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<br /> ��L�d1Q11G�. All OE1hC fOR$O�D�IS 10fi�1Cd f01It tHis SG(.1111[y.11t5111t111QU iS t�1C,�I�'OQO[iyh�� . ' : .
<br /> – . � BORROWFR OQVENANIS tTi�t Bamower;s iswfaUy se�sed of the estate fje�+eby conveyed and f�s the right ta�r�mt <
<br /> andaoavcy tht._Pt+npetty and tbsc tt�e Pmpetty is tmaxumbehd,�exapE for eacumixuxes of�ecord. Bamwev war`�mts snd`
<br /> �wiU defeM 8mer�U9 the dtk ta thG P[opetty against all claims anddem�nds.subject ta aay EncmnDran¢es of recad
<br /> THIS SfiCURITY 1NSTRi311�NT mmbines uniform oavemnts for auional use�d nan-mriform coven�nts with ,
<br /> limited vniaums�jr jutisdiction to cao.�titute a unifocro sa�uiry insstument rnva6rig teal property. . � •-
<br /> [JNIFORM COVENA�11'S. Batuwaand Laderwvemnt�ad agrex as fdtows:• '
<br /> � i, Pli��rat a�Pri�c�pN a�d I�teres�Pr'eps7�nt ad Late Ci�es. Baimwer sh�ll P�P�Y WY�due t6�
<br /> pciMiP�l of�nd inte�sst an the debt evidenoed by tl�Note aad u►Y P�Y�����8es duo uoder Me Note. •
<br /> . i 6�/s tee'if��es sM I� Subjoct w applicabk law or to a wnuen waiver by Lender.Bor[uwer shaD py ta
<br /> La�det ao tbe dsy monthiy payments.m due under t!�Na�e,-nnW the Nate is paid Gn fuit.�sum l"Funds')far:ta)Y�Y
<br /> tues an�i assessme�s whicfi miy att�a�priaitS►over this Securiry Insuument as a liea oa t6e Pmperty:(b)Yearl9 IeasehoW .
<br /> P�Y�s�8�� oo d►e Ptopaty.if.aay: (c)Y�Y ��°��Y instaa�Ce p�emiums: (�yeulY flood
<br /> insuraoce p�s.�f aoy:(e)Y�Y���P���*if any;ud(�anY�PaY�►k bY�awer w
<br /> L,rnder�in acco�duxx with the provisions ot paisgraplt 8.in lieu of the�Sayment of mo�tgag�inwrance p�em�ums• 71�ese
<br /> -_— �ps m p1(al"Fsconw itemg." i.ender may,at anp wae,�copect and hotd E�nds in aa air�ount not to exceed tGe maximum
<br /> --- amount s lender for a fedetyUy retated mortgago laan may roquire fa Borrower�s escruw accaunt under t6e fedec�i Real
<br /> - �stste Settiem�it pmcedw�es Act of 1�374 as amended ffom"time to time.!2[�S.C.§2601 etstq.("RESPA'7 untess amtl�er
<br />_�;_f- taw ti�at appiies to the Funds sets a lesser amamt If so.i:ender may,at ac►y tuste,coltect and hold Funds ia aa amaunt not to
<br /> eaceod t6e lesser amauat.. l:ender may e�imate the acnount of Ei�Ms due oa tlie basis of cuc�ent data and nasonabk
<br /> �<a: - . estimates of capend[tures of futuve Lsc�,gr�s a oUKrwise ia acca�dance with applicable law. - :
<br />��' . ' � '3Le F�mcts s1w116e he�d in an ins�s3io�i wHose de�wsits ace.i�ured by a federal agency.E�t�entatity,or entity --- -
<br /> . � • ��in8 i.ende�if I.et[deis�sach ari institu6an)a ia�Fede[at IioIDe Loat�Baok. l�ender shalt appty the F�mds to pay .
<br />:s�-. anal ,. the escrow
<br /> •-- �4��scm�w Itemc. I.emer�y nat charge Boaower fr��nlcSeg atxt applying the Fands.anmr�ilY� Y�8 �'_= •
<br /> =«:�'. < .`.accaamt,ar Y�S ihe Egemw Items.unkss Lender.paps Bormv�er'rntec+est ojt tUe Funds�d aPPij�!61e law pemiiu
<br /> .'I• � - IxndeY to araice such a chuga However,Lender may roquite Boimr��er io pay a,one-time cha�e for an uldepeniknt real �
<br /> r� '., _ +�te tau ' service used by Lender in connxdan with tlus loan.unless applicabte Iaw pra+�ides othenvise. Unless an � -
<br /> - �._ � ;"�eemeat�is�or applicabtt taer.r�qalte.s imtenst W be paid,l.ender sha�l nat be t+equi�ed ta pay Bexrowerauyanteaest a . . �� y'
<br /> ---- -
<br /> • _ ' eanungs on!he Funds. Bormwer and Lender may ugree in writing.however.t h at intet�est s h a l l b e pai d a��e R�n d s. Lender �;;,��K
<br /> . .�'" sha11 give ta Borrower,without charge,an annual accoundng of 1l�e Funds.showing cr�edits and debits to the Faads and the , _� ___
<br /> < '� Pwpose foc which each debit to the Funds w�s made. 'IUe Puu�ds ace plodged as additional securit�€or all sums secured by _---
<br /> tdis Security lnstrumen� --_
<br /> , If the Punds hetd 6y Lender exceed the amaunis pem�itted to be ttetd by appllcable law Lender shall account to ----
<br /> ' Borrawer for the ezc�ess Fimds in accordance with the requirenxnts of applicable law. If t6e amaunt of the Funds held by
<br /> � `IL�nder at any time is not spffcient to pay the F.scmw L�c�s when due.[.ender may su notif�Borrower in�wripng,aad,in ___
<br /> • ' �•=� ."s�ch case Bomower shafl pa� to Lender the ama�at�ssarY to tnalce up tht defrc�ea�cy.�Boaower shati malce up the =�
<br /> ,'-,_ ..,�;`� deficiency in no mon thant�°lve mon�hty payments.at L�uder's sok d'cscretion. _ � . --�_�__
<br /> Upan payment i�full o�r'ali sums secured by this Security I�en�Lender shaii prompttF refund to 8osower any ��°
<br /> :-;;;_;,,'° - - �� Funds hei��.Lender. I�ander paraBraPh 21.Lender shall aequue vF seD the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition� —_-
<br /> �_...._
<br /> sale of�E+raperty.shall apply.any Funds held by Lender at the ame of acquisition or saie as a credit agaa�st the sums 'r"��"s'_'��
<br /> � ��
<br /> _ seCmcd hy L'Sis SeCUtity insWAlent. • ��t...��.-
<br /> . _. .•..
<br /> ,'. 3, ADpUcatiou ot Pl�ymtnts. Untess applicab?��aw provides otherwise,aD payments ieceived by t�asder ut�der •
<br /> �_ paragraphs I and 2 shall be a�plied:firsi.to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second.to amounts paXable under
<br /> pauagraph Z:third.to interest due:fourtf�,ta principal due;and tas�to any late charges dne undes the Note. - _
<br /> , �: , q„ Cl�a�ea;Lieas. Barrawer sh8ll pay ali taxes.assessments.charges.fines and impositians awibutable to the � � t' � .._
<br /> Pmpeny whi�b may attain priority over this Secuaty Ir��trument.and leasehold payments or ground rents.if aay. Borrqwer ' .,. �`=y-,s_ -
<br /> �� s�all pay tt�obli ions m the manner provided in Z.ar if nat id in that m�ner.Bo�rawer sttali pay them on ,,.•;;f..�.._"='
<br /> ` gat P�S�Ph Pa r:.. ...... –-
<br /> '6 ¢nne dirertly to the person owed payment. Borrower sha11 promptiy fumish to l.ender all norices of amouats ca f�paid under �;��'�F,< • _
<br /> ,� :.;: this paragraph. If Bomawer makes these payments directty.Borrower shaU promptly fumisb to Lender receipts�evidencing . :,` ;��;: ' •
<br />� ' � � ��Bo�irov�ret shall pramptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security insttument uNess Borrower.(a)agre�es •� -,''yc�
<br /> , • ° eat aciBng w the payment of the obtigation secured by the lien m a munner acceptab2e to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the •"�`�.;-.�=
<br />. .. � �"l�n, by,or defends against enfacement o(the lien in.tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to pteve�tt the �-�"�:=
<br /> enfocrement oP 1he liea:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lertder subordinating the lien � •'�•�°b•
<br /> to this 5ecurity Instrument. If Lender detertnines that any part of the Prapeny is subjece to a lien which may.auain priority �
<br /> ovcr thfis Securiry Instrumenl.I.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrawer shali satisfy the lien or take •• ' �
<br /> • one or nwt+e of the actions set i'orth above within 10 days of the giving of natice. -. � "
<br /> _ . S, NAZard or Progee'ty lnsureace. Borrower shafl keep the improvcments now existing ar hereaftet erected on the ' ' _
<br /> �,:'._:�>- . . fftoperty insured a�atnst lass by fire.hazards included within the tertn"extended.,overagc"and any other hazards.including •
<br /> ^�'.�.•:*;:'.' t�oods or flooding,for whicb Lender requires insurance. 7Tiis insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the . ,
<br />`_ ., m Far�3� sn� �p+x.1 nf b poRes, � � .
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