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FILE:99-2168 9 9 �,Q,7�E 0 <br /> EXHIBIT"A" <br /> A tract of land comprising the Southerly One Hundred ltivo and Five Tenths (102.5) feet of the Northerly <br /> Four Hundred 1�velve and Five Tenths (412.5) feet of all of Lots Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), 'Irventy <br /> (20) and the East Half (El/2) of Lot �venty One (21) all in Sass Subdivision, situated in part of the <br /> Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4 NEl/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township (14), <br /> Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> Form 8otlwan bv AutomsLd R�al E�fab S�rvio��_Ino_ 1Aee.99e.12os oo.��ii i ea��aa <br />