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<br /> � 1�ii�w11x ali wa anprovanasa uavir nr i�f�ar ena�ea on tt�prdpaty:�na.A eu�ts.app�..� <-
<br /> and 6xaeres.naw ar he[after a pact of the p�vperty. AU nept�oemrnts ad additIaos shaU al�ssa be covecrd by t6is Sec�uity
<br /> Im� A!1 of d�e foeegou�is tef�toedto in idis Security Imt�a�ast as tbe"Aope�ty." ,- . .
<br /> � BORROWER ClOYENANI'S th�t Botmwer is 4wfaliy scLcM of ibe cst�to lxRby ca�veyed su�d!ns tbc rig6t to�uit •
<br /> �,snd cauvey tbe Ptapary and tl�t the FtoQeify is�meacwnbeta�,eaapt fa eacumDraaces of racoitL BoRawer w�rrants and
<br /> � will defaod geaaalty t6e dtk tn the Fiopeity asainstall cl�imtand dem�ds,suhject w aoy encunt6ruues of cecad. .
<br /> � 'EgIIS SECt3RiTY iNS3RUME[�3'i'�nD3nes mM'a�t cavrimts far mt�t usc aa��nifamQ coveea�s witf� . ,
<br /> i�miad v�riatioas by juri�dictia�w constitwe a aiifocni se�uciry insavoient cavesinB�eal�pm�p�ertY. - ' ,
<br /> � [JN�ItM COVENAN'T5. Bumuwer md Le�dercareeaiu and aanx as fc�llaus: '
<br /> • 1. b�t�f lti�ei/d aM I�tsreM;l�YM7we�t sM l.ste Clue�. Boaower slu�!!P�E�Y P�Y.wl�n due,lhe .
<br /> � � pincipd d�ad iete�rst an drc debt avktenced by the Nate and�n�PrcP�Y����du�w�der tbe Nde. : .
<br /> i FlMist�r't1��a aM I�wra�ta Subject tv applirabk hw or to a wntun waiva by L.ender.Borrower aha!!pay to
<br /> „ , Lxoderon die dsY ewn�hlY P�Y�3 ate due uoder�6e Note.uot�l the Nate is p�id irr ltill.s sam l"�idq")far:fa)Yu�'lY �
<br /> � w�e�and iaranrKnrs w6ich may Mt�in p�ioritY nva chis Sa�rity tnstnunent as a tien an the Ptopercy:(b)qaWY kascfaW .
<br /> ` pymmts ar�uuuQ mus an the Ptopatr. if�ny: (c)yeulY ha�ard a ProP�Y ���P�ums: fd�y�Y �
<br /> ias�us�ce p�emiums.if�ny:te)Yeuly mort8�8� ����P�tums.if any: u�t t�any stuas QsYabk.bY Borrowec to,
<br /> i�rnder�iKr�cca[dance with the�provisiates of p�rag�aph 8,in tieti of the prryment of moitgage insur�ce prcm�utns. 17xse
<br /> .� ikms ac�e catte�"L�cnow Itans. [sader may,u any time.collxt and hold Ponds in an amount not to excoed the muimum
<br /> arnount s lenAer fnr s fedenUy retate�ma�tgage lan may require fa Bamwer�escrnw account under the fedenl Real
<br /> -- F,st�te Settkmqu ptocatuc+es Act of 1974 as amendod from wne to dme.12 U.S.C.�2601�i srq.("RFSPA").unkss anwher
<br /> - iaw th�t spplks to the Fa�ds sets A ksser amam� If so,l.ender tnay,at any time,colleet and hold Hmds iu�r►amount not to �
<br /> — `�. euxed tIK ksier�aoiuW. I.eoder may atimue the amoant oP Funds due bn Ufe b�as of entrent dua and t�ea.wnable
<br /> _ astim�qes otexpendidua af fataie Fscmw Items or aherwise in accadAnce with applicabk law. . •
<br /> . 7be Tyu�ds sh�ll be 6eld in an iastitution wi�ase deposits are insuc�ed by a Eederal sge�c9,im��ality.or eatitY .
<br /> ase
<br /> � (facladiag i.rndtr.if t,enekr is such an inctitutiat)or ia any Frdeial Hane Lo�n Bank. Leoder s1�aU appig the Tands to pay`
<br /> =I , the Escmw Iums. l,ender may aot charge Hamnw�fflr holding and aPP�B the Fw�ds.amiu�lly u�atyzing the escrow �
<br /> accaun�.or vecify�g tlte Esct+nw Items.aNess Lender pays Bo�rower intenest on the Fuads and applicalile�aw pemnts ,
<br /> - i.ender to m�lce snch a ehacge. Howeve.�L.endeic way teqnue Bo�mwer to pay a one-time eharge for an independent real .
<br /> esfatatax nepoAi»g service used by Lender ia connection with th�s l+�an,uNess appticabte law prov'ides aherwisc Unless au. _
<br /> agt�eem�nt is made ar appiicable law requices inteiest to 6e paid,I.ertder shall not be required to pay Ba�nnwer aa�r intenst or
<br /> camiags on the Funds. Bonower and Lender may agcee�wntiag.however,that ieterest shall be pa�d oo t6e F�€�. L�r
<br /> sl�all give to Borrower.without charge,�annaal aaaounting of the Funds.shawing cmdit�and debits to the�msds and the
<br /> - �for which each debiE to tLe Funds a'+as made.. 77ie Funds ate pledged as additianal security for all s�ns secured by
<br /> � il�is Sectaity InsCnrment. '
<br />. If the Fuads 6eld by I.snder exceed tbe acnamts pemntted to be held by applicable taw.Lender sdatl account to
<br /> �o�mwer for the excess Fm�ds in accadanc�wirh the requir�ements of appUcable taw. If the amount of the Punds held,by
<br /> �:.� � �.eader at any wne is na�safficient w pay the Fsaxow dtems whem due:Lender may so notify Harrower in writing.and.in
<br /> suct►case Bo�rower s6all pay to Lender the amaunt a�ecessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall maice up the
<br /> �eficierxy in no mo[e d�an twelve monthlY PaYments:at t.ender's sole disccetio�- .
<br /> LTpon payment in full of all sums secuned by tins Security Instrument.Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any.
<br /> . fvnds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender saall acquire or sell the Pmperty,Lender.priur to the acquisition or =.
<br /> salc of the Pt�npetty.shall apply any Punds held by�2nder at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credit against the sums _
<br /> secuted by this Sewrity Msutrmenb .
<br /> . • 3 Applicabioe d P�ymeats. Unless applicab2e law pravides athcnvise,aU payments received by Lender under _
<br />. paragraphs 1 and 2 shaU 6e applied:fust,to any prepayment chargcs due under thq Nae;second.to amamts payable under
<br /> � paragraph 2;third.to interest due;founh,ta princIpal due:and 1ast.to any tate charges due under at�e Note.
<br /> - 1, C6se�es; l,iess, Borrower shall pay all taxcs. ag.4essmeats.cl�arges.tu�es and imposifians amibutable to the _
<br /> �� Praperty which may attain priority over ihis Security insuument.and leasehotd payments or graund rents,eS any. Bortower =
<br /> ;; shall pay these u6ligations in the manner provideA ia�aragraPh Z.or if not paid in�at manner.Borrower�'ha32 pay them on _
<br /> � •time direciiy to the persan owed payment. 8orrower s'hall prompqy fumish to Lendes al1 noticCS af ainoaMs ta be paid under
<br /> this paratga�h. If Barrawer makes these payments d;�reclly.Borrowet shall prompily fumish to Lender receipts evidencing =
<br /> : , the p�y.�ssts. _
<br /> Harower shall promptlY discharge any lien whicb has priority over this Secur�ry Instrument zuiloss Bonower.ta)agRes =
<br /> in writing to the payment oi'the obligatian secured by the lien m a manner acccptabte to l.ender:(b)contesu in good faith the _
<br /> . ;lien by.or defends against enfacement of the lien in.Tegal praceedings which in the Lender's optnion operace to prevent the -
<br /> enfomement of the lien;or(c)secunes t'rom�he ho4der af the lien an agreement sadsfactory to Lender subosdznadng the lien °
<br /> � �' � to this Security Ins�n� If l.ender determines"that any paA of the Property is spi�ject to a iten which may attain p�-torlty -
<br /> . - over this Secunty Mstrumenb Lender may give Bonawer a nodce ldentifying the lien. Borrowe�shatl satisfy the lien or take -
<br /> one or more of the actions set forth above within tED days of the giving of notice. -
<br /> S. Hazud or Property IagurancG Borrtic��.�shall keep thc impravements now exesting or hereaE�erected on the _
<br /> Aroperty insured against loss by fire.hazards incic��wlthin the term"extended coverage°and any other t�sds.including
<br /> . ftoods or flooding,for which Lender requires insura�ice. 'fhis insurance shall be rttainta'su�e�9 in the�',.s aad far the �'
<br /> Fcra�3ib !Ni lpage 2 aJ6 pagetl �'
<br /> �
<br /> �}
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