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<br /> �i� ' � 4 acbplaled�mrily�l�eW�ti�
<br /> � ' ?�!1l�fl�l't11mACCRIJAE.Og1H�l�TANt.'�CN�1�Ci:8rsa�Idv�otrvytopqmie�edie�qatr_ � :
<br /> - d�brie�lioTe' o�rf�b�ifi�aspdmeaopRfimlimcw6�e.lEirl��i��th�t m9cartaaoo�p!�srie�ss
<br /> `�� Ivsrr� �r7[�e taa it l a�e aa nelyp�y�t.atl ie+r81 be 6i�1rr if l p�ry NMe:1 aho eeoo�.�#�Y���b�' �°�
<br /> i'-1,i �dur�e wYl 6r��iedef�t�iey fi�ri bjU:I abo kww Bat tlt uaDM�es�lo�r�os t6e�a�e sdt far Ibe Fief�ce 1btY d ad IIe�bYl S�is�Iti��e
<br /> p�w,i�les ai.ea a.tre awe�aptto.Wtyau 1v�a�eaive eacb o[tbe p.ym�mez.ahr m its tre a�a.a[wa�r tde dwe whu 6e.0�efi.a 1f[peprp arewr+we�
<br /> ---°q� ifla��madrly basis.Sdietea�L�i�doaricomFule�fweaech�e�e�p adiflpep�Yd�w+�oieao�t.yortr��el1■d
<br /> -.�-� se p�� tbe fi��oce cer/e(itiaest)NY tbe�tn�Piocedra knars as the a�riat me8iod:ord�e amoaatofm�r teb�Iex�be iip�o:�
<br /> .,`��'• ��i�d�rttd�ay moMhtY�adnotostbe�caalda�es�eda�naotsctt� th�tipry0�yau.Ytna�rtMtarelrudaflatriwSl.O�
<br /> - ~ ��m16e e�iie.l my roiuetae3(y p�psy ama�at t_a�ve yoa.m full ar in p�n,at�ny tfine. [m�tie s p�ctlal pepY�•!mast aoetiaoe to m�lre mY ie�Yr
<br /> _ �I bl�p��+�� �
<br /> ,;; No�nce�eouiw�s:t�•�aEC�a�to��►eiw ac�oaw�a
<br /> �� � �o Frr�ss r� a�mcuw�auR�o�t w:.a000s�wo t�s� .
<br /> : _—�:`a ��seu�r�wm���►tew�K�w�oasEa�coNrn�cr�s�rsEU.�na±rts .__
<br /> - .�OMM oEilAt.f.ro)i a�e�aa.m aem�.me��nwrEDwAaw+xir��ce ID��-Ic���aa e;�..ca n
<br /> , ��e..�e�e.n+�wn716e up�Led or�eptr.ed.i pf¢notiQ d tbe i�ans�wm�tY.�� ����^."',�';�
<br /> �,eiei`�pptie,at6e� oaysWy�asthe.�cyoca«rio�caaoractc�)16ave�da.ioaet�tk�be .riUeeteao.al .
<br /> � `�' �� if s�de.a000imp�nin tlts caa�wet.It api�ias t6e ooadttions�d siitvmsdeoes ia wEich the of����.siCies ac�ressaies.�tmen���Q
<br /> t�e autoe a[tre linka�a�c a�t6e w�a�ty.�ed l pttiad�dY�eroWu��°Y+mP���Y���to t&i�lla�ao lius!oaly Imj ,
<br /> :�. �svioe oo�a�a• .
<br />. �.. •-'` t��s M�llft r ir(eiR �te[�w R 1wr�sdN M Ii�iM 1r R rt�ai n■liirt aiu 1M 1�1nst t�lw-�r� - _
<br /> �MIIIT�w.�t r��t t1�u.�t�a�rut It1��Mdw�a�n�s�iM+arrah s1�11 M�riw ae all NI�r ddia w n�w� _
<br /> . �t tw�Y�.M�'�I�fM b#Ma1w sqM q�. � .
<br /> � `_t. All�ACI�E�M�lIMrCR ME�I�Ii1M1E9 WNST C�Al11N.MIISIIAE F'6111A1I0N OR�11Sf.�lIrER ARE Mf iIARMtED�iirSi . —
<br /> CI�NN I�lr YIEIfE CL/AtIC p�ll�i. ---
<br /> -.i.��_'" ° —_—
<br /> �,=_:",�.�. '; NfER�EY iE�lE"f1 yEM tr1Ei�fWNll"�CN R l SEtMA1E�AIEiER�1 rE�TArG SILEl.T D MiK1�E1�N�CR i =-- —
<br /> � �=- n�r�sEna a�nianr�r�vmo wwhuwn�.��m�n��cnr�wra�r co�cnM�rn n�s s�.n�nas =-
<br />�.. �;����- u�t�ru�m M n�E����a�aa�nr N wr+�n��m sr�. v Y�
<br /> _- - fj�r.l�r.�icaMMc �M�SEN1A�tIN�R W�A"R�ANI lG�II OR IIIIDRE�MA1�1ER.ED�fSt OR�1.��iM IalE6T 1� � =----
<br /> . �'.:�� ` / 1�E�T SI�S!I�! r1110ElE�/SE IF 11E lRIOiiCfi�1 ua�tsta�l uat��rl� �1�l�����a�■�i�c/f __��-�
<br /> '�'�`�'` � �N N iwi�liNr i��Mw.t M M t i e�s�a a i s y t�r f 4 M.W N�M - '
<br /> . �r�:��;�.` }xl�fleirit�i�t Mt li�illi d,�t!!R I�h I�h �� '':-�-u_-..._
<br /> � ,cr`� peOreUn d�Mn.*1��?�R W�Ir�ir�f��i��f i�w,MN��1R�'� ai I��IiNe �:�_.- .�;. .- -
<br /> eQ
<br /> s��ir�iili�i�t 1�I�es. � :,��: �..=�;-.�%-
<br />� � _ �`,.°��� �f MR MNr.ai wIR tb ifN N 111Np etali fit MMi� r Y�.; �.��;,r._
<br /> �._.
<br /> . � , M� p�MR! ""f'.-•
<br /> ` ,`�,` .� . '`.. - SlECIALO�FJt GOODBs I imow tlut yashave��cc traa�e and its openin�s so thu yoa can m�Yc�be p�oducts to Et ras�ticuias boase�d�6a�tLe goods � � =
<br /> r .. •.;.:1�� _._. �i 9ot fltanyr omet haues.w I knoW�t 1 piunc,c,sa?�this cant�et at any dme after[he period of time givut W c�6r iaw in which W caocel.AtOu th�t • � _ - _
<br /> _ ?` ' .���' �pciiod eEtime.I trnow d�at i have tUe obligauon to pay j�a m full the�aouat owed. " . � • _ -
<br /> ,w::�.,,<< . n'!
<br /> d F T B E F I N A N C E CHARCEs'lLe finaoce chyge fin0.�3�s estima�ed to stst widmr�3 days of the date af tfuc ooitoaet.cxcep�in the event � � � �`�
<br /> . c•� .: � yoocm�plelet3Giawli�tionoitheEoodsaadsa+riasonanatherdue.thenthefinaacec6arge(inteceu)wdlbegEa�snmanNedatetbulsigntheCaapletanCMiScate. ,�
<br /> '�-��.� :. 'f1�e
<br /> �af Sm�ooe charge tintaest?�Y 6e mae or kss th�a the arooaat disctosed depeadinS on fhe amowy[s 1 PaY Yau�nd my timeGness ia matioa p4ymems. �,:�. ,.",•;';�I�
<br /> : �_�u-
<br /> OSLIGATIONS lElq'AAV1riG TOlYOPERTY i N S U R A N C B A N D M Y R E A L ESTATE:I.L g a m i s e to Iceep my house in good sepzir aod�eep i[insa�d far at � � r�, .�'�,.
<br /> , - _�.,. TBe i��ance wm mnst 6e approved by�rou.stad t�ep��y must 6ave a� , ,• .,����
<br /> . k�a S0�'o of its siepluertx�t vaiae by buying a fut aad e�tended coverage inswance pulicy. Py►Y - .
<br /> +� "a:?�:. , a b�f�iar9 cEayne which stys dat yw sue w�ep�d 1f thae is a Wss.?tte iitsunnce oomp�ac�'sgRe tlut it wiQ riot caocel my poticy vvithwl fnst teiliu;yoa I ,;�;r�;� - ,' �--..
<br /> -�.;r��,rT.� a�pAaira tbe�ce c o m y�w� p�y y o a da'�'�jt f o r a n Y l o s s.Y w p a c h o a s e t o u s e t l u s i rs�e p a y m m c i o e i t h e t t e p a y an y amounts I owe wa a to�eprir my �:e�;�:;;r;�,_''�'-"� -
<br /> 6aasa.t hsit Ci�e optioo of pwvidulgp�up�ty t�ce th�ough ao euistin8 Po�!�Y�t�86�Po�kY�Y obfataed�d p�d fa by me.�.6a1w ptanisa lhat .:,.�.,,
<br /> ' �.,,• �;,�;- : 1�vIQ na aIIoRanyrone else m plaoe aey liens aa mgseal eaa[e wnha�t yaa wntuu pem�issian.3.1 pros�e�n p<-,g all tues.assasmenta aud ot6erc�es oa mSr n�l 't`,;f f:.` .` '.'�
<br /> .�i'1;(i;�
<br /> est�ie when due.4.1 promise to time�y m�ice all paytatats oo mypc�ot loana securt�by ttty rcal estate.t ais�s�:nu�that 1 will nol estend.mxw orFhan�e ptiorlo�m b.,�`•-
<br /> - ,. ` . ivitlaut ywr wrtitten penaission.S.Ifi dana iascar my bause a iulfiA my other abliguions to my�ea!��ea}�au can da it fa me ityw waoc�t Yw do not hsve� _ ` r -:��_
<br /> �� �• i a).I f y a n d opay��y o f�e s e o b i i g a t i o a a f o r m e.l s[�e em p a you back on dertw�d plus intaest ac^�:�st lawful conuact rue of�ntenest.Until 1 p a Y yoo bact. -
<br /> • ' •`r •these so�amts wiU 6e added w my debt to yau whieh u�t�Y mY n�al eslate and Iwuse.1 ic���you decide ta buy ingurmce tor me that you d o n o t h a v e w ' -_ . _. - :--
<br /> ' �'' • ' o�fain au�r homeoovner a liability Irunrance. • ,
<br /> . . ' .-�" � ' MO�1'GAGEs i heteby,grant.bYgain.seH.wnv�}r aad moRgage to you.as Martgagce.m!'srat estate and house located ai my Add�ess"desi�on ttu other side � ., .� �
<br /> E an
<br /> ':-.:' � ' . of this co�ct as secunry for all anaana dae to you under th"�s Installment Sates Cantract. .�.
<br /> • • DUE ON SAl�:I!1 se11.kase or give my house w aeyont befae 1 have fuliy paid all i awe�mder tfiis coaoract.You can declsue all tdat t awe tindet this conaact pryabb � , . �
<br /> � at aace aod I agta w immediaulY W5�Ym tAat amount. � �, • . -
<br /> . ` � DEPAtJi�'s I wi116e in defairle ur�der dds contrjet if:!.1 don4 make a paymeat when due•or Z.f bnralc any pmmise 1 m�de to you in this coamct:a 3.Somethia�else [
<br /> . s �S 1�aases�PPep�to�e ie good fs�th tbat I do naa Intrnd to pay you aa p�omised:or 4.i default an any obNgations For which 1 am usingmy home as collateral: ` • . _
<br /> ' � w Aonse which ttueatens your rights.if any.in it. t .r, � -
<br /> ' ' apLl.E(.'PION CaST3:ff I atn in default of thia cantract and you dem�nd fult payment.I uaderstand that you have the right to ta�close the mortpge 1 have given w I • -
<br /> " , � yw aod to luve my house sold to apsy wnouec�I awe you.Befaro mY(wuse u sotd.you will do all that tha taw uttes,t underst�nd tlutlf you hirc ao attoroey E • _ . .
<br /> co assist yw ia the rnfo�►t of yau n"g�ia,including the sak of my house or a lawsuit.I agroe top�y you for oeasanab�attorneys'fas and fa a�l�er teluod expenses �
<br /> � . sacfi as court cosa.a1k sa�hes and money yau eaperWed to qotcct my liouse.if you are altowed to colkq such amiwnts�yr taw •
<br /> .,: .. . O�ItiGtPf3:Yau can choose na to enfocee any of the tights unQer thls conuact as oftrn as you want wit6out losing them.Or.you can delay rnfoccing aay of the ( .
<br /> . flihts wiUwut tosiaa t6em.Yau cu�atw use any righu now as ia the fi�tun glven to you by taw I .
<br /> �3` � � DEI,AYS:I fmow Qnt qw will use au best eNacs to install t5ep�cts I ampurchuin,g on mg 9ause.but I also undcrstand that 3n some sitaaUoru you may enwunter
<br /> . delsya tha ae caused 6jr strikes.w�conditions.detays you fiave in a6u3n(ng matenals.�`ar aher trawns th�t are beyord yau canaul.I wiU aW dold yw IiaOk E • ,
<br /> • ..� -,i"�.:,.^5 � _ fa auch detsys. �
<br />� � G`•,"?;.�:'.;{;.:: . REQUEST FQIt FULL PAYMENTs If 1 am in defauh under thiv cnmraet.yoa cs�s decta��att:.'ias 1 owe under c3us cantraetpayable at anee.1 agtce ta p�Y�'ou interest t • . ,
<br /> ' �,.;,:`,t. f gagtthavogrvento ,
<br /> ,.,.: , an tn�t amount at the muimum contracival rate altowcd by law until the amount 1 owe yoa i.g�:%.3 als�know 7ha�you can �rec�o�e tAe mort Ya• �
<br /> AA�II'RA770Ns If 1 have a aispute or ctaim w[th you wnceming the quand►Y•9aalit3'°r PecPcc'?�cic�of the��� 1 ut�0erstand th�my dispule t�y bo subntned
<br /> . � ' . w aed seakd accading m�e modiaHon•�rbltndonptpgam th�t may have developed m my c�rsiry.t also know thai any decision nude by On arbltrator(s)woui�5e i. ..
<br /> .,i.-r:,<. � eMe�d in�he ecnut Aaving jurisdiction mer me and yon. -.--- .-- �. -
<br /> �.• .
<br /> --- --•;i::�- SAf7VAiGE QA[�tTEs 1 know that tho wlndoRS.woodwotk.skNng.6rick and othes matece�fs th�t ltave to f+a Rmoved by you for Ihls inst�IIation have 1�Eillvpge�alae. �:
<br /> . ', ��'�;-'•� When you maave them.You can have tlKm fac whatever purpose you want. � E .
<br /> • � $rF,ClAL SP1'UA710N5:Oue to thC uaiq`r��ss af some of the pmducts U�yv.se11.i w.de:stand that in special situations yaur Regiona)flffice may havr w teview , . .
<br /> ynd acapl thiy cantract.!also nndetstvM that tms sale cecutr�A in my home an0 thai you a�d t:��y nat have had all the cortect infotmation impoRant to this transac�i0n . • .
<br />. . at wr tinEMips;1 give you:hy consent to cort�ct any obvtcnn eTOrs that may lfave occw�3 ufim tho blanks in this wnuact we�e compkted, , ,
<br /> � lr1VA1dD TROVL4IONS:itany provisbn ot this cnntract�iotates the 1aw and io unenfareea"::.tbe ms�o!the contract will be v a l i d.I t a ny p az 1 o f t h l s c o n a x t rcq u i re s ;
<br /> � � paymeM ot t�ol+e ieteteYt thu�the law permits.then you wiq onty have the right to collect fmm me the umount oi intertst whlch the law allows you to rolkc�. i ,
<br /> � COMrLE'I'E',VFSS OF 77115 COM!'RACTs This wnet�c�c�n anty be chaaged iP botb you anJ 1 agcee in wtiting. �.
<br /> ;�:,�.: NOTICE , , .
<br /> I1V5URANCE CANCEId.A7'I01Y�If l�e roquested lns�ance ia ih}s purcha�c.l may rs.-,:.1�uch request for inswrnce far amr reason withln�Reen I15)Qx;s&a�n (
<br /> � : the d�e otlhLs coetract by rodfying you or th0 holder of tAis contract in writing.l know thas�e cancellalion of my cnverage will t�e atranged with t2te insuwnce camiet{s) ,
<br /> yd a{uU tefued ot my pemiute(s)togethet witfi applicable finance chuge wdi t+e crediteQ:o thls contrxt. � - ,
<br /> � ' lLEA$E N07'Fa tt t havet�equested insuranrr in thispurcha.pe.l wtlt recei�e wlthin thlrly(3:1�3r}s a certifirate af instuance more fWly describing tge:asuraece covetage. ,,::;;:•�
<br /> 1 kenw 11W it flum is�ay conitict in the cwerage or tLe laugu�ge of the certificate ot inss�r.as�7d the tolfnwing Nohce ot Propo+ed lnsutance th�t 1 atn cove�ed oety to
<br /> � • tbe eateM alated in tbe folIowing NoNce o!Pmpused Insurance.1 also know that 1 have i;�:r_��_e caveragc on7y if 1 have beea chatged for it. , .
<br /> - --� � - � � ' NQ7'iCE OF PpOPOSED�SURANCE - - -
<br /> !talce notice th�t eiilxr Crcdit Life nr Crrdit Accideat and Health Insurance.nr 6oth,wi116e vppticabk tu this Inatallment 5ata Cona,�ct c+n t.*,x zeverse stde only if • ,
<br /> I h1YG ChOSCD/t by S gthr myuest for such insuranee.This insurance will only cmrer the persuo signing the reyuect a1 the cmt fc+r ratb ty�e o1 insurence s:iowe.
<br /> ' • Sab toacrepluxe�the lnswaece company the insurance will be effeL�tive su uf toddy and will contiwe nety torthe eumbee n(montbs atu2��t effecUve d�te equal
<br /> t�ire�ber o!mtmthly payment+.l wWentand tNat this particutar insur.uree may not ptavide cmreragr fc,r my la�t few payment9.and that dwine that yctiod ot time 1 .
<br /> wlU no1 ttave aay insuwnce caverage.Atl beeefits and proceed+ot tiie Insuranre will be paid to you nr to a fimrncial imdtUtion if it putchase�the lastallment 5atesCa^Mact
<br /> � , - to thC extent ot its ietecest��nda�ry balanco witi lx payabte lu ma.The initial amaunt ot Credit Life tesuranre is the amwnt uind to repay Ux Totat ot if.��:eflta:
<br /> • thercafce>>he inswaorc dermsa by the anxwet o!each monthty paynun�dn a xheduled;0 day b:�ais.It i am ji�intty obtl�rtr�i�n thc lnetallment 5ate�ConVx:with ,
<br /> _ ���___._... aCaBuyer.andwe6aveba�bslgaeatAece�uCStf�rCcedltLifelmurance.dcathbenertswiUbey a ableonlywithrcs ttuthcfirstoceeufustdQle.5nb Hoexcluslans.
<br /> -- _- _ _ -_._
<br /> � . elietina6on9oiwatUagpeMadstatedintlx�cpotih*ormt}fit.►tr.�intifR:�idcata�t3lk�th2asurs�uc3sfaet�ls�° uatet�i4ltt�oteachm�mthc t .------ _
<br /> ts�
<br /> {a e�ch Eay thal I em WtaUy dis�bkd due to an lnjuty ut sichacss while t owe any q�}menl tn ydU:boweves 1yy�tstan t 1 tw�e t�be prevented tmm u•c,r i�n8rtdue
<br /> - ' � to such to�dis�bit;ty fa mare tLan fuurteen l W1 caese�wtive d►y.befcxe the insuwxe tieaeTil�s .�plc t�thr t day uf m�y�tn-t�l disability.t rNo Wiow edat 1 . .
<br /> ca�ot ntifais a�y iawn�ce tran yo�U 1 aer ava 65 tear�ot aKr toQay.aed 1 aMr�aM�r iMIK. yrori�M to e�e m�y caetais a muimrm
<br /> � ' ae�w�t af eoreraRe wiial K3M aot pry ie eowe case�.t6e eetire aeronM tbat 1 n� �W bf corcra c�Y�tcd in ihe insmuf�ce puticy.l
<br /> - • � - Icno+v that any unp�id utna�et i»escess o!1he iasutnare cmer�ge will stilt have ta be pa�d�If the Ins�etttncat • c4t'i11RAkt is pm(raud in tull�rior ta tMe lut paymeet . _
<br /> date.nnyr uneamed}ttsur�nce prcmlum�will be tetwded w me in t6e manntt q[esc�riDeJ by law.�V'ithin thitry l3U1 day�.l wi�t rcce�vr the cemt3�.-�te ul iaaus�nce mate ,
<br /> f : fulfy describing my insuraece eoverage.If th�Imurrace is aot a�:cepeed by the insur.�nce rump,ufy.l wiil rtceive a rc(und uf the insurance p[�mlums t hare pald.
<br />. . ..
<br /> . . _ __.______ . -._._ ---
<br /> - _.. -
<br /> --------�— _....�._�__.....�_._.��_.__. , _ -�_-- ....�
<br />