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<br /> ` . _ . � _ ` io Ileu rif canAenn�tjon.�+e 1Kr'eby�ti��nd . .
<br /> � � ` �a a�er ukia�of ny prt of drc�rape�ty.cs for coareya�e . .. . .
<br /> : �' ��Q�IO�.lIIaCY �
<br /> . ����.��`s��,�ro�y.u� p�ooeed��n,��+Ka�a�r��.�Ka�y e�.s.�Y , .
<br /> ' ` �whthet�aot drc�t d�e..wilh�aey excesr P�i�f 1a'B�w�er. ia�!x event vf a prtial i�icin�ot�he��y.ln ,
<br /> wliic6 d�e fair n�ic�et vatue af dx F�opettY�n�iafe�I'���he uicin�is a�wt to a�e+euer cbin the�'of the.� � -
<br /> � �.�b�r d�s ga�riry IA�ne�lt inu�a�rtq befae she t�ki�,unkss Bonovrer and Le�lec a[�ecwise a�rse in writin=.
<br /> dre�securod by this•Security In+st�unxM s+tWit be,t+cduced 6Y tl�a�unt af the praceeds rnuhipiied l►y ihe[dbwkig�
<br /> - tracpp�=ta)t1��od aa►ouat�ihe a�ns aecueied Immedi�lely.be[ae the.tsking.divided,by(b)tlr f�it m�rkR valua of Jte .
<br /> - -_ Rnpeny ;n,�,ed;,,o[y hd�the tak;n�. N►y ed�na sU.0 6e p.ia w E�xtowar in tt�evenc o�a�sdcios oE die _ -_
<br /> _ • piopeYty im�vi�icb-tbe iair market vatue of the Pt�opertY inwndiatel}�befae the taking is kss�h�n the an�e of the sums-
<br /> soc�ne��immodiitely befae tTie�ki�og.uatess Borro�cer�ct Lender aherwise agnx ut writing or nnkss�pplicabl�'law
<br /> adrcrwise povides,the pro�s sball be spplied to the sumc secu�ed by this Secarity Insuument whether or not the sums a�e
<br /> • tha�dba. - . .
<br /> � If the Property is ab�tdo�ed bY Basowe�a i�afkr notice by I.ender w Borrower ti�t the ca�demn�x offen►to m�tce , .
<br /> $sward a settie a cl�im fa da�na�es.Baaavrer fa�'ls w zespad w l,ender wi�io 3Q days after the date the naice is g,iven. . .
<br /> - . �` L.ender is wtl�orized�a s�ec!an�t tPP�Y.�P��u its optio�w eitber to cestatation or npaic of the Property oc to the
<br /> �ums secu�d by'u�is5�gdut#}'�nstn�.wLaher or not thei►due. • .' .` to nci slwtt not extaM ar
<br /> . Un{e.ss i.eoder�d 33ormwa at6errvise agnx ie vuritiag,any �catimt;bf;ptnceeds P� P� ,
<br /> pastpone the duc dau'iif the ma�thlY PaYments refer�od to in p�arag�np�s��l 2�ar ehaoge tbe amount af such payments-
<br /> _ - !i. Mrrswer lVd ltekaeed: Forbea�'e Bg Leader Not a.[�vec Extension of the�ime for payment or .
<br /> moilification of aa�o�tit�tia�of the svms secured by this Securiry Insuument granted bp l.ender to any successor in intercst
<br /> of Barower sbalt nnt oi�erate to�kase the iiability of the oEigia�I 8onnwa or Eiamwer's succ.essors in�nterest.l�endec.
<br /> s6a11 aot be:oquieed ro c:am.��eace P••`oad��8 ag�inst an.�sucoessor in iatenst or refuse to exiend time for payment or :
<br /> othecwise modify�ac�i�of the sums secu�od bY this Se�:urity Inspvmeat by reasan�of any demanc!made b���
<br /> Bo�mwer o�BamweE's successars in inta�st. Any fofie:uanoe bY I.ender in exercising_any right or n�n�y -
<br /> vraiver of ar prcctude t6e exercise of any rigdt or amedy. ' 'liuc covenants and ag�eements of th�s
<br /> tL S�ace�ors a�d Aa�i�as��d�Joi�t awd Severa11b6ility;Co-siO�e*s.
<br /> Sociicity Instrument shall biod and be�t the successo�s end assigns of Le�xter and Bormwer,`subject to the provtswss of:
<br /> puagraph 11.Borrowerx covenants and agt�eemer�ts sha11 be joint asxi several. Any Borrower who co-sigrts tlds Stcuriry
<br /> Instrument birt doe`s not execute the i�tote: (a1 is ca-sigmng this Samrity/nstrument only to mortgage.$rant an�Convey that . .
<br /> BoROwer�s inurest in the Properiy und�r the terms of this Sectuity�tavtrumenx tb)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> saa�d 6y this Securiry Instrumea�and(c)agrees that l.end'er.uAd any otha Bo�rower may ag�ee to eutend.mod�fy.forbear
<br /> 'or make any accorrimodations with�egard.to the umis of:tE�s Seeuticy Inst�ament�oE tbe�Note withnnt titat Bo�rower's
<br /> �� .
<br /> 13. La�a Ci�es� If tl�e loan aecured by this�iy Instnnnent is subject ta a law which seu maximum isr�s�
<br /> charg,es.and thaat{a�is.finally interpreted so tbat cl�c intenest ot otl�er laui cBarges copected or to 6e colleded in connec[iort
<br /> with the taan exoee�tlie perm�tteil limus.then: ta)any snch Taan charge s�all be reduced by the amount aeces.sary to roduce ,
<br /> an
<br /> bmits will be
<br /> ihe charge to tBe pertui�Iiml�and(b)any sums alceady c�from Borrawer wAich exceeded p�r�d �
<br /> n{��B�vqer:Lender may choosc ro make this refiuxi i�y xeducing the principal Qvr�d under the Noteor by making a ....
<br /> dinct.payment to��rower. If a refund reduces principal.tt�e r�uction will be ueated as'a partial Prepayment withoat any .
<br /> pc�epayment charge tinaer the Note. � •
<br /> 14. NMkes. .�1ny notice.to Bonower pravided far in tlus Sac.u�inmument shalf be given by delivedng it or by
<br /> mailing ie by fust c2ass mail unless applica6le law requires use of another.msdtad.'I'he natice shall be directed to the Property
<br /> pddiess or a,ny other address Borrower designates 6y notice m i.ender. Any notice to lxnder shall be given by first cla5s
<br /> mai��o�,erdet�addre,�s stated herein or any other address Leader designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for
<br /> in c'��s 5.ecuritp Instrument shall be deemed to have been�en to Borrowe:or l.ender when given as prov�ded in this
<br /> � i�.Ca�erai�W�w;9everability. This'Securit�r Instrument shall be gavemed by federal!aw and the law of the �
<br /> � jurisdiction in w�;��3�e Ptoperty is Iocated. �1n tlie event that uny pravisian ar claase of ihis Security I�nt�ment or the Nou .
<br /> confl;ets vriih agpS;cable Taw.su:h eunflict sha11 not aifece other provisions of this Security lnsuument or the IVate which can
<br /> �gp�•qb effeet withput the cAc�f'�s�tns provision. 'Ib this eFCd the provisions of this 5ecariry Instrument and the Nate are
<br /> - dectaeadto be se��exable. �
<br /> 16. BorroWer's Copy: Borrower shall be given ane ca�farmed copy of the Nate suid of this Security Instrumem.
<br /> 17. 71rs�sfer ot the Propeety or s$eneQcial lnterest�n BorruwK: If all or Any part of the Property ar any interest in ,
<br /> it is sold a uansf�md(or if u beneficial interest in Borrawer is rotd or trnasferred and Borrower iw not a natural person)
<br /> without Lender�prior written consent.l.ender may.at its o�xinn,require immediate payment in full of all sums r+ecured by
<br /> this Security lnstiument. Hawever.thiti ciptian shall not be exxrcised by Lendet if exercise is prohiblted by federal taw ac af .
<br /> � the date of tWs Secvriry instrument. • �
<br /> !f Lender exercises ihis option.l.ender shall give 8otrower notice af acceter:uion. The notice shail provide a periaf of
<br /> not kss than 30 da.g•s�tam the date the notite is fi�iivrred ar mailed within whicb 8aaowrr must pay aB 4um.r recured by this
<br /> Security instrnmerst: �f Borrower fails to pa}these sums pdor to the expiratinn nf�his pertod.l.cnCtr may lnvoke any
<br /> remedies permined by this Security tnstrument N�thaut further notice or demand an BoRawer.
<br /> 18. $orroe+er's Risht to Reinstata If�Bonowes rr,eet�ccrtpin condi�ions. Borrawer �hull i,ave the dght to have
<br /> enforcement of�+�iis�ecuriry Instrument disc�n�iauctl ut any time prior to the rarUcr uL• (a)5 days lor such other period a�
<br /> � 5ingk Frmily--iaeek NIatl�Fceddie�1ae UNtil)R111KTHU�fE4T-•Unifurm Covcnant� 9!!A lpu�c 4 nJh�x��n►
<br /> - . .
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