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<br /> _ : _ -=`=�°-c�: . .. _ . _ .
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<br /> .. _=�`_ -� . . . _ - -- . . - -- .
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<br /> � - -' -.: --- --_ _ - �- - - - - .
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<br /> � � _ . � , . � - . .-
<br /> . . , ,. , � . � �
<br /> .- Fo�th. Tl�e followin� BeiedOad �re�l estata ot:the Campany situated tn `
<br /> � Hutchtn�on Couat�,Soutb D�kata: . ..
<br /> � � N.W.P.S. �[crldlaa S�b Addition,s part ot tt�e Soutt�east Quaster(SE 1�4y of
<br /> ---- . 8ection 4tira f��_Tawnship Nin�i�-xve� t�?� Harih, Aan�e Fi.ttg-sin �58) -
<br /> - West ot tbe Sth F�I.,Hutcbinsoa Ccuuty�8outb Datcota. � . ,
<br />-_ ' � , Fiitti. The followin�deaeribed nal�state ot the Companq situated in SpiNi
<br /> - Covnty,South Datcotu - � , :
<br />'S` ' NWpS FIRST ADDIZZON, ta the Citg of R�dfie2d, s part_of OUTLOT "E's: ..
<br /> y`' ' situated in tbe NoMhesst Quuter iNE 1�f!)of tbe Northeaat Quarter INE i/4) �
<br />= of Sectlon Hine (59�, Tawnabip 4ne Hundred Si�CteeA North (Ti 16I�, Ran�e�
<br /> `- . � Sirty�our Nlest tR64W�ai the Fifth t5th} Prineipal Meridian in the City.oi °
<br /> - Redifeld,Spink Countq,South Dakota. - _ _
<br /> Sixth. The toltaxi� described real estate ot.the Company sitNated ia. .
<br /> Yankton Countp,South D�tcot�' ' -
<br /> � � "NWPS LESTEAVILLE St18 ADDITION",a part.af the South One-bdf(S i/Z) .
<br />- - - of the Soutbwest Quarter(SW 1/4) of Seatton Four(S 4), Tawnshig Ninety-,�,�,- .
<br />. � :� four Nortb (T94I�, Itange Fifty-aeven �est (A5?W) of the Fiftb (5th��:'�..`;� = __
<br />� _ Prineipal Merldian, Yankton County, South Dakota, containir� 0��8 aeres,.:;_' �-
<br /> � ` - •= - ---- — -------- : ---- _.. . ..�. ...-- - �'°�
<br /> . ,
<br /> - � inore or ress._�
<br /> I���._ _ . �
<br /> - - � '� '-.:._
<br /> '�• Seveatl�. Ati estenstons of or improvements to the elec� plants, . �_= -
<br /> d�stribution lines and syst�s,�as plants,and�mission and diatribution mains,loeated .���
<br /> �� ia the 3tates of towa, NeS�eska, Narth Dakota,and South Dskots,and all presnises,plants; �����_
<br /> �•���=�
<br />� . ' P�P��Ys leases and teas+e�clds, fraaebises,Permits,.ri�bts and �owers ct every kind and -�_
<br /> description, real end pers�na�, together +�ith the rents, issues, products and profits ���r�__
<br /> ,:..` � � thereirom,oxneQ by the�sapsny at tAe d�te oi this Suppleraental I�3enture,whieh have ��--�
<br />;�;; ;;.' been laade, eansteucted c�'aeguired sinct the dste ot the Originat i��entures express2y= �;;.,_�n_=.
<br /> � ��' exce�ting and excluding��stters and thing��bapressly eacapted aii�exeluded under the .
<br /> $. �i:r:�:.
<br /> Origina� lnde.*�ue, es a�ended aa�d supplemeated by the Supplemental Indenture dsted� �^
<br /> �.� �� the Su leme��at Indenture dat�d November 14, 1974. ��'�, :
<br /> , � Oetober l, 1946,and pp . • _
<br /> ���' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all said property, rights and interest hereby� � � � .� _
<br />�'�`��� • , +i�`-�'� eonveyed,aasianed, pledged or�aortgaged,unto the Trwtees,tneir sueeessor or auecessors ` '
<br />;, ,.:,., . � : ,:,.;:,,•. ,
<br /> ,,;,.
<br /> :�. �, � ��;.:�`� ;n truat, and the�r sssigns, forever, but in trust nevertheless upon the trusts, for the �... �. . '��
<br /> ��� purpose�, and subjeet to all the ex�ept4ons aad reservations,terms.conditions,provisiens ; .
<br />- ='..��, � �'',,��' and restrictiona, oi the Jndeature, and for the equal and proportionste benetit and s -
<br /> �#s ;;:;;r;, , , _ ..
<br /> -�='i" � sectieity, exeept �a ms� atherwise be e�cpressly provided 1n the Ortgina�l Indenture, as _
<br /> . �''�'�'�'.� s�e::ded and supplemante�by the 3upplemental Indenture dated October l, 1916,and the ' �� •
<br /> r. �,,; � , :
<br />����"' . Supplemental Indentnre dated November 14, 1974, of the holders snd owners oi sU bonds ;� • _
<br /> ' at sny time 9ssued and_ outstsnding under the Origlnal Indenture, as amended and ; . _ -
<br /> •. ,:� .,,, ' supplemented, but aubjeet, however, to aU the eonditions, agreements, eovenants, � . �.
<br />��'�� �••'� � ezceptions�limftations,reatriations and reservations expressed or provided in the deeds or #' � ,;
<br />'���`' �� . h;�: . � � otE�er tnstruments ot rccord aftect�ng the prepertq, or aay patt or`postion thereof, ; . . .
<br /> � -�. '� hereinhetore deseribed, insotar as t2�t ssme are at the tit�c of execut�on hereoi in lorce � ,
<br />`...-- . . ;=� : � and eNeet a,rt�germitted by la�v. - - - - i--y�-- --
<br /> , %�`:'� . : .
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