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<br /> � C!]O�q1MIKjp1!�1'Ct�lli`1�Wa Of��L��'�•Of faL CQ1YE�lY7G Itl�IGitl�COli�G111llitlall.�1�.'�f�C��� . ..
<br /> � , ���fC�10�.CII�!'G• � ` ��`��jpd t0 IbC WII{S 30C11tld ���CY�IIq : '
<br /> Li�he-ereat of.�.totaf�ki�af tbe PtnpenY•tbe P�O� .
<br /> ir�uine�t.wirether ar nat thea duc.with any.exeess paid ta Baiower Tn the eveat of a p�tipl t�tcing of�hc Pt+cpaty ie _ -
<br /> n
<br /> wlfic!►the fiir matket`value of d�e FtvpedY immedi�oely befan the qting is aqaal to or gre�uer dwe the amount o�die s�uns
<br /> secu�ed by t6is.Security instnmietq imt�ediately befa+e tAe t�iciug,unless 8amwer�ad l.eader dl�ervvise�rce ia writirtg.
<br /> itie sums seeurad by this Secutity iaswme�t sha116e rcduced by the am�wnt af the pnnceeds�iultiplied by t�e foliowtng ;. .
<br /> � fraction: (a>die tatal amount of the sums�immodiatety befac che taking.diviaed by(b)tf�e fur muket vatne af tlie ,
<br /> p��;��yr_bGfo�+cd�t�icing. Mg htl�cr s6a11 be paid to Bairowcr. In the evrnt of a p�rtid t�keng of 1ht
<br /> . ptope�tx in which the.fair muket value of the i'topertg imrnediate�Y 6efae the r�lung is ks�tt�tht�srount of�htsums-
<br /> secun�t immrdiakiy 6eFae tt�e t�kiut�unkss Batower and[,e�der athawise agc�in wrifirtg or talkss,ay�pticabk.taw .
<br /> '. otfierwise pmvides.the p�acails sha11 be applied m t�e s�missecured b�►this Securiry instrumrnt wl�Irer or nat�he sumc ue'
<br /> then due. � � � :
<br /> If the Ptope�ty is ab�odoned hY Bonowu'oi i�after naice 6y L.enBer to Borrower that the candertuwr offe�s ro�mWce
<br /> �aw�rd ot sNtle a cisim fas damages.Borrow�tr fails w�espond to Lender withie 30 days afta the date tbe tatice is givert.
<br /> ],Mder is awhprimd to colkct and appiX the prooeed-s,at its opuan.either to restoration or�eptis of ihe P�rtY�t°�
<br /> � sums sauned by das Sxurity insuumrn�wiiadxr or uot tha�due. 1 shali not exaad or
<br /> Unioss Le�der and Bamwer othe�wlse agt�ee in writing.an9 aPP1ication of proceods to P��Pa
<br /> postpone the du�date of tbe mauhty psyments r�fe�rcd to in parsgtaphs 1 and 2 archange the amount of wcl�paymrnts• �
<br /> tl. Rar�iwa Not R�lwed: Cor6ean�e dy l.eader Nat a Wsiva: �Eatensao of sfie ame for psymen� a
<br /> modifica�tion of aunoctiz�ticin of.the su�ns sx�ued 63'this Sec���Y I�trument g�anted by Lender to aa�successor m interest
<br /> of Bomower shali not ope�te to�ekue the liabitiry of tfie origiaal Bacrower or Bariowers successars in inte�est.txnder
<br /> _ stuU nat i�e•reqaiied tb canmetx�ptnceediD&s u�in�anY��in intetest ar refuse to eatrnd time far payment or
<br /> athe�wise modirty Atnortiratiart of the s�mns secucod by th�s Sec��lY Nunune�t by seasan of any deinand made bY tbe ociSinal
<br /> Basmwa ot tiamwec�s successors in intenest Any fo�tiear�►cc by Lender ia exe�risi�g aay rigt�t a rxmedy stiall not be a
<br /> waiver uf ar p�eciude the exe�i.ce of aag�iSht or amedY• '
<br /> 12. S�eaae�s a�d A�s B+r�i*.1ai��s�Seversl t.isbility;Co�s�ers.77�covcna�tts and agratqerrts af this
<br /> ` � Securiry Irtsputr�eni slu�ll bind and benefit t6e successors and assigns of Lender�nct Bamwer.subjece ta the pmvisions of
<br /> - paragtaph 17.Batowet's covenanu and agraments sball be joiat a�td severnl.Any Bor�wer who casigas.this Security
<br /> " �ct,s�umept but do�s not ex�tt�e Note: (a)is co�signing this Secprity lnstrument anty to mortgage.grant a�d canvey that
<br />-" Bar�+avver*s ioterest ia�-°nd�*thc teims a€�Ees Secteity__[ostrume�t� (b)ls mt personalt9��►Sated to pay[he sums -
<br /> - secund by this Security Instrumen��nd(c)ag�ees tliat Lendzi and�other�ormwer inay agrce to excend.�nad�fY.-f�rbCar
<br /> __ ��C�any ac�nmadations with riegard to the ter►ms.uf this Se�ritY.Instrument�r the Note without that Borrower:s
<br /> -_- consert. . - - �
<br />-_ j� �,q� C��, ���loan secured by dias Securiry Instrumem is subject to a law which se�s maximum toan
<br /> -_ . ' �harga�and tha��aW is fina[I�i�terp�et�d so that the�sterest or other loan char�es callected or to be colleeted in cannecdon
<br /> ': with the loan exoeed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such lo;m charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary ta reduce .
<br /> tbe charge to the pe�iaed limit:and(bD any sams al�rady coltected from Borrower whicti ex��eded Pe�mitted limitc will be
<br /> - �efunded ta Borrower. Lender may dtiovse to maice this refund be cadacing the prineiPat ov�-ed m6der the Note or by making a
<br /> t to Bo�rower. If a refuRd ieduces principal.the reducti�wiil be ueated as a partial prepayment withoat a�ry
<br /> .`". ditrct payman a
<br /> � p�epaymertt charge under the Nate.
<br />��Y': 10. Notice9. Any r.�stica to Borrower pravide�d far in ihis Security In�a�nt shall be given by delivering it or 6�r.
<br /> f <' mailing it iry first cl�s mail unless applicable law requires use of anoiher met6od The notice shall 6e directed to the Property �
<br />'.".:;Y.� pddr�ss ar any other address Boaower designatec by notice to Lea� �s►y nwice to l.ender sfiall be given by firsY class
<br />.::t�; mail to Ler3der's addrcss stated herein or any'other addr�ess L.ender d��a tes by notice to�orrow�r. Any notice pmvided for _
<br /> -_ in.this Se�.^caity Instmment shail be deemed to have been�ivcn ta $orrower as Lertder when given ac provided in this
<br />.,.=-�� ��Go�.ernin�i.aR;Seveeability. This Security Inmument shail be gotemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> -= jurisd�ction im which the Propetty is located. In the evene that any provision or cl•ruse of this Security instrument or the Note
<br /> "_':' conflicts with applica6le law.such con3lict�hali nat affect ather provisiorts of�hi.c Security lnstr�ment or the Note which pn
<br /> be given effect witho�t the conflicting provnion. To this end the provisions at this Securitq Instrument and the Note ac+e =
<br /> H-.; doclared ta be severable. -:
<br /> .•c
<br /> " 16. Borrawer's Copy. Borrawer shall be given one confarmed capy o1'the Nate and of this Security Instrurtxnt. _
<br />�;,^',' 17. 7Y�n�er o/tbr�roperty or a Beaeftcla�Interest in BurroMer• �f a4t es any part of the Property or any interest in
<br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial inrerest in Borrower is i,otd or trnna-f�red and Horrower is not a natural person) ,
<br /> _ without Lender's priar writtPn cansent.l,ender may.at its option,rt�airc immediate payment in full of ult�um.c secund by
<br />-�•`�.. this Security insuumem. However,this option shall no�be exerci�t�y l.ender if excrcise it prohibited by federal law as af"
<br /> �_'' the datc of this Security Instrument.
<br />•_:��: if Lendcr exercises.this optian.Lender.rhall gi��e Barrawer rcxize of acc�t�t3on. 'Phe notice shail provide A periad of
<br /> �i. ,, na less than 30 days from the date the notice is delirv�d ar maited within+ttu:��(3�r`rower must pay ail rur�ti:cured by this
<br /> - SeciRi[y lnsfrumetrt. 1f 6mrower i��iiw iv pxy iSie:� ;Wny.prios tu tlse cxpir:�ia:. of this p�rit�l.+rnd��ay invoke any _ , ...
<br /> ntinedies�ermitted by this Security lnsss�.�ment without further nat:ce ar demand on Bono�,� ,. _
<br /> � 1& Borruwer's Ri�ght to Rs�ite. li Borrower meets ccrtain conditionti.Borrcu��.'4a11 have the right to have °
<br /> enforeemcrt of this SEx:ur,:�y Instrumenl discominued at any time prior ta the e�lier��Y: tat��ays(or such olher periad as
<br />_ ► •.Singic Femily-•ianeie NadFiddk?lfac t%tili(fR1f Iti5Tit1:�JE'4S•-Itnifnrm Covcnant� 9l9� fpngeJ��h prtles► _
<br /> , , -
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