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<br /> - Deed a(Tcact dred �Y'�6• ; " -, 1991 rDeeQ ot Terw`1 w be arwd+a.
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<br /> - ,� 8�curitF Eadfic Tinaaaial S�rriv�� o� ia lac. l'���y
<br /> act�o�rk�e dre it ia ade�iood ti�c[al taq Deea af Tna a be aec�led bFr T�a�e ia s awc dad aad mc a ma�e aad(b?�e Pc�es b1'sde P��
<br /> tot ia ffie,Deed a(Tt�t plori0es s�baa�r�r�����m tAe Tswmr th�e a mntaye m tbe e�at a�wlc a bieae�ot a0ii/1io�. �
<br /> . ,. <: ,
<br /> Ts�lot�dmo�ted�e�lh�t th's�wt s�e pia t�tLe s��iav d the Deod at Trop. . , .
<br /> �� Julk � ` .ts 91-_: -
<br /> � Fao�d�oa ae�eesed t� �►°� � -
<br /> � -
<br /> . �. � � �� .
<br /> - � . , 7�awreaca D. Palacs ,
<br /> -- � • . . . T �' e E. Faltas . ' ..
<br /> - , - TRUST DEED - .. - _ �
<br /> ,_. , . ., , ... �
<br /> �, - --- � -------.__�_.�. ___._ . _. . - -- --�- —
<br /> - -- � ---�-- -_ _-------- �--- = .. : : -,
<br />: �'- �. THIS DEED OFISU51:maee aa0 rntece�iaw th's 26 -��,;���y-- • - 9 Y�
<br /> � b,yao��� Larrence D. Palaaz and Jac eliae,�ur.ana �"F.���ia..�nsgre__++� Compau�y ,7?usooa
<br /> FaT�c�, ns aa e
<br /> t-" ,�p Se+cdsily Paeific Pinaucial Services of I���y�!c ` . , •
<br />-:�.'� - • .
<br /> °�; � :
<br />--:� Wf1'NEb5E7i��"�t'2Ue Tiastor,das bY tNae Pesamc�aat. ��pia aad s+d:.c��eY aod ceafinri �'P�er af Sak aato tbe 7iu�iee
<br /> me {dloMi�derr�cd'Ral Esi�e i�e.bsd'a� alt bn�dinP� �R��aad fam¢ss a5 eMery kic�t n.iv ut 6n+citer em1M er ptiud aa t�e
<br /> ° •''• �e�l ea�si�ed ia Hali . . . County,in t6e State ot NeOa�tC
<br /> •..; . .
<br /> =�: - , .
<br /> t _
<br /> iat 68 in Belmont AdBftion to the Citp of Grand Zsland, Ra�il Couaty, ttebraska. _.-�
<br />. !".=
<br /> . ' ' �.-.
<br /> . ��;
<br /> ;;• . _ . —
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<br /> • _ m0 po�esaim of sswd�v«9���iveRd unto said Truata: .
<br /> �^ ..
<br /> ; , �:
<br /> ' 7�Q HAVE A1�Lr3NOlA the s�me.wiQ��ll riehu.Orivik�ea,aad�ppurtenances tticreto bela�ging c:ssa slie Tnueeq hiaexccuWrs.�6dn. �'
<br /> � '� � �ad as+�i�m faev+n.An4�trustor hefebl�e�essiy w�ives.reteasex anQ ceC�nquisMs wco�e Traccee all r.�:c.titte.chum.inttrcs�benefit an�i�stak whatevc�
<br /> •� in an0 W the above-des,.�ed ptoperty and ach and erery patt thereof.which 1s given hp ca results fmr-�a:l��wa oE the Sta�e ot t�(e�r+slw OMaielaR to ttx
<br /> pcemption of homestead.And the Trustor covrnants with the trustee that he wi0 Coaver v��rant rmd Cefend the titte W the s�n�e tpinsi'tM IaRfhl claims
<br /> �., of a110�'a�bamsoever.
<br /> ._ +
<br /> -i"'
<br /> � k.
<br /> IN TRUS?H�WEV�R,for the fdtowlns describeQ p�uposef To secure futl and DroTpo peeformance ot all Ihe terms atd conditions of that
<br /> - � ❑ ReroWingta�n AErcemrnt of even date hete�v:th tincluding particutaAy,but smeeufcsur�y.prc�myt payment of aJ�s whlch arc or m�y becoelo �
<br /> ��' �bkfromtir.r.cotimethercunder)whichRevdvingl.aanAgnemenenbtigutes&rcr`'y-:���.��:ectto�hecanditionssta:e�thercirt.toaQv;incetoTrustor �f .
<br /> , ap to! .ptus fircuxo and other charaes Isaid Reec�Fcing Loan Agrtmefst�L t�r:�.r.::.fcee rclernd w as'nou'1.{on �
<br /> _ � Note of eren date herewith.in Ihe princiDat sum o1 U.S.S 6127.6T payubtc in monthty installm�nts of prinCipN a�@ i�t::�es�with tht �. .
<br /> balanca ai the indebtednas.if not sooner pald due and payabte on JU19 30 ,�q96,and;u�y e�tensiuns.renewals.modificatioes
<br /> ;•
<br /> . . a reAe�ncln�s theneof. • i •
<br /> t
<br /> . �.
<br /> :,'�>;t i
<br /> •-� - ---�.�-7,::� �- i.._
<br /> ' �,�� � ft i�apred by and bet+veen parties henew that until fititfa of Notice�+P Ikfault.the Trustor shalL•11►pay all Present and Wturc tazes and assessments. .
<br /> - ,�.. �enet�)aad apecial,�inst said properly before the�vmr 6ecame�Qellnquent or actionablr.t21 keep�11 impmrements erccted on the tand ireured a9 may br ;
<br /> aa
<br /> ;;,� . ¢quUed from time to time by brneficluy apimt tuss by fire aad other hatards,caswltties and conNnaencie�in snch nmounts und fur such pemxfs a9 are
<br /> ieasonabk�nd m�y be rcquircd by 6enefieiary.and to teep all policies of such insurrnce in force or tflecl upun the propen}hettie described constant�:usigied ;
<br /> � ';' and Qeli�•e[ed to benefic�ry:(3)�y and comply�rith all the trtw aaJ roadidc�os of anyr lie�t claim or indebtedness that may 6e senior to or tsske precedeact �
<br /> • ' � �'-'� orer thi�7nut iktd a►soae as afir suth pagmenl on vr ot suc�lien.eL•eim ur ittOeDtM•ness st�ll become due::uid upon ktiture i�i?nuror to kcep�n}said i'
<br /> �teenkAts beee0ciuy e1•ry psy such ti�,p�y fot iuch iasunACe or paY o!/such Iletr.t w citims nt indeDteJness n3 tAe case may be.and the money so exDended.
<br /> " :. __.� _� �- s�itkii�nt4'+�pecsttau�s�allNtsecatedt�YthicTnatt7reA,andehetruswr,a�emswcep:s�r�samrypuedemandattduAonfailuntodosothehaCu�ce =--
<br /> , i��3�,��' ot the aimchtd nom sh�11 become immedt�tely Aue at�ptiyabk at the option ot Ne bene�riary:141 ipec�Gcatfy cunfer up�m tfie Trusfer ihe power o!saIE . �.
<br /> '•�`��::�•� as proviQed in lYebrasla L�w:(S)ret�in possesswn at the prcmises aed collect�he renm attct rcvennes thercfrum
<br /> - t:..,��r•� _ .. - - - - -- - - - - . . _.. _ _ _ - - -- _ _ ._ <- � - - - -�
<br /> . '����' 20170-0101!E` ` , t .
<br /> :. �':, OAItilNAL
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