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<br /> -- . _ < , � .
<br /> — � t{a�s L. lohnsan and tMaudie Jofinson, Hus6and arid Wife � � �
<br /> � ' Nebrsslca '
<br /> �t tLt�"� •�'�' aad 6tah oL, `_ u..,.�s.it..N�t�s.�a�qr d�M lir�t pal,L1
<br /> —_---_ a�WrMiaa dt-'� T�entv_Five 'EhausandfVi�etY Five and 50/1a�-------------------=---nns.�.ww�
<br /> - is Mi r�a, �`ye'wJ sti�.��II a�d eaaw�I ds t1�H�lidaai it�tas�Laf Aaut�fta�_�E tte*d Li�d►
<br /> - fiea�i Lvtl.!(i�i�,atd ifs wo�oes aad aai�,f1�e t�IIawtos tMl�.�bd i• Hall �r .
<br /> =:;-_� • .
<br />-'�:`"� - Nehraska � ' • `
<br />::.�:�, �.��'d � .�olli� . . . , ..
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<br />���_�.-3'f . . �•:-..':_� . _ ' . " • .' --
<br /> Lot Seir�iteen (17), Cast.ie'.Estates Subdivision, Ha�l County`, Nebraska.� _
<br /> �4• _ . , ( - __
<br /> _ .; _ _ .. _ .. , i ` . . ---- —
<br /> __ _' ' ������ , . , . . ... . � �r � . '�. _ . � �»-
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<br /> 1bptLr!with�II fW�p�aea��b�►�:�II eo�nb in aII t1�e titie 11�eds�wlth said t+dll lda1�. �� ':
<br /> ` s�d dl!Le:an0�,iw��nd De'dta asldaL tLe�[kam a�ee.!i�iiWt�s D�°ema�ce o!�co�as�t ac o�Won�a.eoa- � : .
<br /> n
<br />. �#�t..:,Z'.. .�'��� YY1s Wvswvt��j� �.C��.�IIj P���'�J!'���iW!�� , . ., ., . . ' _ �-.'_ .
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<br /> � ��t,����Je�aeas�iiw 3?��1 +�L�� �� �: ..:• , 'l '.. �._
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<br /> ^s �z� 11�01i.�!mC�1.�ina 1�!!N!!!d��i � � . ';+Yt^'.-:.�cr�f:
<br /> -� . y� � Seoa�b To bep ol bai�iaP t1�et�aa�ed aPia�t 1oa b7 ffi+e.U�htn�B and taenado�t tosne oomDa�.to be ap �l •r�";'
<br /> ..`.:� �;r• �.;
<br /> "y�tc�lbd.b�tila�ald Home 1�'!d���1lA lo LORn A�oetdlon ot(isind Llaoa i�e tlu amt oi����Q`�-S�_-. tae ,��".,�-�;•'_`_-
<br /> •z , L : . • ° `�. � -
<br /> � ,, � tlrs beaelit at tba wW 1�arodatian.�ad its a�oeRaes ar ad�: uid to depodt s�10�da wlth s�W Aaoelstion.a��aII not �., . ..��...r
<br /> • � ooandt ar aa!!er�qr waite an ald ye�mi�eR snd sLalt 1� �1�D�aW se�t eshte buildia�aad�Sny�o�aeabr in�ood . ��' _�
<br /> ae�dle ' ; ��_'-
<br /> +-..nr_
<br /> z, �' '. '' � ` ' - -
<br /> ' y "_' T�irh. To pq cs wnre ta 6e W��tUe'Sane Fed�sat Sa�4 Laaa Aaoclstion ot Grand 3s7ma.its
<br /> ...�6c`>.� . iLa �q�Q�Ol�at
<br /> .; .
<br /> � , �.
<br /> �. .-:
<br /> " '�a°.;:'� ' Tuentv Five Thasuand Nznev Five and no/10d---------------------�OS,LAAS4 ' ' -'� , -
<br /> .�• ,,- �or,tbs s�rm ut� , - -
<br /> .'"`'i;�., yy�ie as lollowi: , -
<br /> t� - • - . -
<br /> .. _ - ,_ i • . . .-
<br /> ' ' "' ` Que On Octaber 26, 1991 ' "
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<br /> . . :��.t��t'"�"r ' _
<br /> • ."F'�°� ;_' � wlBa intes�t tbet�eon pi�Dle.aaeoMiaB to the tenor aad eKeet o!tLe oue cr�in fi:at moits+�e aote ot said m�artpt�. . .
<br /> � � � � �.� a.te.�s� s��«�s.. � �ts �a bona a�,� �e�,c �t�a �e��r� v�ce�e � �,�. ..
<br /> .,.s � , it.da ta:a ama.sra�e�.re not�atd.�ea aae�or ii the baitalaa oo�iia Dna�es,re aoc lasurea a.�bove pro- = ..
<br /> �ded,or it s�4 d iiid iatere�t L aot paid w�es dus.then safd M►hole debt�hau became dne immed�tel9,at ffie optlon oi the
<br /> ' � a�Anaelatlon,�sd�Lan lUeeeaiter draw interaR at ffie sate of niae per eant ver aannm. � � ..:, -
<br /> •:. n
<br /> • . ��`;`�?.'.� 3'he mostt��a�heceb� ,-��a s to s�id moit�a�tee all sent� and ineame � at any aAd �11 tima imm ala i ,
<br /> • _ 1':�f.- p�opert�and berabr antbaelse stid 1��t�Y�or its ate�,�c iti o��, � a�r.�at.�o w�a �a �»�a �o�v �na ' f .:.;;.'�:�;:',:
<br /> � s �, ,�• ;' eo]lect ill sent�aad iacnme theretrbm atW aDDxy'tbe iame to t6e p�ment oi lnter�t, lsrinMW�1� ixu�aace Drem�nms.taxe+� � �"�.:��'`s�;:�.:'-.
<br /> -. -- """-:` .-''.`_,,.'-':t' �wa�enb, reDair� os impsovemeats neeeua=9 to 1[eeD arid propert!ia unaatab2e aanditton. ac b� ak�cr cbaicsas ac Day- �.�_..`.°�..:., �.--
<br /> ,.�,:,. . ; f,�i `
<br /> •`��• � ' :�i.• meah Dro�ided fa htnln os in tne note nereby ucurcd. TL�reat�ad�ame�eh�li coatiaae in Z�ce antri the nnyaiQ b�l� �. ;
<br /> ��3•i<•• =
<br /> �,� � •. �aoe ot s�id aote L inll�D� �talda8�P�on bereaades�U in no manaes D�ent at�+etud eald mortpt�� I : ,.�;;�;:.
<br /> • �,a4. . . � tLe e�otfe�ctl`a�a. ot aia wor bs fa�+eclowre o:etirerwbe. i
<br /> �,li iA`,•• • n06f Wi�id Aebt beoomes dne by Lyre ot time� os bf re�wn oi tt�e taltm�e o!tbe D�st7 oi t6e firiR yat to oompl� �
<br /> ,ir'��':�:.. . wit�sns condltlo�Lere�o.�e�aid 8ome Federal SavL��Lo�n A�soci�tlan ot Graad I�land.t�he weceMaes'and a�d�m. ; .
<br /> � � ,
<br /> . •-;.� � _ � . �il liare f,�e�bt to be�the forecloetnr ot tbia mortBaBe st m�oe an�tbe�oAe deb! benDY eee�e�. and to ineinde � . .
<br /> '�''!=�`'�".�. "��''' . th�ia all tanes.�me�4, iasutance premiuma and costa.Va:d b� i� os t�e�: or said Aasociat3on. its tuceessois or �
<br /> ' r-�.:.. ..,,_ ta11
<br /> tic:i'.;p5"~ �- :' � arl�,mq toreclae on$► aa to the eutn paet due, wlthout in;�ry ta t�1s �or�ge, or tho d1sDLcement or impajsment _ t
<br /> '��:'k� '': o!the llen tLcreoL .. �
<br /> ' ��'•��''• And We�id llset D�rtY and the m�eea o!said aote�esDecl�]tY agree�ad dee�ate tl�t the aeD�te esbte o!eae6 ana +� ��•
<br /> .��?��"`I,, � e�er� ane ot them, inctudin8 bMA tt�at now owned and that here�tter u9u1sed. is yledSed and bonnd for We p�,ymm!e! , � ,
<br /> '� '-,,-:� .. ;`• th�deb� barebr ucue+ea. � . �
<br /> . - •.._ �_. .; :,,:;;:. �
<br /> . .,�; ..:-.• : Atter t6e ooaunmeament o!�n7► suit in fom�lasnre the nl�intlff t6ereia shall be entitled to tbe immediate poraidon at •
<br /> �����:�.�� ': sdd�s+�mbe�s md tbe sD1���ot a neeirer therefos�notwltWt�adinB theY may►be thn homeatead o!the occnpaat and � .
<br /> ' � aalwltlu�andint the.D�a]i�ble for the debt m�Y be�alTent,an�l the t�t p�rlY becebf coa�ents to the appoWtme� o!'a . t
<br /> .. ,�_.� _ _ RaeeWer uparn the peadnetioa oi t�is indentnre, wi�aut-athee evidenc� - -- .
<br /> � . � 1'he iaeetdnt eondition�and a�eeement�. a11 ane �ia8alar.bdnt=ull�D�o�.tLis convey�ace�batl be rolA,olhto- . .
<br /> :�,.•.� � w1M to b�aad rem�la ia fn11 face aad eft�ct. :
<br /> � . '.. ; � .. g�;�,a 22nd a� M Jul ,. �=-g� ;
<br /> . , ..,. .
<br /> ' 1n praenee ot
<br /> ' . ..... . ,
<br /> _,.. _._._-._�:y_.--- -- -
<br /> _ _ -- _ _ . _ . - - - s►L. 3o r� - --
<br /> , : �. ' • � �-,�n-s��e./ . :
<br /> : �.. :. ,:
<br /> , . � . ' .
<br /> Plaudie Johnso
<br /> _ .., _.. --- --- ,... _._ . ... ._- . .._. _ _ ._ -- --- - - -
<br /> -- -- __ . .. _ . .__ , � .
<br /> .�:.:'. _ �. . . � -
<br /> . . � �
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