- ._. __.. _. , - - . - - . .
<br /> , -. - ' _ . ... . { . , .. _ _. _ -- -- .- _ - - - .
<br /> : - --.._ . , ` . . . "i i ' ` " . _ ' : `�[�,""�' ,1����Gr� , < -
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<br /> _ _.4 _ ._ _.—__ - . . . . � . ` /. ' ' .
<br /> . � ` , � � �' AC1CNOfiiL8DGF2t@1T� OFE DEED OF TRUST� ' , . � ' . �
<br /> TRU$1�R RE�lD THIS BEFORE StGiRNGz ' : . ' . . `
<br /> _.. - -- --_ - - -
<br /> - = - . _ _
<br /> Trustor uAderstands that the� docuaent tha� Trustor fs about �
<br /> � to�execute is a Deed of T'rust anc� nat a mortqaqe and that the
<br /> power of sale provided for fa the Deed of Trust provides substan-
<br /> tf�ally differeat riqhts an@ obligatious to Trustor than a nort--
<br /> g�ge �n the event of a default or breach of ohliqation under the
<br /> � Deed of Trustr includinq, bat not lfmfted to, the Lender's right
<br /> -- --- �--t-cr-h$��t�e-�'rop8r-� sa�c� �sy-��c Trctstee �ti�hout any juditial.- ---,_�____ --
<br /> � � prcceeding. Trustor represents and varran�s._:that this Acknowl-
<br /> , 'edgement was executed by Trustor bef re tti� esecutian of the Deed
<br /> of Trust.. _ . - . ;
<br /> __ , �. '
<br /> . �` R/ ' � �
<br /> - -� :n Y, `. 6 �'`, ,
<br /> " . - : �� � . - � "
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<br /> , � � ' . '� -
<br /> , � D. ��A. a . T :..�T - '
<br /> ,:.
<br /> ...:,,..
<br /> This DEED OF TRUST is 'made as.�.ci�= the /5�day of Jr`Y , 1991
<br /> by anc3 amonq the Trustor, RANDY L. 1aY�_ and JAN E. DYE, Husband
<br /> and iiife, w�iose mailing address is �toute 1,�Hox �'7S, Juniata.
<br /> Nebraska G8955 (herefn, "Tr�stor",� whetb�r �ane or more), the
<br /> Trustee;_�!Ti"��iam 1�. Franc�s, �Attorne.y..at �ar�,�� whose:�ail fnq .
<br /> ad@�s i$� P: O. Sox 2280. Grand �s�c�n8, tiebiaska�'`•�6�802-2280
<br /> (her��iii "Tnxstee"}, and the Henef ic�.ary. GALE E. [�£TfiENBRINR and
<br /> I.ADONDIA R. E�LTTENBRYNR, Husbaad and Wife, as joint tenants with .
<br /> rights of "s,r��r ivorship, whose mail ing address is 535 Eas t Cap ital -
<br /> Avenue, Gaai73� Island, t�ebraska� 68801 (herein "Lender').
<br /> : FQR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, includiag Lender's axtension of
<br /> credit ideatif ie8 herein to RANDY L. DYE ar�d JAN E. AYE, Husband
<br /> and Wife, �hisrei» •Borrower", whether one or more), and the trust
<br /> . herein crea�ed, the receipt of wh�ich is hereby acknowiedged, _
<br /> Trustor hereby irrevocable granzs, transfers, conveys and assigns -
<br /> to �`xustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit anci __
<br /> secu'rity of the Lender, under and subject to the tenas and condi- �
<br /> tions hereinafter set fortb, legally described as foliows:
<br /> A� tract o£ land comprising a part of the Southeast
<br /> �� Quarter of the Northeast Quartar (SEl/4NE1/4) and part
<br /> of the Northeast Qaarter o£ t&e Southeast Quarter -
<br /> (NEI/4SEl/4) of Secticr����'wenty-Four ;24), Township �
<br /> Eleven t 11) North, Rar_��' Nihe t 9) West of the 6tri P.iL �
<br /> in Hall County� Nebras�a, more particularly describecl f
<br /> ' as �ollowss . � �
<br /> Beginaicu�. aQ� �;�e sauth�ast carner of said Northeast �,
<br /> Quar�e� �C.r�E1�'�j��; thence northerly along the east line ��
<br />- v� sai�.�..5'r�c�%c� Twentiy-Four (24), a diatance of Two ;`
<br /> l�r_r��c-+�`S�ve�t��iine and Twenty-Five Hunaredths d;
<br /> .��'�9..25�� £eet �A the southeast corner of Bowden '
<br /> ,
<br /> . Sub�sv�i:sion; thence wes�erly along the south line o€ F' '
<br /> ' said 9aw+3en Subdivisior� and this lin� ex�ended ���'
<br /> �. � waster2y, a distance o£ Five Nuncired Si;xty-Eight and �; � ='
<br /> � Severfty-Seven Hundredths t568.77) feet� the11G6 a
<br /> deflecting le£� 90 degress 0(1 minures and runafng - - f
<br /> southerly, a distance of Two Hundred Eighty-Eight and ' �
<br />- Forty-Three Hundredths (288.43) feet; thence de€lect�rfg
<br /> . ri�ht 90 degrees 00 miautes and running westerly, a �
<br /> distance af T��nty-Fvur and Sisity-Five Hundredths �
<br /> (24.65) feets thence defiecting le£� 90 degrees 19 �
<br /> . _ . : . . . mfautes QS seconds and �mnninr� sautherl�r. a aistance nf . {
<br /> 1.
<br /> . {
<br /> _. . . __ -- - . _..__ _._ . . _ . . _. _ .... __ . _. _ . _ _ .
<br /> _. - - -
<br /> �
<br /> . 1 '
<br /> . � .
<br />