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200402463 <br />ATTACHMENT "A" <br />A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter(NW4SW4) of <br />Section 27, Township Eleven North (TIM), Range Nine West (M), of the 6th <br />P.M. Hall County, Nebraska, More particularly described as follows: Beginning <br />at the Southwest Corner of the said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />of Section 27, Running thence East along the South Line of Said NW-14 SW-4 of Sec- <br />tion 27 a distance of 897.0 feet, running thence north parallel with the west <br />line of said Section 27 a distance of 387.0 feet to the actual point of beginning: <br />Running thence east Parallel with the said south line of the NW4SW4 Section <br />27 a distance of 230.0 feet to a 3/4 inch reinforcing rod, said rod being located <br />on the lake bank, continuing thence in a straight line for a distance of 30.0 <br />feet to an in- accessable point in the lake, running thence northerly parallel <br />with the west line of said Section 27 a distance of 160.0 feet to a second <br />in- accessable point in the lake, running thence west parallel to the south <br />line of said NW4SW4, Section 27 a distance of 135.0 feet to a 3/4 inch reinforcing <br />rod located in the lake bank continuing thence west 1 a straight line <br />for a distance cif 125.0 feet, running thence south parallel with the west <br />line of said section 27 a distance of 160.0 feet to the point of beginning. <br />