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<br /> - -�E: -Tf�e�no�ther'iY�fort�Y.four;`��4�°fa�t�o� kot ��gbt,{8� tA �lotk�0�f- : -
<br /> � H�nd�d�T�irty Thret (233), Qniai`Pacific. Rattws,r Cos�2�nd Aidit�en .. -, :,,` ...�
<br /> — —-- -- - --� ta=-t#�=�-�c�6�asxt--Istand, Ha31-Camty,-l�ra�s�a- , - �-- �-`- .-
<br /> i�IEREAS, a certairi.dcect v�s �i�ven dated =������,�. 1989 and itcoisd�=�ti. >.;,�._�,
<br /> - . - Qqcaaen�:no. ; 8��� . � i a C�e-t�f�i ce o f -ti�a R�g,is�+�=-A�tteeds.;�Iia l I �
<br /> � .Caun�y, Nebraska and.sai.d daed iaas subject ta ttte cavettsriti. c.oaditiaas and _ ,
<br /> restrf�tiqns conCYined th�rein, and � „ ' �< < ` •
<br /> _ . _ - - - � - .- ; -— �:.
<br /> iiHEREAS, the said deed.pravides that uppn caeNple[ion nf the (coasttue�im) �
<br /> (rehsbilftst�onj of the improvea�ents, the Cawunity Developwent Ageacy,vili • �
<br /> furniah the purchaser with a cer[ificate of caopleti,on, aad
<br /> i1HEREAS, tht purch�aer Eias campleted the (caasc�netioq) (rdtsbilititioa). .
<br /> of the foproveweats cslled for_fn �aid deed, and _,
<br /> WIiEREt1S, the C.ommvnity Devejop�ent Agency, o� th� City_of.;G�a�d.Islatt�.:
<br /> _- Nebraska has ca*pleted.all of its obXfgations contained..in s�i,d�d��d� a�,.s��,;ec. �
<br /> - = IiQIi THER�FE)AE,�_Tiit:Caniauufty Oevelapwet�t Agency.of the Cfty of �ri��,;i;j;��,
<br /> = Ne�raska, her�by cest�€i�es�thaf the sa�d puxcB�ser h$a cawplsted the (coq�����q�)
<br />='�=� (rehabflitacica�. of t�i�.,ia,pravementa cslled Eor fn the.8afd deed. �is. csrt�-
<br /> -_ �icate con�t�tutes a cvnclu.sive deter�nin�ttian of tiie satiafaction and ten�ria�tr
<br /> = eiayt Af the-�=e�?lenaats and �tgreemenGS in s�id coatsact_and deed with re�pect
<br />_ - , , to the-otili�at�.cas of�the purchaser to complete Lhe fcppstsuction) (teh�tbilitatian)
<br /> ��`�• of the improve�ieAts called for fn.,said deed...
<br /> -. -- � ' IN WITNE5S T11ERT?OF; ti�e Cammimity Devetopmrnt Agency of the City af Gxand T
<br />' Island, Nebraska, has caused .tfiia Certificate of Completion to be duly �acecuted
<br /> -• on its behslf;ii�r fts birector this 22nd day of July � �g gj . �
<br />��,. � �
<br /> f.(kB�lltNt'CY pEVF.I.OP�NT AGEFGY O�tTf�;. .
<br />= �1 -f�1 .�J17�i Ci'f'Y OF C1tANI7 .ISI�ANf?� iiP�BIi��4r- -
<br /> ' r�ca�rr�++qroc..1��ia" . �-- ��
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<br /> f as: '� ``�=`;
<br /> r ,; COITNTY OP HAF.L ) , t:- : .,..
<br /> i,,_. . .
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<br /> ' On thia o��'�'�� dp of•�_� �� � ; -�'
<br /> . Y , 19 , befp;� me, a No ary ���.
<br /> Public in and fos the said County, PFrsonally nppPnred ��,o,.�„�y
<br /> ` to iae personit2ly known wha bein�,�first daly �warn d�d Ay t��s e Director �-'�",:.._�,,
<br /> � '' of the Crnamunity Development .t�,pt��y of the City of �:rand Island, Nebtasks, � r�" �
<br /> -. ;'� _ ^re��e� .:.td exiatic.g under ti�e IaWS .�f th� Staf� of ifcbraaka, and that said ` �`� •:� •
<br /> certificate was aigned in behalf and on brl�alf of said Community 1levelopment f��
<br /> t
<br /> Ag$ncy by the authoriLy of its memb�ss and tlir snid Director acknawledged the t �
<br /> inatrument to be th� volnntary aat,nnd, deed ��f the said Canmunicy t�evelopnent .
<br /> ' Abency of the CiCy of. Gr3nd Isltlnd,+,IJkhrawk�..
<br /> . � �J _ �
<br /> . � , � .�:
<br /> � -- .�;w�_. . � ; '
<br /> . - ---,.� Notary Public `c? �
<br /> �..- -- '�'' _�;: rty �ommsssi�n expires �=�tMt....+�t-l�d� . _
<br /> � .
<br /> � . � ,�. ,�-` _ `-� wa�.�e.�rr�� � � 4�� �/�
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