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<br /> - i . ��c�utpyr _ -t�o�oF tnus� ��..._�104'7$� ,
<br /> Tau�roa a�n�s e��e _ .� � . , . _ z ..
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<br /> ;.
<br /> . " Tr��►�alu�MMt�do�n�ottlMNTn�ci�apoutlo�xi�cuMis�ilMdolTrwtand�amor4.o:ane�w.o�wr
<br /> � o�MNpr'ovkNdto'tntA�OMttoftrwtDroridMSUb�a�f����bTcuMortlMr►a�na�iinllMSrN�t �
<br /> af�ddaWtabc�achdobli�iortu�ltMpNdotTrwstindUdltp.buttwtltentl�Qel�tMF.sndu9rlp�tbMwM�P►op�h#Ob -
<br /> bg�T�uw�willaut an�r iudicisl vroe��^�'M+ri�►�pn�"b u tiwt thts � �a�cu�d bSr -
<br /> TI'udor b�a�t�rx�euvo^M 1hsDMd W Trust � w , ,
<br /> G�
<br /> • . t.�o • trus�o�
<br /> ,, ` ` ' D�t� F Lindasl Trusb� �
<br /> TIiIS OEED OF TRIJST.is mad�as of fhe—1�..d�y ot s�L �1�.�1.bfl snd srta!!�
<br /> thsTruswr. [.o i �tp�,�t n.;� r r_..,w.��. Husbsnd_&_Wife .
<br /> = whoss m�iUnQ addross is a i�s r �aw aE a.....w r��..�.[ � cia��_a��rherein"Trusbr."wMtt�r a1e Or mor�1.
<br /> tl1e Ttusws. Fiw Poiat� ��ir a �bra�lra G�+r�„ - .
<br /> __ , wla�(rwfiin�addria is P.O. Bo: 13�7 Gra11d Island. 1E 6Bel2 (harein"Tru�IN'?.�nd
<br />__= th�6ei�iciarY. Fi� Pofat� Banlc -- •
<br /> whose maiiin�adOre�s Is p ° Be= i�7 6r.ed I.i.ed � . G9Aa2—i�l (fNnin"L.erwer�.
<br />��`�° FOR VALUABI.E CONSlDEPATION,inctudiag Lendeta extenaion of credit fden66ea here+��to �O � ��
<br />�_t`, i �ta P Lieda6l .. ` , (hereirt"BonoKe�',whetl��aRp or more)and the hust hereJrt crestec�
<br /> the raceipt ot whfcb is hereby acknowtedgeds Trustor hereby irtevocaby gr9nts.Uansfers.conveys and assigns to Truslse,IN .
<br />�'�:�` TRUST.WfTH POWEROF SALE.tortbe baneRtandsecariryof Eender,underand su6jedtothe termsand conditionsheretnaifeiset
<br /> fortlt the eal D�o�y described aa foltows
<br />- � � Lot 'fLree"t3)'in Hlocl� sixtte� ci6) in rillich's Addition to the city ot�arand
<br /> Islipd, Hall Cowitr, �ebs�k�. '• �
<br />;''``,��"'�' To�ether with ell buiidinys.improvements,flxtures,sireets,alteys,passageways,easements,righfs,privlleses and appuRe-
<br />;.y:�;, nances toCdted the�eon or in anywise peRaining thereto,and the rents,issue�and prottts,reversions and remaindersthere0t.an�
<br /> . y�: such peraonai propertythat is attachea to tha improvements so as to constiMe a fixtur�irtcluding,but not Iimited to,hearing anct
<br /> r,< cootiap equipmen�and together with the homestead or maritel interesu,it any,which interes*sare horeby reteaaedaad wasve6:a9 =
<br /> , � of whiCh,includiny replacements and additionamereto,is hereby dectared to be a part of tha real estate secured by thelien atthis
<br /> ���. '+=� Deed ot Trust and ail of the foregoing being referred to herein as the"Proparty".
<br />. .I This Oeed ot T►uat shall aecure(a)the pay�eot ot the principal sum and Intere,9t evidenced by a promiasory note ar credit
<br /> epreementddted J{�� �� �°°� �avingamaturlrydateot '�� �a � .
<br /> , .�.�� in the ariyinai principai.amount ots1�^.�R-='°° .and any and atF m�dlflcatlons,extensions and renewats
<br /> thereot or thereto artd any and ali luture advanCes and readvances to Borrower(or any ot them lf more than one)hereunder :
<br /> purauantto one or rr.Q:e promiaaory nates or credit agresments(hereln catteC'NOte"J;{CJ the payment of other auma advanced by
<br /> � �� LenQer w proteCt the securlry of ttse Note;(c)the parlormance at all Coveqarsts and agree:r.ents of Trustor set torth herein;and(C)ali .
<br /> , _{uegsM aad futureindebtedness and oblipations of 8orrower(or any of them i}more tt!arr Cne)to Lender whether direct,indireCt
<br />. ' absoluts or contingent and whether arising by ncte,guaranty,avsrdraH or otherwise.lf:e hote,this Deed of T�ua1 an0 any and all
<br /> ' ofher docuents that securethe Note or otherwise executed ln connection therewith,inciuding wiShout limitatlon guarantees.eecurity -
<br /> _ , a�raements and aasiQnmente ot teases end rents.shall be reterred to herein as the"Loan instruments".
<br /> � TrusWr cover(ants and a�reea with LenQer as ioltow�
<br /> ' t.P.�n�nl 01 tnd�MQiN�o.Alllndebtedr.ess seauted hereby shail be pald when due.
<br /> 2.TNN.Trustor ia the owner of the PropeRy.has the ny��and authority to convey the ProOeay,aRd warrants that the Iien
<br /> '� � created hereby is a flrst and priar•lien on the Property.exce�t tor liens and encumbrartces set forth by Trustar.in �rdting and .
<br /> delivered to Lender before exeeu*:�n ot this Qeed of Trust,an0 fhe executlon and dellvery of this Deed of T�ust doesna�viotate any
<br /> '`'�,� ; contract or cther obtigaUon to rvhich Trustor is subject .
<br /> y" r�+ 3.Ta�,ANN�b•To pay betore detinquency ai!taxes,special assessments and a11 ofher chargea a�ainst the Property
<br /> . now or hereatter fev�etl.
<br /> 4, tmuanC�.To keep the Pro(�9nY�nsured against damage by tne.hazarps lncluded within the term"extended coverage",and
<br /> • suCtf,ather hetards as Lend¢r may requira,in amounts and w��h companies accepiable to Lender.naming Lender as an ad��tlonal
<br /> named insured,wit�foss payablq t0 the Lender.fn case ot tossunder such poticies,tha lender i9 authorizeQ to adjus�rAllect end
<br /> � Comp►omiee,ali clafmathereurtderand shall have ihe opiton ofapptyln�ali or pan of the�nsurance proce�ds(i)to any�tedness
<br /> � aecured hereby and in sucb order as Lender m3y c(9termine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for the repair qr res►�ratton of tP�s Properly
<br /> - _� - _� or(lii)(oranyotherp�.�p�seorobjse!saliqtaeteryt0�ertderwitho�taHecNngthellenofthis0eedolTrusttartftetuil8trtountseCUred
<br /> : .. � hereby 6etore�uCh payment ever tqok ptace.Ady applicaUOn o}p�aceeds to inQebtBBness sha(i not extend ar pos�vne t�►�due
<br /> ?- dafs ol any payments under the Note,or cure any delautt thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> , 5. E�etOir.Upon wrl8en demand by Lender.Trustor shatl pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may desigrtat�.sutttcien!
<br /> � sum!to en�bfe Lender to pay aathey become due one or more o}the toltowing:(i)ail taxes,assessment�end other charges egalnst
<br /> - - ths Propsrly.(ii)tffp pramiums on ihe propetty insutar�ee required hereurtder,and�iil)the premiums on any mortga�e insuranee
<br /> ' .:�_�' rpuired by Lender.
<br />. "�;;,,�,� 8. 11ai�nane�,R�pai�s and Canplianc�wHh Laws.Trustor sriait keep the Property in goad condition and repair,shall -
<br /> . ' __._ ��''.. piompUy repai►,er replace any improvement which may be damaged or de�Voyed; shail not cummit ar permit any waste or
<br /> � • � defarioratian ol fhs Property:shatl not remove,demolish or aubstanUalfy after any ol the improvement9 on the Properly�,snat�nat
<br /> �;�.��?^� commif,suHer or permH any act to bedonein or uponthe Property In WotBtion otany taw.ordinance,or regutaUon;and shal!pay and
<br />' �-'°"���_:• promptty dlachargs at Truatarb cast and expense all liens.encumbrances and charges tevled,imposed or assessed againat the '
<br /> .;�:.:�:��. Prop�rry a any part thereof. •
<br /> � ` "a`'� " 7. E�N t1aM�in.Lender i�hereby sulgned atl compenaaUon,awards,damages artd other payments or rellet(hereinatter
<br /> -- ''�'''`�'�-'�= - °prac�ada"�tneasuxe�oetwi!lir.aAdaAtnaflaaarafhetlekiQgo!ffiePta¢9�tyocFarEthereot.orfor&onveyaneelniieuotconde�nna- _
<br /> �+,J r
<br /> tlon.Lender shall be BnUUed at its opUOn to commenee.appear in and prosecute in ila own name any aedon ar proceedings,gnd
<br /> � y atrall atso be enNtlad to make any Compromiae or setNemen!in connection with SuCh taking o�damage.tn the evenl any portlon of
<br /> " --,'.'�P��! -
<br /> _ . � IMesY�YM�MrwM�rNCrMRw,mis
<br /> - O/f/wfiadrn+�orr.�n+.ro.Twra�rsweyrAWe�.uu�su�tfYraw - - .
<br /> . _ . _
<br /> '
<br /> . ,� _ ,
<br /> .. ., _ .
<br /> .;:-•-=1!.;1-.r. '
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