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<br /> - •^- .
<br /> .
<br /> r_:._ --r.'�- . . . ., . . " _ - _`___ _ _._- . ___ '_ __ p�� •
<br /> � . . . ' . . � \/M�J� '�i ��.
<br /> i, _ _ � . . . . � . _ . . C.'��Y� -
<br /> _ -1 '`.� - �'. _ � !L • : . � _ �, - __" . . ' ` -_. ` l ` �,# �r `. _ .
<br /> � ����oti3� �1+�►:.�.b����
<br /> : • �; • (� , . ,.
<br /> � . , �� , a.rb ,c � au��r � ��« 9i "n�+ ..�J.. c. st���� . � -�
<br /> ` 2h3i DNd'o!!'c�e is`�ts shts,�^� �— , -�--' ,
<br /> DotaW 3. Stoddatd Huibind a�d Yffa ' .. ` �,u�r�sa�[c�r sri�er�ts'+�s"'r�ercuc." ` t,
<br /> :uo.e�it.s,.�tre.s ss le1�Q�r1���,� srand A. S.act
<br /> l�etoeaef+� t�F hRRivafc�r rsterpd co a� sp. _,�ow..a1lsai � P. O. E01t 79Qr �1Od.��s ''
<br /> ad!i dYi�IJ�tiilLdlaL i���CRAI� Il�i�s hu�tsaita{s�lassd to u "Ma�tlelas7. 'M�w •
<br /> is!. O..Dos 16l8s�Gtaid Islasds R�bsa�Tri 6ls02. ,, . ,- . • ,
<br /> . � � � tsaastess. coae�Ja,-�►d.a�a;f� to�rt�a, 1s,t�e,.
<br /> •__` �--. _ _' .
<br /> Tot sal�abls e6�afdei�tiao. 2tuiiot�iss�ocaDl7 Er��i
<br /> , wip�Pwsr of ra2+r: tor sbt bsaslit aid acurter o��a4Scfsrlr v0�r.� ��� LOCeri7s 1�arLt. te-wleft}� -~- �-
<br /> • of ebls D��d of �roat. tA�follor�aL ducsib�d Qropatt7► locand,ia �Y ,
<br /> � Ti�e Eass�tlg_T{11t�L�a.s,* rmtl f��t of Lqt � , ,
<br /> � � ' and tbc it� terl� T6i.st�—Z�ro Feat t32) of�Lat� lfint t91 .
<br /> � '� � in Block 1Hnsteen (lg)�-ia Ctutrles Nas�aer.'e dddition . : � . ' _ ..
<br /> to ttte Ci of<Gr�nd Islsad, Hal� Count Nsbraslcs.
<br /> . ; . .
<br /> sorrats fiattutss. ats��ts. a1147�t Qa�tsasav+7a. �u��}�4!��.,sidts. pridi�iM
<br /> ioa�t�sr wf.ztt aI�LulldioR. itiP t
<br /> and app�ateaanas�loeat�d tb�s�au ot t�l anY vay Patsin�nf tLerdo,, aod tlfe sAttf, i*salt�a:P_���r s�s�� .
<br /> _ - aid tba rs�iaders ther�of, includia!aIl�ncb 4�ai+►t.P=oP�Y:��4�;�ateuhad to ih� �a�t to b a
<br /> _- constitu[e a fist�s�, i►il of vbicD, inciudia� rapl�a�ots.�d� tbst all�vf thi fos��ofat ahall be hania�iar
<br /> - -- part ot tbe res2 estate co�4ed iu tstsat hsssb9 r. t.bein$i� . ` .
<br /> ' refess�d to u the "ltop�rt7�-" • . :
<br /> -- • • Ya!�HL P�08 SLCpiII1G� . . . , ,
<br />_--_ - . `,(s) ttu PaJ�sr►t af ?�raonal ind�bt�dasss a�dns fsoa�rassor ta EuMtici+�t1�.a�add��d �• .
<br /> -- • bp a Praals+csY Not�of attio date 4us�vtth i�n tht ori�nsl'psineipal #��t ot _
<br /> ��; �T�ren TlsOUeaaad and NO/100 �� (S 2Q'000'0� �' _
<br />_�:�.
<br /> .�•" -- . . ' tt±} tin pa�c �f iniereat ai tAe race or r�tas proaided ta the.�Ifors-descsib�d nots
<br /> - °� aad.'tb�t FzYlient o�'botir P��=nd and int�s�sC at�anY aod..ill.r�aeva},ss�o3�icstioas �d
<br />- ` extqasiars of enett notes; _ ,
<br /> � . . (c? •`�� PiY�t of psiacipal �ad inusest ea saF-.fciur sd�rimca aa�s7 bs a�dsncrd
<br /> �' . -. py proWaary aotea statins ths9 ne sec�ued bf�i64s�°a�T c�t4��ect the seairir9 �
<br /> that tl� total pstaetP+l ladabtedaess, noi ineia$in8 .
<br /> � or intarese aecsuea, sh�ll aot a�c�ed tfle stm aP•�, �entq TJ10u8811d Sttd I+TO/140---
<br /> -";: 2, . ' .
<br /> ' DO11SIa_(534►QL��---�'s .
<br />- (d) sUe p�rfar�laca of eacb afree�eat a�d cavess�st uf Trastos hereia contained; �d
<br /> (e) the payseat of any s�s or sun o�,a�nay vluch�aY be kas�a��ts P�d or advmced b�,
<br /> Hp►eficiasy under ttse-tes�s of this Deed of�T{�,t��. togathes vith int,�s¢fe at t13e h�hest rate...
<br /> � �� provided ia tAe noie9 secur�d hereby. .
<br /> - To procect the aecurity o! ihis Daed of'fr�t, Tru¢tp�,heTeby cu?AM�ttf �d sSsaes as follovaz
<br /> 1. P�a�aat of Iadebtedaess. 2o pay wheg d.ya, the priaciDsi of•.aa{{..the interast aa, thq,. -
<br /> tadebtednes� eaideaced by the note, chasges, fe8a and all othns su� as.pFOVidad ta th� loo.ipptlnaMnts•
<br /> • 2. Titla. Trostose is the amer of tt�p�oParty aad has tbe riEh�,aad authorisy to atecat� tltls
<br /> `. Deed of Tsu�t ia reapect to the psapartq•
<br /> �, Ta�w md Asaeaa�ents. To pay, wt�ea dua, ali taus, apeclAl asaeasmea.¢and all ott�es ctusS��
<br /> .. asalnst tt�e Droyesty, befose the saa beeowe deltaqueat. and+ in the event Ben�lS�as9 ahsll w ssQui=�,
<br /> to add to tbe yaq�eats seqnlsed vnder the ao.te secused hereLy. such a�ount as�ap-_be sufficient to en- _
<br /> abla Beaeflcias9 to paq such taxes, asaesasepFa os othes chasgee se thay becase dne. ,
<br /> ti. Inauraace. To keep the imyravements Arn+or hereaftes locsted oa the teal estate descsibsd
<br /> • herein ineured agalast da�age by fise �d such �ches hassrds as Beneficiary �s? require, ia��nts '
<br /> aad co�pmies a¢eeptabia to Besieficisrq, anA vith loas papable to BeaeflciarY. Ia case ot loss �ud�r .
<br /> � euch policiea, Beneficiasy !a authorized to adjust, callect an� compro�ise, !a its discsesion,�ill
<br />_ clsiaa there�mdar aad, at 1ts aole optiop, !s authosized to either'applytt�hleQts�oseddbytthe note atull
<br /> tlon of the property os upon the indebtedns3s secured 9ereby, but pa5�
<br /> � � • contiaue uacii the suae aecured herebq are psid !a fv1f. �
<br /> -- - - - 5. Reoair Hstntenaace aad tlsa. To gzomptly se�atr. sestore ar rebul2d aaY bui1d1n8� oY S1Osave- _
<br /> �enca nov or herea£tes on the praperty; to keep tAe qra�erty la good conditlon aad repair. withouE sniste
<br /> -�" and isee fsom mechanics or other 3iena ssot eapseaaly snbosdiaated to t6e liea hereoi; to not sake. euites ,
<br /> ` ' os pesmit any.nuisence to exist nos to diminieh or imyair the valuv of the propesty bY aaY act or aission
<br /> � to aat= and to cosply vith ali sequlrementa of lav vfsh reapect to the property.
<br /> - ' �' 6. Conde�ation. Ie the event the ysvperty� or aay Oart thereof. shsll be takee by e�insnt do�ain,
<br /> seneficiary !e mtitied co colleci and receive all caspensation vhich nry be psid tos aay prop�stY tak�n
<br /> • or for daa�gea to psopesty nat,tgtcen. and Beneficlary ahail apply euch co�pena+tt�on, at lu option,
<br /> t, .'�� �.,`�, � either to a reductlan of the tqct�Dtedneae secured heseDy or to repais attd sestaxe the propelty so titcea. -
<br /> �`''�-`_` i, Perform ce b BenePlci SeneficlBSY �Y+ fiue Rhall hqve no obligation to, do ang act yt+l�h
<br /> • �"`-�-'�`�=.' TrnStos,has agseed but failed to do, and,B�neYiciary may aleo da.,at►R.aot ft deeas necessasy td.9roteat
<br /> � - �: ���-•� the ffen thereof. Trµstos agrees Lo repayt upon.demand� anY suma ap„oxpended by Seneliclaty !os the
<br /> abave �usposee. and anY s� 9a exFended hy eeneficiary eha32 be addq3:;to the itldAbtedness aecurad heseby
<br /> and,bec4me seeured by the l�en.heYea£. Heneficiary shall not lnaur any persatAa�llability hecause o!.
<br /> eayihing it may do or omit co da heseunder.
<br /> 8. In'sQectices. Bene£iciary� or !ts a&enta, roprcaeneativea or voskmen, are authorited to eates
<br /> • ai any reasonable time upoa os in any pact nf the property fos the purpose of inepeccing the ya�e aad
<br /> � � � fos the purpose of perforeiiag any o£ the,acts it ia authorised eo perfar�mdar et� tera4 of any lnao
<br /> - _ �'=`'�-"��`: - lnstr�enta executed by Tsustor. _
<br /> -�,;>.,�_+r
<br /> . ::,� • 9, Aeei?nment of Rents. Benoficiary ehall have the right. pover and autharity dusiag the_con-
<br /> ;,�,,;�.� , ltnuance of tbib Deed bY iru�t to colleet the reets. isssse� and profiLa o! the property aad ot ar�y
<br /> •�x.�::".Y. . peraonal 9ia9�Cy locased theseon wiih or vithout tatcing Dassesaion of tfte prapertY sifected.hereby,
<br /> snd Trustor hereby absolutely and nncoadicionaiiy a�slgna ali such rents. lasuea nne yrofie� to
<br /> • '' ;-,;�;�,' IIeneficiary. IIenefictasy. hos+eves, 6liebq cot�0nt9 Lo Tsa9ior�9 col2CCti0n and reteatioa of such •
<br /> , � .���,�r reeta, isauea and protite as they uccrue and becoreo payable, so long as ?rwtor ie not, at euch lfse.
<br /> ``�-�- -- • in delavlt vith respact to payseat of my ladebeedaess aecureA hereby. or !a the petfosaance of any
<br /> - . -- ---- --,—= - ' agree�ent hereunQer. If Ang ea�tt� af defaokt daacrfbed itereaftes !n res�cet tc eals AeEU1.of Frn�t - , . ,
<br /> __',.,t..�;-; - „1_
<br /> :-:�_�,. _. _ . _ . _._ _. .. - - - •-- --._ . . _... .. - - - _ .. . - - - -- - -
<br /> . � ..-•
<br /> . .;
<br /> _ �k�R.
<br /> . . - __,_..,.�:_.�-�.
<br /> -- --�_—._ .r...�.,, .�...-- =y•--�-�-�_. _ s:. _
<br />