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<br /> / . . . . . . � ... . . . � ' 4. a .
<br /> . ` � � a � ( � � . � ,�[`
<br /> . � ' � LAICE F.tISF�l�IQT AG�RE,�T _ , ` - , � , � � ; �� .
<br /> ' ` . ; , - ,., , ' � � ` ---. .
<br /> -: =Tltis L�aks.-£�tsemen� 1lgreement i�: made _a�#d .ei►tered into thfs "� �
<br /> /!°E'ds� of 3uly� 1991 by aad_.betwe�en GAL� �. METTENSRINIC `sttyd'.,= �- -
<br /> �NHi� K. METTENBRINKr Husbamd and t7ffe, herefn�fter referrec3� to
<br /> � as •Grantosa"• and R�lNDY L. DYE ana JAN E. DYE, Husbancl and Wi�e,
<br /> hereinafter referre8 to as •Grantess". -
<br /> iJITNESS�THs . ..
<br />__ - —-- __ __.-_---._ . . W�Rg�. �rantees have pu rchased f rom Grantors the real --
<br />-- . estate described as s
<br /> _ A tract of land comprising a part of the Sautheast
<br /> - - qtrarL�r �f the Northeast Quartex, (SEl/4NE1/d j and part
<br /> � of �e Northeast puarter of the Suutheast Guarter
<br /> _ ' (NEl/4SEl/�) of Section Twenty-Four t2�3. To�ship ,
<br /> � Eleven (11) Nortb, Ran9e Nfne: (9) :West of the 6th P.��.
<br /> in Iial2 County. Nebraska, more particularly�-described �
<br /> ��y . as follows: . .
<br /> -� _ - � Beginnfr�g aE -the sou�hsast corner o� s�i.d Northeast _ y _ :---
<br />� Quarter (NEl/4yf thence northerly along the east lfne __
<br /> � of safd Section.�renty-Four (24), a distance of Two
<br /> tiundred Seventy-t+tine and Twenty-Pive �undredths -
<br />.i� (279.25) feet to the southeast, corner of flowden . .
<br /> Subdivision; thence westerly alarig the south line of , __._ _
<br />-- said Bowden Subdivision and this line extended
<br /> �ester�y, a distance of Five Hundzed Sixty-Eight .and.,. �
<br />- ' Se�nen�y-Seven Hundredths (568.77) ,feett thence - -
<br /> deflecting left 90 degrees OQ minutes anci runn�ng ; , . __
<br /> southerly� a distanre of Two Kundred Eighty-Efc��t• and .
<br /> Forty-Three Hundredths (288.43� feet; e.hence deflecting
<br /> �='` right 90 degrees 00 minutes and running westerly. a __
<br /> � dfstance of T�enty-Four and Sixty-Five Hundredths �-
<br /> (24.65) feet; thence deflecting left 90.,degrees 19 '�=
<br />';•i:�� A minutes 05 seconds and run�ling southerly� a distance of _
<br /> Four. Bundred Sixty-Four and Sixty-Six Hqndx�dths :-
<br /> � y (464.6�) feet to the northeasterly ric���rof-way line ,a� � s,:
<br /> the.�u�lingtan Northern Railroad; thence deflecting. ;.
<br />. �� lef t &2 degrees 07 minutes 22 seconds and runni�zg � � . �
<br /> �� southeasterly along said right-of-way line, a disCanC�. _
<br /> r ' ' of Six Hundred Seventy-Four and Efghty-Two Hundredths' . =
<br />` � - � (674.82) feet to the east l ine of sa�c� Sertion �vent�- __
<br /> Four t 24}1 thence northerly along the .e�ast l.ine of sasi�3 _
<br /> � . Section Twenty-Four t24), a distance.�f Seven HundreB - � �
<br /> -- - � � Eighty-Six (?86.0) taet to, tt�e'plac��cf beginning and c�
<br /> -. - cvnta��ning 12.277 acres_ mare or less,:- ,_
<br /> : . . ,
<br /> �_;... hereinaft�"r referred ta as "Tract 1"; ' �
<br /> f
<br />- 4
<br /> ��� . �
<br /> i
<br />' [
<br /> . � �
<br /> _ . .
<br /> . �e•- r„�:"- ---- . . .. __. .... .... . . � . ;' �
<br /> � �'~ . . . ' . . - - �
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<br /> • �ya,ar� . ' � . � - . . • .
<br /> . "-�'�-`' .��a.�.'.. � - ' ' . . ' ' .
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<br /> . kr.� � - — - .- — -- --- — i — — —,— ---— , — -
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