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<br /> . . � ' Kotke ot rid�mptbn o�anr Hon�.�t tbt 8�etq d�s�1!!�sh�ll bs�Ir�n 1�.. _`_ _
<br /> . pro�rided i� $e�tion g o!Art1�1�V a!tljs Ori�insl Iud�ntur�,�ie�pt tt�t natikt t�t�d b� .
<br /> �Iv�n ooly bg mall ae�not bY pnblicotipa.. .If �tv�n by mstl,.ths issfl�of, st�ah'nottet ,;.
<br /> � ..:baU.be a �onditton pe�eedEet to r�d�mption,prortded thaL any�notl�e whlCh(S mall�d fn `
<br /> ` tt� msnner provlde�! fa Se�tian ! of Asticie Y o� tbt tJri�teat Ind�ntnr� �hall bf .
<br /> �tieiwiYely p�sum�d ta h�� Q�en dulp �IY�a wbetbrr at n�r t�t A�r� r�eiv� �h . �-
<br /> • � notic�.and faflvr�to tti►!qlCh ooU�b�Q1ilils Oc.v1y Id�ilQt!tt'ri1oZt 1lotict�to tht hold�! .
<br /> - of�nr�uch bona d�sisnst�d for redetaptioa tn Mt�ola ar it�ptrt sbtll not�fi�ct t�ralidtty
<br /> -=_ ` of tl�e redemptfon ot an�at�r wel�bon�.
<br /> � F�cept for, tLe deter�ninattan�atF..thu urid nuiabers.oT< tlu Bond� of th� .
<br /> .'°� Ser�es dv+r 189i to be re�eemad�(�n+whpte�•a�+� iu�Put}.b�r,peosation�as peavided in this ,
<br /> � __ Sealiou.�hen�Ias tbsn all ot,th�Bontt�.ai�ttie Serles d�+ 188d�;�rs tQ be ndeemed on�ny�
<br />-_t.- redemption dete and��es�ept� !ar• the ct�es ia tAe �vi� Q!�notice.of redcmption as .
<br /> -- prov�ded io tl�is Seetto�r,,tb�pEOeed+n�es for redemptioa ot tLe Bcndt of,th�&ri�s due i998
<br /> - shall be as provided.in�Ar�iole Y ot the Ori�Ii�al tndenture,4s amendetd.bg Sec.tfqn 1S(H?oi
<br /> �. a
<br /> .,�;.� Article lY oi tbe Supplementsl.Indentvre dated Octobes 1, 1916. The for�oin�provisions �
<br /> -i�: notwithstendi�, none�of t1�e Sonds o! tt�e Sertes due 1998 raay be redeemed 6p operatlon ,
<br /> - - of�tlie maintenanc� anci raaew�l imad provided for by &etion 2 oi Article V11 ot the
<br /> - Original tndentuse, as smeaded by Section 4 of Art�cle IY o!the Suppletaentat Indenture
<br /> w;;:�;"., d�t�d:�ctober 1, 19�t6,exeept pursuaat to the optioaal reBemption provided for by.Section --
<br /> , !�f;!lrtielG IIL p!this SuPplemental,�adeature.
<br /> � . ��CT�pI�4. - Tt�Caniganq,with the appr.ovat of the�ustee,maX enter into �-=_:
<br /> _ _ a wrii«r��t�:�m�t�e twZder of any Bonds of the Series dv� Z998�raviding lbat----_- �-�� _
<br /> — payment ot su��e�fted for ndemption,ia part only be�made directlp by mail, wire �" .�
<br /> _ trat�sfer or ia iaag,o'�r:�msntter to the ho2der thereof witheut presentation or aurrender c-:-��-
<br /> thereoi if thei°����edelivered to the Trustee an sgreement twhich may be s compostte � r�-�-
<br /> ' with other sueb a�r��eats) between the Company and sucb tw2der(or other person aeting �"`��'
<br /> Q,.�,�.-._
<br /> �_� �.=-
<br /> � x�" as s�ent tor sueh hnIder:or tor Nt�otn suah holder Is� nominee)tt�at psytnent shall be so =-
<br /> • ,�'; neade,and that in the ev�tnt the holder thereof shW aeU or transfer sny auah bonda (a) it __
<br /> � 'f-. .� will, prior to the delivery ot such bonds,either(i)siu�render sueb bonds to the 1�ustee to ��.----
<br /> �`'� �i;`Y�� �� mske�proper notation o!ttie a�aount oi principal psid thereon or(ii)surrender sueh bonds ,,,,,, ��-�
<br /> A- to the Trustee against receipt oi one or mort Sonds of the Serles due 1998 in an a�regate ��;`�-��=-
<br /> �•;..
<br /> } prineipal amount egual ia,the unpa�d grincipal portion ot tne bonds so surrendered,and(b) �' �''�"' :_
<br /> � ` it will promptly notii� '� Company of tAe name and address of the trsnsteree of eny � . '.�t��'�_
<br /> - - :�
<br /> �r�� � ' 8onds oi thc SerF�s d�n lS�B so trsnsterred. The Ttustee ahall not be liable or responsible � -
<br /> r. ., n --.
<br /> • ' � ` � ta anp auch.Ix�Ider�r triasferee or to the Company or to any other person for sny act or ; ; � �� £
<br /> omi�,sioA to a�t oA ttie,p�►rt ai tHs Campanp or any sueh twlder in eo�eetion with sny sueh ; � -�
<br /> �: � E �`�-
<br /> ;r;, agreemen t. �e C o�apauy w i l l �d e mn�fy a n d s a v e t h e T r u s t e e h a r m l e s s a�a i n s t a n y :.-,
<br /> ' , ' l��iUtq resultit� tro�a�g such aat or omission and ageinst any liability resultinQ irom � __ . .� :"'`='
<br /> any aotiorr.take�bq the�tee in aceordan�Kith the provislons ot any sueh a�reement. � • ' _
<br /> , . , ` f � -_
<br />. . . : � �; ._ ; � � , ' . ARTiCLE IV � : _
<br /> i .. . :�_
<br /> l -
<br /> • � � . �x�Co�pany eovenanla that,ao long u any Bonds of the Seriea due 1998 u�c� ` � � '�
<br /> {__,�a. ".� outste�ndir�, �t a�ill e��it.declare nr psy dlvidends (other than dividends payable sotely in t. _, _` _
<br /> �-- - --_���- � ahar+ES o!•its Comm� Sto�k)or make myr otAer dfstriDvtioa on, or aequire for valut any ��- � - �
<br /> t'�,`. �`�.��.
<br /> , �;� •; shares o!, ite Commaa Stock untess siter giving effect thereto, (a)the aggregate amoant ; .
<br /> _ . �
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