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<br /> t C� ' ' _ '`" ' ' ' _' ' . .
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<br /> : � � . � � � .. — �� � � _ , ,
<br /> . , , �. � . . , � �
<br /> . . . ` � .tiiBBRBi�.S.. Gra�►tees desfre�, to°obtai�, and Gicantora axa villing � ` " ,
<br /> � � to Qr�nC�� ,a �SerP�tua� nari-ax�2usfve sa$emen� ta the Grante�s. � � .
<br /> � tl�eir�heirs: auccesaars an� asstgria, for tt�e �urpose of estab- �
<br /> �• iish�ng ,a private 8rive to affarcl access to �he rea2.�state o+med -
<br /> -.._ `. hy the. Grantees:_ se►b�e�t �o ths .cond�tion that ai� oDligatfoni� .�`
<br /> - . herein requfrecl a�,re_ perforsed by Grantees. thefr heire, s�cc�s-; -
<br /> � � soxs and aSSfgnS: � ' �, .
<br /> � . , . � , . . �.. ,
<br /> � � NOi�, T9EREFORSR in cansidera�t3on af the autual covenaats ,
<br /> - herein,contained, it is;aqreed: . _ � . � ..
<br /> � `1. Conv�gance of Eaaesent. For and in consid�ratfqn of One .
<br /> _ .
<br /> - _..._..
<br /> - - - -- .- --t�vltar_ f ST":� a �rr �ni=va�uaHle con�fderatfert. t e - .
<br /> Graatars hersliy gr�at. and convey uptio Grantees, tbeir hefrs, suc-
<br /> , " cessors a�ad assigr��. a twent� (.20) foot wide easessent fot. ingres�
<br /> . and eqress over, tbrough and �upon: . �
<br /> ` A tra+rt of land ca�prisf.nq a part of the Northeast ,
<br /> - - � Quarter. of the southeast Quarter �NElf�SEI/�3 of �
<br /> � � ; Sectfon Twenty Faur (24)e To�ship Eleven t�l} Noith, :�
<br />- — ` .I�ange. Hine t g1 West of-,tl�e bth: P.M. in HaII Coyinty: ' .
<br />-- � = � Nebra�ea,� the centerl:ine� @�.�Q�_pased� .Twenty �20.01 fa4t
<br /> - � wid�.easement more.pa�ticir:Iar�g�de�c��ed as follOwis.:t.,.
<br /> ", _ - - ' _ � � ' _ - . - .
<br /> -- , ` , Seg innir►g at ;the no=theasti �+��ii.er af�$aid S�t4t.li�ast:�="�`��
<br /> - .Quarter tSEi,��;�.i Chei��e svis,th��iy�along the:�ast li.ne. �. .
<br /> _ � of said Soutit�ast Qt;a����;�5 .c�-�4) an.:an assun�ed beai�£iig - __
<br /> � oE Due:Soutti;�< �t.di.s�taii.�+��caf�;:��4.26 -��� to the ACTUA4�
<br /> _ _ � •p2ac� �._�i'�uiningt-��.fi���+,ce fiT�.�kh 89"`'1'Aegrees �1 M�3'nutes
<br /> _ � .14� .��Yr,c.�s,.W�st, a ��stance.;ci� 65.5� feet= thence
<br /> �• � �:` No�:"•�'�$ �3eg�+aes 22 Minutes 22 Seconcis West, a dfstance
<br /> . . ;:;:.of �:�E��3.9,feet; thenae North 89 Deg.r+�� 35 t�linutes .
<br /> � ��.-33: ,S,e�ionds West• a d ista»ce of 89.S���.e,et; thence South
<br /> . . .-. . 7i '� qegrees 21 Minutes 58 Seconds West, a distance of
<br />.- _ � - 81.79 feet; thenre South 68 Degrees 22 tfinutes
<br /> . � 22 Seconds t9est, a distance of 8U.59 feet; thence South .
<br /> 62 Degrees 27 tiinutes 19 Seconds West, a distance of �_
<br /> - � 128.63 feet. "
<br /> 2. Ri hts of Easement. Grantors further grant and convey =
<br /> unto Grantees,- . e r e rs, successors and assigns, fuli and f ree =
<br /> � right and liberty for Grantees, tbeir tenants, sexvants-, vfsi- _
<br /> �ors, �and� licensees, in common with alI athers havfng the ��ke _
<br /> rfght, ,a� all times hereaftez, with or wi�hout velsicles o� any
<br />` description, for a11 purposes connected w$Lh ti�e use and �njoy- �
<br /> � ni�nt of the said land of the Grar}tees £or whatever purgase tAe � •
<br /> , said land may be from tfine to tiMCS lawfu2ly used and enjo}�edr to
<br /> ` .,, � pass and xe-pasa �along tlse said private drfve so establisked for
<br /> - _ � the p�rpase of �access tv �ha Gra�tQes• prap�:rty. .
<br /> 3. Grantors' Retention of Ri h�s. Such easement hereby
<br /> establfs ed s spec caily s ect o the reserva�ion�by the
<br />- Grantors �hat the same may be �.ssed by the Grantess, their heirs,
<br /> successo�es aad assigns, in conjunetfon with the use of the ;•
<br /> : . � �
<br /> _ �,:
<br />_ = �
<br /> _...... _
<br /> � � ... .. . _ . _.. _.�__..��._�.._�. -
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<br /> `;�; � � : � • � ' . � , . � � ' .
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