_ �. _
<br /> " ._�' - " _ "' -" .. _—__ " - -_-°_ -
<br /> =i..: -' .;.:�c� - ' _,...._---=�-r-_�.=_.___.._:- -- -- ..
<br /> = � - - -
<br /> . , _ _:;.
<br /> � �n .,� : - ,-- - ---. . _ - - � �
<br /> " --=��.: _ -- - - -- -- --- ' - - _ _ � --
<br /> _ � = � . _
<br /> ,. , . _ . Y . � - . ; , �. �g��-. 1��`7��. - -
<br /> .. ,:� � . , .
<br /> , . < < < . . , . , , . . , _ .,
<br /> • " ` < � , SURVIVOR8HIPy Wl►RRANTY DEED � � � �
<br /> . , . � � < , - _ �
<br /> � .. : � . .
<br /> � ` � GIli.E- �. METTENBRINK and F.l1DONNA R. MBTTENBRINK, �u�band and
<br /> - -
<br /> _.:.. _Wifes �R11Nfi�RSf. fn_aon�.i�deration a# the�su�°o� Fifteen Thousand ' . _ `
<br /> and Ho/IQO O�llars �S1y.000.00): recetpt of which is harsby-` _� - �-
<br /> acknoxle$ged• convey. to.IiritiDY L. DYE and �l�i[�I E.� D7EE, �Huaband and � � ,
<br /> Wife, as joint tenants .�itti:�riqht of survivorshfp, and aot a� ten-
<br /> ants in comocan, GR1�it�iTB£&,, the following-�iescribed �re�l estate tam �
<br /> defined in. Neb.Rov.3ta►t..TbT201) in Hall Coupty, Hebraskas . ,�
<br /> A tract of land �aamprisi.ng a gar� of the Southeast
<br /> _ ---- - -=` -Qua��er-o�-ti�=tic�rt�t��@�ar�er=�&F1E4N�1,E4�-and=.pi±�._-_�-=_— = -- -
<br /> o� tlie Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Qnarter ,
<br /> {ttE3r�SE1/4) of Sectfon Twreaty-Four I�4�, Townshig �
<br /> Eleven (il) North, Range Nine t9) West of tbe 6th P.M. �
<br /> in. Hall Count�, Nebraska, more particuiarly described �
<br /> , as follosisl: _ � � . , :�-- ;. - � � .
<br /> � .Begiru�ing at the southeas�r corner of said Northeast � ,
<br /> �. ' Quarter tN��./�f i thence �r�ortherly al.ong the east l ine� .
<br /> � � of said Section �+enty-�o�ic t2'�), a� dista�r�� of Ztro , -
<br /> Hundred Seventy-Nine and .�saty-Five Bun�"sedt.hs
<br /> _ -- ' -- .- ..-:"=.�;�279.25� fe�t._ta the_sQUt�Z�ast corner_of :�trden - . _ . _ ,_-
<br /> _ � : �{`.;<•::'.��a�ivisidn= thence westerly along the`sau'th line of
<br /> `�' '�'�� • � = ���`��a��d Bowden Subdivision and this Yine ex�ended
<br /> - � ' �esterly, a distanre of Ffve Hund�ec� �Sfx�g�-Eight and .�._ _
<br /> ;. ' ` Sevent�-�e�en Hundredths t568.77� .€ee�t�`���ce � ,. .
<br /> _ :- .�`. ., ..:,; `� : deftectiri�:.�ef t 90 degrees 00 ini.ne�,�,�am� �.�ning � ,...:�::�:,'=; :.
<br /> ..:�..,� - �.�::�r .
<br /> �;,��.��� smu�herly, a distaiice of Two Hun�sec�. Ef9��:�"�ight _and . ,
<br />=° � • Fnrty-Three Hundr�ths. t 288.43) ����t thence defl,ec�ing ;
<br /> ' right 90 degrees 0.0 minutes and ��sr.�iing westerly,'�a"� '�'�
<br /> -.- - distance of Twenty-Four a��S�xt��ive Hu^x�redths
<br />�- � '- � (24.65) feet; thenre def�s�,�ing lef t 90 s�e�rees 19 •
<br /> �� :
<br /> ���:� minutes 05 seconds and rurining southerly• °a distance of -
<br /> - • Four Hundred Sixty-Four and Sixt���ix Hundreciths
<br /> (464.66) feet to the northeaster`Z�:;zight-of-way line of
<br />- the Burli?��ton Northern Railroad; �hence �eflecting
<br /> left 62 ��ress 07 ininute�--SZ seconds an�'. running ,
<br /> -- . southeasterly along said :��ht-of-way Ifne, a dfstance�
<br /> -_ � - of Six Hundreci Seventy-Four an8 Efghty-Two Hundreclths _
<br /> ;�;� � - (674.82) feet to the east line of said Section Twenty- S
<br /> . Four (24)= thence northerly along the east line of said . • „
<br /> Section Twenty-Four (2A), a distance of Senen Hun�red ;,t�� � -
<br /> � Eighty-Six (786.0� feet to the place of beginning .and . _
<br /> containing 12.277 acres mare or less. -. ���
<br /> -_- . � _
<br /> �: It is the intention of all parties herreto that in the ev�nt
<br /> ''•` of the death of eithAr ef the Grantees�. the e�at,ire fee simple
<br /> :� _- � . . .
<br />..� title to the real estate shail vest i.� ���e su.�€iving Grantee. �::: ,:.�. _
<br /> �., , • �.�.:.. ��..;. .
<br /> :;�� - � �� � GRANTORS, jointl� an8 severally �auenant with �t��..�RANTEES ' =
<br /> -� '' - � � that GRANTORS: � . �
<br /> ,� , ``
<br /> :-' �''�,;• _
<br /> �:_ �� ,:'....,, � �
<br /> - •• ��:� (1 j are lawf�ul ly sei�ed�.of ;such real astate and � .. . .
<br /> -.*.F� � thati it is free �r'rsn encumbranc�s:� � , � ,
<br /> ;�..
<br />_�:� �:' s�,�:
<br />�"��� �,2)�. have �:���1 power and_ law£ul authori�y to con- ° '�� :
<br /> vey th�e 8ame� -_,., , �
<br /> � (3) wa�rant and���i�'1 defend the title to the reaL: �� �
<br /> • � esLate agafnst th'e� lawEul clair�s of all persans.
<br />- r ,
<br /> .- Executed s � �:. �_ . 1991. .
<br /> _ . ` . �
<br /> � , � �i �
<br /> Ga . cigtten r n
<br /> `
<br /> . E
<br /> / ./� i �
<br /> - . - ' - . _ . _ ' _ �(�i: ft.. _ /���n t'tt�L�t.3. e[.
<br /> - - La-5on a K. t�fettenbrf- - - -
<br /> ' �
<br />