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<br /> , - � ---— � 2N ?� C�Jl�;COUAT QL� DO�TGFd�l3--CCtJrtrY.`-N6DIlA�1[A._ : . . ,
<br /> . �. IN TAI� l�lbTTEit G�• T8E` ESTl�►TE OLr � � � BOOK 142 . PAti1s 784 � .. '
<br /> � YiI•�.L21�11R I. YATES.` � �) $EI�INCIATLQIi 11L�1t? DISCI.�Illili O! . � ` �
<br /> ' ` ` 9ENB1►ICYl1L IIiTERE3T OR .
<br /> = � � Decea6ed. j - . , -- - -= . - .
<br /> , INTRODUCTION . �
<br /> . . �, l�Jy n�e is Joy :A. Yatee. I. aw qver 21 years a� `iqa.uid .
<br /> � I reside �t Z031 Sauth 88th Street in. the City of t�aha, Cauaty
<br /> of Douql�s, State �of I�lebr�ak�a. It ie sy intention. ta retiaunce �
<br /> , ;aad dfaclaf.w a beneficisl i�atere�t or poWer WIzich I Aiqb't ,
<br /> otherwiss poasess due to the death of my�,husbsnd, WilZiaa� i. -
<br /> - � . Yttea, Who reatded -st 2t131 South 88th Street #� the City of
<br /> O�aha, Connty of Douglas, State af Nebx�►slc:t, -at his dste of death
<br /> of October �22, I990. My relstionahip to the property in .which
<br /> the decedent had an interest fos the purposes of this �
<br /> renunciatfon snd di.eci�mer a�ay be°aa an heir, ddviee�, pereon �
<br /> eucceeding to a res�ounced 'intereet, donee, benefiaiary under a
<br /> , '. teatewentary or nonteatmaentary diepoaition, do�ee of s power of
<br />,.�, � � appvintment, graatee, surviving joint ot�tner or survivfaq joint
<br /> -x � tenant, beneffciary of an:ins�rance contract, person designated
<br /> :� . � to take purauatit ta a�pot�rer af appvinitmcnt exeic3sed by a � .'
<br />_;:;�_ ,.: teatameatery or nonteetamentary inatrwnent, or recipieat of any
<br />_ benefit otherwise uader a teatamentary or nonteatiuneat�ry
<br />``'-;��k; instrwneat, aad i apecifically bel3eve euch relntionehip to be,
<br />�;��� � • �.. �or purpoaea of. thia renunciation and disclaitaer, that af
<br />'��4 .`� beaeficiary uiicEer � teatamentary diapoaitfoa_
<br /> � - � RECITALS '
<br /> ''� ' Whereas, I have consulted w3th lega�. cotuisel o£.my
<br /> choosing, rega�ding the execution of this document;
<br /> � Whereas, I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this
<br />°, document ahowing my eignatuxe, the s:gnature of the witneeses,
<br /> and acknowledgntent o£ my algnature and those of the witnesses;
<br /> � Whereas, i acknowledge that � am releasing something
<br /> �� which would be of substantial valu� to m�, but I do not e�cpect _
<br /> to, aaor hava I, received any consideration in money or otherw3se
<br /> for ��ie execution of 'fshis document; �
<br /> , .
<br /> Whexeas, I acknowledge tha� �xecuti�at o� this docwnent
<br /> mey eauae or c���.te certain taat conseeq+uences ��e extent and :
<br /> . aeture ot wh3c� depea�¢� t�pon aA itnterg�rtatio� of can�Lex atate ,
<br /> and federal lavs, and x recoqnfze thc.possibflity t�tat the
<br /> - -- � lbtended tax consequence, if any, ar�s���g by �irtue o� the �
<br /> � �e�cecution o� t�his docum�nt may not be �s 1 ��eect due to the
<br /> .:,,
<br /> ;� .
<br /> � � .
<br /> . . �.
<br /> ,
<br /> . . �
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