /> atto�neys'fees,c�missio�a to rental agents,a�ci any other necessary related expenses. The remaining amount of rcnts will then apply to psyaiemts on the aectued debt aa
<br /> provided in Covenant 1.
<br /> 8. I.e�eeholds;Condomiotums;Plamed Unit Developmenta. Borrower agrees to comply with the provisions of any lease if this dced of hust is on leasehold. If this
<br /> deed of hvst is on a unit in a condomurium or a planned unit development,Borrower will perform all of Borrower's duties under the covenants,by laws,or regulations of
<br /> the candominium or planned unit development.
<br /> 9. Authority of Lender to Perform for Borrower. If Borrower fails to perfotm,any of Borrower's duties under this deed of trust,Lender may perform the duties or
<br /> cause them to be performed. Lender may sig:Borrower's name or pay an;�amounY if necesssry for performance. ?f any constcuction on the propert}�is discontinued or not
<br /> carried on in a reasonable manner,Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect Lender's security interest in the property. This may include completing the construction.
<br /> LC[1lICf-�J CGIIUIC(.0�)GI�Ulill W1II Il(�YICI:IUIIC LCI1lIC1"CIUIil CXCIl:1JII1�tilly urll`�UIIICI II�1�J WLLICl�lC ItiW VI Ltll`3 IICCI�UL IlUJL.
<br /> Any amounts paid by Lender to protect Lender's security interest will be secured by this deed of trust. Such amounts will be due on demand and will bear interest from the
<br /> date of the payment unUl paid in full at the interest rate in eYt'ect on the secured debt.
<br /> 19. Detault and Acoeleration. If Bortower fails to make any payment when due or brealcs any covenants under tlris deed of trust or any obligatioa sacured by this deed of
<br /> trust a any prior martgage or deed of hust,I.etider may accekerate ihe maturity of the seaured debt and demand immediate payment and may invoke the power of eale and
<br /> any other remedies permitted by applicable law.
<br /> 11. Requeat for NoHcc of Detanit It is hereby requested that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to each person who is a party hereto,at the address of each
<br /> such person,as set forth herein.
<br /> 12. Power of Sale. If the Lender invokes the power of sale,the Trustee shall fust record in the office of the register of deeds of each county wherein the trust property or
<br /> some part or parcel thereof is situated a notice of default containing the information required by law. The Trustee shall also mail copies of the notice of default to the
<br /> Botrower,to each person who is a paRy heteto,and to other persons as prescribed by applicable law. Not less than one month after the Trustee records the notice of default,
<br /> or two months if the trust properiy is not in any incorporated city or village and is used in fazming operations camed on by the trustor,the Tcustee shall give public notice of
<br /> sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee,without dennand an Botrower,shall sell the property at public auction to the trighest bidder. If
<br /> required�y the Farm Homestead Protection Act,Trustee shall offet the propecty ia two sepazste sales as required by apglicable lan�. Ttustee may postpone sale of all or any
<br /> parcel of the property by public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the property at any sale.
<br /> UyUIl ItwC1Y�Uf(74�'IfIGIl�UT WC�I1�:C�ll�TIU`3�CG'J�lilll 1�C�1VGI�U�1C YLLTI)t1t1�Cf TIU`J�CC�`J(It%�Vl7i1VC�'7L��1C�IUYCi'�y. �LC IGl:l�ltll`�WI1�lA3LCl1 lIl TI"WY�CC�`J 11CC(1`3}J4I1�G
<br /> pruna facie evidieace of the truth of the statements cantained therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)to ail expenses of the sale,
<br /> including,but not limited to,reasonable Trustee's fees,reasonable attomey's fees and reinstatement fees;(b)to all sums secured by this deed of trust,and(c)the balance,if
<br /> any,to the persons legally entiUed to receive it.
<br /> 13. Forecloew�e. At Lender's option,this deed of trust may be foreclosed in the manner provided by applicable law for foreclosure of mortgages on real property.
<br /> 14. InspecHoa Lender may enter the property to inspect it if I.ender gives Borrower notice beforehand. The notice must state the reasonable cause for Lender's
<br /> inspection.
<br /> 15. Condemnation. Boirower assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part oF the
<br /> pmperty. Such proceeds will be applied as provided in Covenant 1. Tlris assignment is subject to the terms of any prior security agreement.
<br /> 16. Waiver. By exercising any remedy available to Lender,Lender does not give up any rights to later use any other remedy. By not exercising any remedy upon
<br /> Borrower's default,Lender doss not waive any right to later consider the event a default if it happens again.
<br /> 17. doint and Severxl LiabiNty;Co-aigeets;Sucoeaaora�ed As�i�a Bound. All duties under this dced of trust are joint end acveral. Any Boirower who co-sigos this
<br /> deed of hvst but does not co-sign the underlying debt instruments(s)does so only to grant and convey that Boirower's interest in the property to the Trustee tmder thc terms
<br /> of this deed of trust. In addition,such a Botrower aarees that the Lender and any other Boirower under this deed of trust may extend,modify or make any other changes in
<br /> the tetms of this deed of trust or the secured debt without that Botrower's consent and without releasing that Boirower from the tem�s of this deed of hust.
<br /> The duties and benefits of this deed of trust shall bind and benefit the successors and assisns of Lender and Boaower.
<br /> 1& NoHce. Unless otherwise required by law,any notice to Borrower shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by certified mail addressed to Boirower at the
<br /> �nu�nzly aiklresa ur ruiy VUICI 2llJl�l"C:i�LLriL BUIIl7WC1"Ill1�1�1VCI1 W I.Ci1lICI. BIriTUWCl"WIII�1VC 71I1�'LUL11iC�U I.CIIIICI L)'I:CII1GCl1 ILtl1I LU LC11lICI��tllI(ITC`J'J Ull Yt1F7jC 1 �f LLia
<br /> deed of trust,or to any other address,which Lender has desigiated. Any other notice to Lender shall be sent to Lender's address as stated on page 1 of this deed of trust.
<br /> Any nohce shall be deemed to have been grven to Horrower or Lender when given in the manner stated above.
<br /> 19. Transfer of lhe Property or a Be�ficial Interest in the Borrower. If all or any part of the property or any interest in it is sold or transfemd without the Lendet's
<br /> prior written consent,Lender may demand'unmadiate payment of the secured debt. Lender may also demand immediate payment if the Boaower is not a natural person and
<br /> a beneficial interest in the Bortower is soid or ttansferred. However,Lender may not demand payment in the above situations if it is prohibited by fedetal law as of the date
<br /> of this deed of trust.
<br /> 20. Recomeyance. When the obligation secured by ttris deed of trust has been paid,and Lender has no fuRher obligation to malce advances under the instruments or
<br /> agreements secured by this deed of hvst,the Trustee shall,upon written request by the Lender,reconvey the trust property. The Lender shall deliver to the Borrower,or to
<br /> Boaower's successor in interest,the trust deed and the note or other evidence of the obligation so satisfied. Boirower shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 21. Succeasor Tnutee. Lender,at Lender's option,may remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee by first,mailing a copy of the substitution of trustee as required
<br /> by applicable Iaw,and then,by filins the substitution of trustee for record in the office of the register of deeds of each county in which the trust properiy,or some part
<br /> thereof,is situated. The successor trustee,without coaveyance of the property,shall succced to all the power,duties,authority and tide of the Trustee named in the dced of
<br /> trust and of any successor tnistee.
<br />