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<br /> - 48. ADOR�SS dF�BOR[tO�ERS. Borra+srs ,raqwst that� capies of sll, notic�s ; --
<br /> _ __ � . !� provided�hsrein De sent.Co Sor��rers' address, which -!s: . ; ` � - ? .
<br /> �:� �i � � . .. < < . ' i
<br /> 3�i48�Schroeder Avenue
<br /> _ _ ��- z� . - �6rat�d istand, NE �3 � . . � , _ -
<br /> _- � -�� ,. . �
<br />_ °'� , 1� 18.` � DUTIES AND O�UGATIOliS'OF TR!)STfE. .ta) TI� duties and o�ligstions �
<br /> 4i of.Trustee sha�l be detertii�ed solely by t�e express provisions of thls 0�
<br /> - �f; of •TrusL end lrustee sh�l l not be l i�bte excaPt fcr the porfcr'�snce of such ;
<br /> - t�� duLt�es and obtigatioris as sre specifica'!ty set forth hsretn, �and no i�pllad i..
<br /> - � i: coveaants or ubli�►ttans shali be :f�posed upon Trustes; ibj Ro�provisions cf.+
<br />��.4`j�� :�� �; this Deed.Q� 4�ust sha11 requlre Trastee to expend or r9sk hfs a+n funds, or { _ _
<br /> • _i �, otherwise inc�� any fi�anaisl obllgat3oR in the perforniance of any af his � �-
<br /> - �� ',� dutfes herecmder; or in the exerciss of any af iLs �ights or poMa�:. �f it. � =;�_
<br /> �� -' - -
<br />� - �� shaii h�tve ground� for believing that the �epay�nent of suct► �nds ar .�ate`:• �;-;_�-�_
<br /> � �� inde�nity ag�inst such risk or liability fs nat` reasonabiy assured ta �t:; tc� : �y�""�
<br /> '. T�sEee n�ay consuit wlth counsel of his nwn choosing� and ths;adv.it.� �. ,sucte. . �'��
<br /> �,':�-_°
<br /> � .,.-��: ` `� counsel shali be fuli and ca�ptete autfta�ization aRd pratect�ar�1ri tf�e..respect ; ��:='�:
<br /> .; ."�.,-
<br /> . ��t=� —
<br /> ��. : - ' :' o��:�y actfon taken or suffered by it he�eunder in gaod faa�b and reliancz ��.--
<br />'�.. r<< �':., . : . � i; �._.
<br /> : _ ;,� �E�e�eon; (��_ Trustee slia�� nct be liable for any action taice�,.by h1� in` good R _
<br /> .:, }_:i-�� - '; fai"tTr arid reasonably bg��eved by hi�-t.c be-author#zsc!-or wit4�x� ths discretfoca ; �:
<br /> , c,���f���.` , �; or rights QiF �ers coroferred upon h1M by this Deed of Trust. � � : �� � "�.
<br /> �` � ��f ,t ` :. ' _�l . . . . ° "' - 1 _ t:` � _-- -
<br /> .., .
<br /> �,�; - -:. • � _ � :� , 20., '`.� BOR�OItERS' �IGi�i'fS. � tJntt} the saTe�or t�a p�apsrttas; Wts�t�ntr-Lo ; . _
<br /> � 'i`'•�`�� ' ' •� �i the.poKer of sale contained hereln, the Borru+rers, their success�ars and � �' ° �.
<br /> �-__:��'-1` :�� . : � �i and receive the rents and � ��:. , . �'_ .--
<br /> -:� n:r.� . �; assi8ns, shal t :possess and en�oy the Prcperty, .. ' - �""""`
<br />, � ��'.:�';:� '. ;; prafits thetefran. Upon payment af all su�s .ses.�Ped� by this Deed a�: Trust, � � l; .. . __a
<br /> �....xF - Y. I•f: -..
<br /> � - 4;�.,tz:,.�",: , " : Beneficiary sha11 requast Trustee to reconvey� tt����operty and shail snerrender , r • __—
<br /> �;.����,; _ �� .t�n�s Qeed of Trust and all notes evidencing i�c��ess secured by �li�is Oeed � j =-
<br /> - • . ` '. ��.�'irust ta t�ustea. :T,r�rstee shall detiu�� su�h .�romissory� n,ot� aod Deed of i � —__
<br /> � �?-��`��. .. � :: Trust to Trustorl�rra�rs and shall recoxivsy #i e�Prape r tY w�i t h ou t Marran ty � � ��
<br /> . .� . �The �ra�tee 1 n'; �- '.:^=�. '.��--
<br /> N��;�� � � , :� a n d w i t h o u t �.r 9 e to .�the p ersons le gally entit��`?theretQ: ��
<br /> �.;�'y,�� . any reconve��a may be descritred as "the person �:r.�ersons entitle� ��sreto," ( ' � .'.�`�__
<br /> "�' ��'`�� . �� and the rec;C,sls therein of any matters or facts s'h�ll be conclusive �rroof af ; ' ?�:
<br /> ����- �� � � the truthfulness thereaf. Such persan or persons shall pay all "`costs _�f i i`
<br /> ���" - recording,. if any. . ; l: _.�. y
<br /> ...�. . __ � .
<br /> • - � 21. GENERAI PR�VISIONS. (a) This tleed of Trust apDlles to, Tri;res to ; ;• • ��r� �
<br /> � �� "� � the benefit uf, and binds all partles hereto, their heirs, �srsonal : � • . "$°-=--
<br /> - �;�^ ' � representatives and assigns. (b) The tec�n "Beneftciary" shall mean. ��fa owner i . � , •� -= �
<br /> 1 T4_�
<br /> - � � ' arrd holder (i�cludin� a pledgee or ass�gnee) of any nota. �ec:�reif hereby,-I [, � .
<br /> - -- °� ,� Nhe�her or, not nanied .as Beneficiary [i�r,$in. (c) Where�c��. �e Ccntext so - � �
<br /> '- � . ;i requires, tl� masculine gertder irci�des z(� feminine and tteuter, �f�e singutar � ; . . : �'t�, _.
<br /> ` .; -� '• ��•. AUt11I'1B1' incT�;�es the plural, as+r� vfce �rersa. CG) Captions aRd p.�ragraph � : . . . .
<br /> . • ' headings usgd herein are for ��nvenf�rt�a vnly, _�are rtot a parC, �P this ! ' . �, ����s
<br /> � ": � " agreement, and �ha11 net be used in certs�ving 1t. if more than ene �etson is ; i '�'z�'° "'
<br /> '� _�" ' � r�aareif as trusto�/Barrower, eacti obligatian of Trustor/Borrower shali be tt�e..;.. : ^ "'� ��
<br /> �:.. j:;�: ����t and several obligation af. each such person. The rights ar remeai�s�:� . < . . ` .
<br /> . : �..: _ .. .
<br /> � :
<br />--- ------�,�=�---.�. . _ _. granted hereunder,, or by laa, sholl not be exclusive but sha11 be� ��rrect , � ��
<br /> __ - --------:, _ __ _
<br /> .� . .•;. • �c�d c�muTa��ve. . -- _. _ . _.
<br /> � • '... ,
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