. . - . � � � � aF o�oF� .i.4473g �
<br /> , ,�ro�a�a t�s e�oa�a�o� � � ��. , ,� : �
<br /> _ �a.�w�.,h.�w.a�,h.�r,�,.��..e���aeiMia�GMddT g�.�b.v:.�a,�,�,�.�.. �
<br /> ��dtorinlwOMeaTiwtvtwidMwbMwr�WftdN[�n�K�ipAd+r�dobN�on�nT 1lNnama�intMrwnt ,
<br /> dad�dtabowchdoW�MfonundrlhsOMdo�7ru�Rinckrdln�.butnotlin�iY�q.���ndK' bt�was�e!►
<br /> ;��' �jalc��oe��TitiNor np��1s and hM , `
<br /> - ` � , . J J , , .
<br /> . i� JsiN�i�Mo�
<br /> n�s o�o o��usr.�s m.a as a a�s�t�aay a �n!• .1�-�:.�•��w
<br /> ' btrttNor. *�..t.�� t Twi��w z �+..►....:. 6. Johl�r Husband and_11Y[fe . . .
<br /> Wtar moilNg addr�is �rNn'Truslor"whslhar on�a.mory.
<br /> ths Trt�M�. .
<br /> y���y���� f A. f� isll Beasd I=I�ei E 6ilf2 � (hKei11'Trt�!"�and
<br /> ' ihs�[I�iC1ilY. .��1! Po�wl: ��r � � ... - - • .:
<br /> wtw�maititpaddrat�is e a e.... +•�.� 2 .• ����,- �� cawn_�� _ (Nerein'4ande�7-. ,
<br /> �ii VAW/1BLE CONSIDERATION.inCiud(np L.enders eu/er�t!of credit iden0iied herein to �L- I°�n—�:
<br /> ••••• '•� * 7oMa�oe � t�n~BoROwe�':whett�r ane or maej and ths uwt ner�ere�ted. �
<br /> tAs receipt of wNiCA ts hefeby acknowbd�e0.Trustor heretly irrevocably g�nts.transbrs.conveys and�s�i9r►s to Trusls0.IN
<br /> TqUST�NATHPOWEROFSAL�tortl�ebaiefdandaecu�tyofLender.underardsubjecttothetermsaad�onshereina(ler=at �
<br /> toriN.Uf�nN pnOMrly.dNCr1Wd sf tclbwr , • ; '
<br /> U
<br /> TMR'8011� �VV �S�.P2) � � 90UTY�ST a1�ttT� tS61/4) � TA8 M�ST � .
<br /> �S'1'�R 1�1/�f � �Or FIP7'LEM �1S) ri Tt1M�S�iP ?6M tii) wOR'[N. �itA� '�'�..
<br /> �i�). M�S? � T� 6!'F�R:11. n UAI.1. t701!/�fT. ��. ' . - •
<br /> TopMher wi�a[f buildin��imprevemenb.fixtures,streets,alteys,passageways.easements.�tybts prtvl�e0es and a�eu�."� �
<br /> nst�s IocaNd iherson or in anyw+se peRainins�,and�e�ents,issues and profip.revenions and remsinders�eot,and
<br /> such pKSOMI prpp�rly that is att�d.ud to the improvemenis ao as to constituta a tlxturs,inctudirg,but not Omited to.f�n�aed
<br /> cootinp equiprt�sntt��erwiLsthe homasl�ead or marital interests.if any,which inkresbara hereby reteaaed and waived;all
<br /> ot whkh.inetudinp ceQtacsmeriri and addit�artsii�reto,ia hereby dectared to be a part o1 the reai estate saeured by the lien oflhis
<br /> Oeed ot Truu and aBi cf B�e ior+e�oing being�to here(n as the"P�operty"•
<br /> This O�ed o/Trust shall a�u+s�a)ths pnyment of the Drtncipal aum and tntereat evldenced by e promissory noM or credit
<br /> • a�teane�t ated �����—,having a maturiry date o1 _.,,j•-• '� �� •
<br /> in the aiginel pnt�dgal amount of S "���! .and any and all modificatlon�.eMSnsions ana renewsis
<br /> 1hKSO1 or lherelo.ar�d any and ail future advances end readvances to BoROwer(or eny of them i!more than ons)fNreundv
<br /> purwlmt to ons w rtwrs promis�ory notea or c�edtt a�reaments(herein cailed"Note'7:(b)the payment o!othK wms sdvanced by
<br /> Lend�rb prWectth�sacurity of�e Nots;(c)the performanceot atl covenanband e�reemenqot Trusta sNfoAh hsrMn;and(�WI
<br /> pr�nt and tuEun inablsdne�s and obiipstions of 8orrower(or any of them if more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,Indiacl.
<br /> ab�olut�or con�ny�nt and wheNer arislnp by note pusranty,overdratt or otherwlap The Note,this Oeea of Trust and any and ail
<br /> pih�docu�r�tstltat�eeure ths Note w otherwi�etxaeuted in conneetion therewitA,ineludin�without limifaf.ion puarantees.alaeuriry
<br /> _ �nM�nd a�nmenb ot�ea�ss snA rents,�MII 6s ralerrad to herein as the"Lo�n Inatrwna�t�si'•
<br /> Tt�sMr covenartb�nd prNS witA Lender as tollaws: �' .., . �
<br /> �. �ay�nt ol N�d�bNdn�N.All indebtedness secured hereby shall6e paid when�u�
<br /> 2.T1W.Truator is the owner of the Properiy.has the rlght and authority to convey xhE F�•pCE�tl�.and warrants tha!the�len
<br /> created hereby is a tlrst and prlor 11en on the Prooerty.except for Uens and encumbr�r[G�setFartfi by Trustor in wNting.and _.
<br /> Qsiiveredtolen��toreexecutionolthis0eedotTru�t,artdtheexecutlanarddellvery�cf�:s�ee�c��rustdoe�notvlotateany _
<br /> conbact ar oThtr c�(:�qaUon to whiCb Ttusto►I3 subJect �' -
<br /> �, ta�y Ar�wmne�.To pay betore delinquency all tazes.special assessments an�2�1 ather charges against the Property ,
<br /> now Q�h!►e�(k'r.4ev1e0. '.
<br />— 1�,(e�N�nea.To keep the Pre�eRy insured against damage�y tlre.hatards lncluded wi.iai.n the term"exf�nded coveraye",and
<br /> - si+d;`t�er hazarCS�s Lender may require.in amqunia and wAh companies accepfabfeto tenQer,naming(.ender as aa aa7idonal
<br />— nanr�Q inbursd,wldr.tcaa payabte to the Lender.Rr case of foss under such poucles,the LenCer is autrio�fzed m adjusL cdl�et and
<br /> con�promix atic�ai��there�nde►andsh�tlhavEC�+eopt�onotapptyingat�arpartofthe�nsurancepraceedali)toamrindebtedneas _
<br /> s�ccr�4d heraby an�€9n auCh otder as Lender maydetermine.(ii)tothe Trustor to be usedforthe repalrorsesbadon of the P�oper�y
<br /> pr�ii}1�art�r athet pu►pose or objeef saUatsctory to lender without aHectingthe Uen ot this Oeed ot Trust tor ths feil amouM secured
<br /> hrr�b�t bNon sucb payment ever took place.Any appNCation of proceeds to indebtedneas shatl not entend or postpone the due =
<br /> d�M d�ny paymenb under ths Nob,or curs any de(auB thereunder ar Nereunder.
<br />= 5.Efen�l.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Trustor shalt pay to Lender,in such manner a�Lende►may desiqnats.sutficient
<br /> � sumatoen�bbLanAertopayastheybecomedueoneormoreofthetoltowing:(i�allisxe�.as�essmentsandotherchargesagsinst ,
<br /> _ ffi6 Praperty,(ii)the pramtums on the proparh►insuranee required hereunder,entl(+ii)the prerttiems o�►any inoRSsgs insuraace
<br /> . raquired by lander.
<br />— g,Ya�q,IMp�ys sed CpnpY�ne�viiM Lawa.Trusto►shatl keep the P'roperry in good condiUOn and rep�lr.shatl , • ,
<br /> pron�tly�epair.ar r�place any�mprovament whlcb may be dama�ed a deshoyed;shstl not comrtflt or permit any NcasM a
<br />— QwripraUUon of fhs Property:shall not remova demoUsh or substantially aiter any of the�mprovernenb on the PropeAy:shall not
<br /> conKni�sulbr or pKmNanyacito bedon�inor uponiheP�op�rty In viofaUOn of any law ord�nanca o►re�ulafl�orr.andshalt payrat�
<br />_ promplly di�ehfr�at Truslor's cost and�xp�n�s ail liens.encumbnnce�and chuses le+iled.impos�d ar ass�swd aql�in�t!hs
<br /> Pr��Y a�Y F�tM�eoR. • _ .
<br /> — �.E�N QaiaM.Landn ts her�by auipned all compensaUon,awiras.damaqe�and other paymenb or relieT(fiefeina�
<br /> — . uprocaWs"�inconn�c�on�ritheo��d�mnnionosmner�en�offheP�apertyap�iithareof.o�laconreyanceinlleuOtcond�mni• �
<br /> tion.L�nder shsll 6e entltlad if ib option t0 eommenee.appaar ia and Pr��in its OwA nartls ar�y tCUOn dr precadlrtgs,and
<br /> - _-. �II ai�a pr aMipe�to enaks any cpmpromi�e nr sMtlen�ent in conn�ctlortwiM aucb t�kin�o►Aamap�.In tlu�+rrn!any por�oe o1
<br /> N�Cifi7A�/eMrMOw�IMr tdiN '
<br /> O 1!D N�W rrr M cre�erro.tr,nanlsw�iYi�nrrR�,�aw�wrw. ,
<br />