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<br /> .�i�'{'I,�.'a � .
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<br /> TUGG7t't fi '�vl t i i nil c�sc imp�oremants now or hereavter erec!cd on the property, and ait easemenas, appunenuKe+, and
<br /> fi<n::cs nav. cn c�ca*,':cr a pan of :he pmperty. RII repluemer.0 aad additions shall xiw tx m�crcd by lhia Sxudty .
<br /> w Inivv.r�o�e. A11 c[�he furcgoing is re(mcd ta in thi:Seeurity Innn�mCnt as th<"Pcoperty •
<br /> � ?;:)+toi1`;v ER CnVENACiTS�ha:Berro^+ver is lawfnity seised of th�estate hcteby convcyed m4 hu the righ:to grant and
<br /> . :.� i'�e vropcm :uid ah,� tl,c Prepeny is �nenc�mbered, ezrept far c�:cumbranca of eecord. Fior�owsr wanants and will -�
<br /> s:ro-;:�. �v "c;itla to�1�;P!o,�rty a3ains:att claims anG dnnands. n�Cjcct to any rncumbrar.us c[rtrord. �. +�
<br /> ��iil5 :.(���VR:�i t' ItifiTRLi;�+.EN7' comlincs cniform covenan7s for na[ional uu :uxl rwn-uniform coveiuncs wiU tim'ard �
<br /> � �.�.�:noc� '.. ..r� n:tiun ;o con.tSm;�a unifnrm seririty ir,e.rument cevr,;ing reat pcoperty.
<br /> �•SIF; r tit C?�v��,.1\I'S. R<�;rox�cr and l.cnder covcnant xnd a,r,n^e an followa: yr
<br /> .�; L :s:•.ni:nt o" 4'ri�cipsi anct Inzeres2; Prepayment un� Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the p
<br /> N;�, �..i,.^i of�:�-i m;errc,nn C.c deb�evide�c-d by t}�e tdott a�any prcpaymrnt and faie charge due under the Note. �
<br /> �. f us�.0 fe�r Tos:c�c end in,ur,mce. Sub}ect te aoplicahle taw or to a u�ritten waivtt by Lendar, Borrower shall pay :o �� -
<br /> {�i 4-r ca t'�� �":� n .�;�.�.`�.`y p.ry;rcntc.+ce due under tbe Nmc, ontil Hec Noe,•.is paid in fult,a sum("Fands')for. (a)7•cnrty tazes CJ
<br /> ''a v<e<sc�. r�s�.hich s�. � t„in n;iocrv ever this SevR:rity in.atiume�it as a iirn on lhe Property; (b)yearly IcttcholQ paynx�ts le'�'
<br /> . _..:.� � � c�,':c r: , .�-,., i�;,�.�� t � ecn:l}� �..:z�d os propeny inscrance promiums:!d)Yeady �oerd insvance pctmi�ms.
<br /> : . . r i....r ly ort._a;,r ir.nrra�co yremiame. if any; and (Q any suru payable by Herrowrr to I.ttWer. in aec^rdance with
<br /> c��`s '
<br /> ��,ror.�ei pa a rap'; fi, in !:eu oi th:payment of n�,ort3age ia�urance premiums: These items are ealled 'Fscrow;:am,.'
<br /> "" '? ..__ . .nz�„ a! �u �irn�, co{icce and ico'd Funds in an amount no: ro azettd the ma�imum amount a lender foc a federally
<br /> ���: �.�orv,ec� oa� rt�.ay crquirc for �o:ro«r.'s cs;mw acwunt nnder tte federal ReJ Estate Setqement Proccdurev pet of
<br /> . .. ra.;mnde6 froc� timr. te un:e, 9'. U.S.C. S..^c:i�n 2C-0S a seq. ('RESPA"), unlas another law that applies ro the Funds
<br /> �, 'r.ssrr an;ount. i( �. Lenc^r r.iay, at any :idie, a�liec: and hold Fnnds in an amoun[ not ro uued the les.ter amount.
<br /> , ''' .. .:::: c.�.t �a'�_ :i. �r.;ay.r o!£�br,ds dv� o� the basis of currcnt data ar+,C reuonablc eseimata of e!cprn�imza of famre
<br /> a;:_•s r c ;_^z�=,c r.�wcc��da_ncc mirh applicatiie➢aw. e-
<br /> „_ , � �.,:;7 t�. rc!d in ar ir.sr.mtion NScse Leposits are ir,surcG by a federal agency, ins!rvmrntality, or a�ticy �.�
<br /> , �.,_ �I ! r, ii i,c,�.i i. zse,an isstitution)c;in any Fedcra! Hoir,c I.oa��Ga�k. Lender sLall spply the Funds to pay the
<br /> .. ..,. .- ..�:r;r n � . a.ar,c°ecruwcr for eolding nnd �pp�ying;he Funda, an�uaify analyzinp,the escrow account, or :
<br /> _ ,... . ;;e ,,, � ,};ss 7.r_ns°r pnys Bo o� ��_ icte:er:on ?he Pe;As ard applieabie lxw permits Lender to make such �
<br /> �. �F� cevcr. Le,c;er mar r,quire Bormwer�a .�zy z ore-r.me charge ior zn indepeM!en:tta! estate eaz reponing service
<br /> .. , _ _ .,, :or,� . :an r.�tu thi; Ios.. �n;c.s r,pp?�c;.51e law ;n�4�idcs othervri�e. Unloss an ag:ecmrnt is madc or
<br /> ' .� ... . . e,,.��.:rts i�tc cst e�bc pid. Lcnd:r st��li nat Ix requi:ed m Fay 3ot:owcr an}� iaterest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> � . , _, .. �, 1 c�.ic; m��v -gr:c �:: wri;ing. h< .vcvcr. that interat s�ait :re paid en ttie 8ands. Lender shall gi��e to Bonowcr,
<br /> ��. �_ . ...n�.il ccoan5ng of ihe Pcnds, shnwin� cre�iis artd drbiis to the Funds and the pu�pose for which tach
<br /> . . .,_ n�_s c..;raa��. The�-ur.�;s are picGged as aGditienai security (o:all sums sxured by this Soccrity(ru!mment.
<br /> .,_ � < :�;;d 'ay i_zndcr ezceed:`e araovcis permitteu to be�etd by anpiicable law, Levder ahall aeroone to FSorroxror
<br /> �c eac�s� '�i r.u:+ ;r. �ccorda�ce :v;[h [ne reqai;emen[s oi apolicabic law. 1f the uaount ot the Fumis heSd by 1.er,der at any
<br /> t. ��. ,;;et ;:;if:,ier.t t�:�- � �^ Escrow i,cros when�ve, Yznder mxy so noti;y Eorrower in wridng,and, in a:�6 ease Borrower �
<br /> .�t pap �� �encer :nc amo;:nt ncr,est�ry to mrk°., vp d�e dc icieacy. Bcrrowcr shall m�e up the defir,icmry in tw more th,^.n �
<br /> !. ��< racm;l�iy nay�i�nt=, z.t :..en�er's s�l Cicec:!ion_ .
<br /> '�-,.:�:, a :�_r.: ir, �i,t' oC ::1 s• t sca.s^¢ hv this Security lns�mnen�, C.ender shall pmmptty m(und ro Borrower any �
<br /> ;.�:;,i �. i,cr-!c;. il � der p��,agrap5 21, i�nder sheli acquirc or scll�te Property. L.eeder, prior?o the acquisi[ion or sale
<br /> c�- . . ^rnr .''::�I an�Jr �nrv Fu�ds hels' hy Lcndec a[ the tim�o(acyuisition or snle at a crcdit against the svms seeured by
<br /> � ,� .._,i,;� It ' r�:�n�::rL �
<br /> ',. A;,�rc.itien uf 3'xymenis. Un es.. .�pplicabL law Pruviaes othens�ise, all paymcnts rcr.eived by A.cncier undu paragrapiis .
<br /> 1 :�c;d 2 s!� �� ��. . ���.i^..;. ti�ci, ro rny rr�pxyment eha�gs due, under the Note; second, te amowts payablo under paragrap!:2; �
<br /> . . .;L io in!erest dur: '.ounh, to principai duc;znd last, to any tam charges due under the No:e.
<br /> +. Cl,..__�_:. ,.xzns. Borro�,cr shai! yay s�i n ��s, :ic,cs�;m.ents, rhargct, !iees and impositions atMbutable w thc Pcoperty
<br /> ..r; u•-�. ��.i� ;:nor�.t;�over r'r,is <<.c�n�in ir,st*ur:en!, ar.d Ie:asehaid pa}m^.rts or ground rents. if anj. Bortower sh:il' pay ,
<br /> i^� �.ir: C�r .=..r.�.. nzr.v o�d n pa�agap`�?, r,r�f not�aiu in the, mar.ner. Borroecr shall pay them or time direaly
<br /> {e.> > �cd�n�a , .�.. �3>�ro�r.cr sha.l p•empt:y Ivrnish tn Ler.d^r a!1 noticcs of amounts to br paid uado� this paragraph.
<br /> .,-��.:cr t �_... I`:4Il1Cp(¢ll'f�:�J. IIfi:TO�ACT SIl?.i:j1fOP1PIIY fU[IIISII ID IA'RAGT ICCCIPSS Cl�!dencing the payments.
<br /> �i;o;u .��r hzP,��.�romntly dischar�e any Iien which has priority ove!this S^_curiry Instrvment unlc.cs Butrorver. (a)ngrces in
<br /> r w-�iinv in ��.c ps:ym;a� of cre obiicatiou ucured by Lhe litn m a manner:!ctcp[abit tu Lender;(b)comests in gcwd faith tht lien
<br /> "� ry or ,b::f_ . +�,cs,� i.n�nrcemr.^.f of thc :ien in. le��l pn,ccodings whi:h in the Lendrr's opinion nperate lo provont [he
<br /> , ;� :���ecmn,r of d,r Ilen; nr !cl srcurec from the holder of�he lien an agrcemem sa!is(actory to L.endrr subordinating �he lien ro
<br /> . ,�� lia Secun-� hu!n�ment. I(Lencter deterTines that zny part ot the PraE+eny is yubject ro a lien which may attain pnoriry ovrr
<br /> i: �-_�.:::r I �.�s�.n:recr.t. Lender may eive Rnrrower a no!ic^_ iAentifyino the licn. Bo:rower shall sa:is(y the lien or ta�Ce one or
<br /> „ ;r r e uf t'. � .ior.s sn (nn!i abave aiti�i� ;0 Z3ys of the giving of notice.
<br /> Fam 3028 9180
<br /> �';"?-C�i!' .,,.�ra r>�.xcra � '_'—_'
<br /> ��ue
<br />