. ' _ - - ..y.L.� - _- .� � . -:-_ .
<br /> _ - � _ ___ —_—_ _ . _— _ ___ - __ . .. - . ._.
<br /> _—_-.—_— _ — —�-���_ - - —_ .__ . — .- . c___ . . _— ___ . _
<br /> - � . . .- ` � � ' �.- . � � ��"'' it�-4`742� - - � �`
<br /> , . _ . � : . _ , , ,
<br /> � �� � �`_ � ��a� ��� � � . , . .
<br /> �. � il�s. ��L. una.rsiga�d. wsil3as c.. B2ac]�basA, o! crana � .
<br /> -�Llat�d�_ 5�1� CoantY, ��a. is a �F o! ttre �b�asl�s Btat�
<br /> - --- �ir �tiocistiaa; ai�'�tis. � D�d-of Y"rust dttid �atob�ac 3Qr - -
<br /> . 19ss, .�.cat.�t i�t � L. jmss ana H�ICa L. x. i�oss, H�beAd ,
<br /> aAd I/i!*• as Trustor, in vh3ah l�iv� Pbints Han]E o! Gs�snd�l�.
<br /> xibca�]t,i. is nat�l as B�rfiaiary, and t1r ta�rsi�pr�d
<br /> YbiCh ONd rea ]r�or+�d as. Ooct�ant i�o. s9-106090 in tl�s O!lic� o!
<br /> . tLt SaZl �bttRty � � a�. Graad Is2and, li�bza�]ca, � t2M
<br /> 6th dty of 1�o�tb�r• 1989.
<br /> 1�J18. sa�d ..a�3e�sic�sd. tfilltas G. Hlaalcb�urn. at Grsad .
<br /> ?s3aDd� Aatl.l CO�t�F�'�r �s s�ivaa lros liv� PQi�ts esn]c .
<br /> - , pI Gritfd I�tieM�.=:�+barai�fita�.- tirftt�=i ,aa�qv�st. to r�oomv�p tlls s�wtl .
<br /> �:-�sstat� , .d��cr�_ �' t:�►,:t� O�a.of sivst�abdvs aeution�d as tollpa±�:
<br /> . � ;:;��"' . =:,::� .,� ,:.°:.,, , . .. , :: : . . .
<br /> 13 s ot .G�sr ,; : .
<br /> � p,IRtt of I�ot� ��Y# (�}'�aa�d R�i�,ti�n ( � .
<br /> ` ` S�ubdivision oi` I�tt,�Si�,��#, S�w� ����. ��9bt.::��}°•°��
<br /> Gst�CStt"s:8ubdivi.staa q��;:pi�rt o! t.hs East Sa�t (8��} �o� .'.;:. .
<br /> � 8�atian.�iiis.(9�,_ .'�7.svw► (�11� 1�. �� �� �`='_ .
<br /> i:,s �.� �ss]ca, s�ra :
<br /> � (9 j, 1hs�;:±Dt ths 6th gt�«', Aall CoLtnt7l. , .
<br /> - ' parti�wl�rly�� � to31a�: _ .
<br /> . . . . _ �
<br /> lix�t to a�c�rts�ni'ths .actaa�. Pci.At ot b�qinnin9 at th�
<br /> intrrs�ion ot t:h� Sout�ssly lins oi 2otb Str�t and tiu . ,
<br /> Kista�ly iins ot.�t Tbf sfiii�n t i3 j �ctandsd: tbsncs in a ,
<br /> Soutl�rly �ir!c�iau aloc�g:�.ane aposi ths N�sterly line ot • �
<br /> IAt Thirt�A f�2�'�$�� Of ttns Huridr�d !iltsaA and
<br /> Ssv�nty Htmtlrsd� r125.7�} l�st:� ��J �iy
<br /> a distanvs� o! C� �� Tbirt�l-�o (13Z) l�st to tIw
<br /> ' Sastsrly lins o= I+ct 'l�ivs (iZ)t �� �
<br /> � Kos�tl�rly aloag and upoa ths Bast�sly li=w o!�t Twlv�
<br /> (iZ) a diatance o! One Huadrad Fitte�n ai#d six�Y
<br /> gundr�dtLs (115,60) laet to the South�rly lins ot 20tb
<br /> Stre�tt thsncs in s iiestarly diraction alang and upon ths
<br /> 8outhsrly lins oi 2oth stre�t a distancs a! Ona Sunclre�l
<br /> Tbis�j(Ti�O (13Z) Last to ttLS point of bsg3nnfnQ�
<br /> ssid r�qu�st to r�c.onvey r�citing that all sttss sec�c�sd bY suah - :.
<br /> Drsd ot Trusfi have baen tully psid: , . . • : •
<br /> .'� in ttccordanae with st�h r�t and th� `. :i:!. ''- �,:.
<br /> �T. �REFOItE, ����
<br />- provi��ons ot �uah Trust Deed, ths ucxi�raigned, as "T�nistN. �a �. .: r.:, . �
<br /> h�r�bY rrcanv�y, Mi.thout warranty. to�'I�s P�rson or p�sons l�gslly ,, . . ,
<br /> �ntitlsd t�s�to, tt� �stat� noti hsid by said Trust� h�r�ut�r.
<br /> . � IN �iIT�SS NHERSOP, ths uad�n�gt�d has axeant�d..tb3s t��i� ot �
<br /> - .. � I�co�v�y�nC� 'at Gran� Island, l�bsaslca, 't.�i► i th..c�p ot J�3y,
<br /> � . /�� �,:�:'
<br /> 1991. ,, ,� 2�/�a ��l��',,. ;
<br />,. . ` ;'�iILLIA�I G. HIACICSZ1Rtt� TRUSTBE
<br /> �ST71TE OF �Sl�A? . . ' � -
<br /> _ 1�-�`� � -
<br />= �O�T�' OF A1�LL � . , ' : . .
<br /> ' .T!M toregoing D�d o! R��ccnveyance was ackaawladqod betore ae �` ,
<br />� .. � oli .Ttily 17, 1991, by i1ILLI�11[ G. Hl.iilClC8t1RN• STaE. . �
<br /> , .
<br />� . � ���ot,o�rt~�' ' Npt,ary Publ c �
<br /> - INr ca.�.E�/.JW�.Il.t!!'i . �� , � �
<br /> _ '� � �
<br />- - C � • - � �
<br /> a � j� � � � C� , . . . �� ... �
<br /> _ '� � � r_ : : t•� � �. h M �
<br />� � , } ::. � j ; �� !� . : �.._.
<br /> r- f � � g
<br /> � . I • x
<br /> .i � � . � , � �
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<br /> 3 � . :'-? � �� � .
<br /> 1
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