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_ � . . .�. _ _ -_ <br /> _ .��__t _ _ _ . . - _. .-� _ <br /> .-a- -- --- -i ---- -- . - c .-. -. � �-�- <br /> - - �'�� - . . . . . . . , _....._...- --- . . ,_ , . t�-•=---- - <br /> -�:.._..- <br /> , <br /> V1� � , :. . - --- - �_.. . ' � <br /> . _ ._ . . _ . <br /> . .. . .� _ . . <. . . ; . . , . .. ._ - .. <br /> _ . ' �. . .'. = . .. - . . _ • _. . . <br /> .- ,, � _ : �. 4 . , - � � ..� gi.�: io�7�a . <br /> .. � ; .� .. . . _ . . � . <br /> . � �. � <br /> . � ��f 1.�rcqu;red mortpse;mur.nae u.ooadipoo af.�lcins tbe lo.a secure�by tbis security tnsanuoent:� : <br /> � Bar�owra s�lf pay tLe pn�niV+��to m�int�ia tLe iusurance in eReet uatii such time s the nquironent fa t6e <br /> c•ie�.�aacetermiattes�a�cco�d�no�witbHorm�vdsandY.a�de�s�ittmag�anmtorappticabkta�r. - <br /> - �, �etiM. I.ea&r ar its a�eat m�y maka�an�b�entria upo4 ancl�of ti�e 8ropertY•;�� < <br /> s1u11 jiveBorm�anotiaudxtimecforpriorwaoio�xtion�are+s°°abkcaascfortbeinspxaon. . <br /> ! �. Tbe ptucee8s of auptMard ot cWm for dama�es,diroct ort�t�seqaa��in oo6nection�rith <br /> aay ouadewastioa ot otbier nkiaj of apy,patt d tbe Ptoperiy.or fot conveyaaoe iu lien oE ooademnatioaa are here�ry ' <br /> a�d�ned�odsbaltbep�idtotreader. � <br /> Ia d�e evsnt oE s toql talain:of t6e�nopnty.the ptoceeds s1nII be applied ta the snn�s secnred by this SecuritY <br /> Iastrua�cat,rlietl�et or not tLen du��ith any e.�oess paid to Borrawrct.Ia the eveat of s partial takiaE of the P�+ape�tY+< <br /> _. aele�c Bocm�raad I�a�der ot�ec+rise sie'x nt�vtitmy the sum�.secured b�►thu Sxutity Instrm�ent ahsll be red�csd by <br /> � - — the anaunt of tbe procoods mWoipiied bY tl�e foQowrins fraction:(i)the totat amouttt af tt�e s�ns sxured immedatdy. .,�;�:.._ <br /> 6efa�etbetakins.dridtdBY(b)thefsirmarlmtvalnet�tbePt�opertY•�+�L*•3��otet�te,�dnE.�Y�ccsi�aIIbe •,:, .,. <br /> pidcoBvrro�rar• ..::. � .: '':`�. - ?" :�,.:. _ , <br /> Ifthe propa�.ris�andaued by Boirra�ra,c+�?�:a�.�•ioe b}�����?�air�s�r.�t�tew�nor o�'era to.. <br /> ;..``-"".,.:; m�lcca��s�dc�c'�se�sirnfordaa�es,8ar�o*�'F�+s�oar�x,?��Q��'�3��:!sa��the�dunaticeis <br /> ;.- . �n�.�ss��tocotlectandapplyt�c.�ieaaec�fv,.�i�C�.�-.A��A����re�a��,�sopatgar <br /> -":, totliesu�sfecuredbyt�SSecuritYl�ir�t,�vbietfs�nrnottL'atdue. ,. , <br /> Uakss I�erandBorcoMarotbrnvitesBeeiswntwig.�r►y applicationnfpruceeds topriacipalsidi not extendor <br /> '. po�tpone the due d�te of tlie montldY WY�►ts zeferre�to in paspapin 1 and 2 or cWia�e the amount of sucb p�yments. <br /> 10. BKro�a 1Wt Rdew�k Fatieara�oe B�r �eaies 11fut s Wairer: Extaisioa of tbe time for PsYmrn�ac <br /> modilicstian of amortiz�tion af the swns secure�by this 5ecurity instrument gtantod by Lendcr to aay s��coeswr ia <br /> iataest of Horrmver shaU not operste to releax tbe lisbility of the ori�iaal8orro�ver or Borro�ve�s successors in intercst. <br /> _ - �I.e�der sl�sll not 60�a�uirad�w comaieoce proceedin���sst u►y succasnr in incer�t ar refuse to ea�ead time for _ -- <br />:_ • pRyment or wher�vise modify amortimtion oEthe sums secarod 6y tl�is Security InstrumeAt by rason otw�Y demand made <br /> �yy���p���rnpr$prroMer's successon in intcrat.Any forbeusnce by l.ender in exercisin��ay ri�ht or ren�ody <br /> ' slull noe be s waivetofot preclude the exercise�tany ri81u ar remedy. - <br />° il. S�eoerors a�Arlpt Bo��Jof�t a�/Saeat lAsiiUln Co�tpe� The covenana u�d agramenta of . <br /> (his Security Instrument shsll bind�nd 6rne6t thesuccsssors snd as�i�nsof Lender�nd Bom�wer.subjxt to the provisiom <br />- . of p�rainpL 17.Borroaec's coveaana and urameu�shall be jdat snd sevenl.My Boaower who co�si�ns this Sec�+ritY . <br /> = Instrumeat but doa not euecute the Not�(s)u co3i�inE tbis Seeudty Insttument only to rtwrtgaae.Srant and convey <br /> th�t Borrwver's iaterest In the Praperty under tha terms of this Security instrumant;(b)is not Pecso��11Y abUg,sted to WY <br />- tbe suras secured by lhis Sxurity Inst��nent;and(cl aarees that Leader and aay other Borrawer rtu�y ag�oe to ea�tend. <br />-- modify,�forbear or make any�ccortimodations�vith regard to the terms of this Security InstrumenE or the Note without <br /> - th�t Borro�ve�sconsent. <br /> _� 12, Lo�a Clpir�a. If the losn sacuraf by this Security Instrument is subjoct to a law which sets maximuns loan <br />,', aharges.and that Iaw is flnally intupretod so that the interest or otha loan charges collected or to l�cotiected in <br /> connectiun with the loan eacood the permiRed limits,then:(a)aaY snch loan pharge shall be roduced by the amonnt <br /> ntcasary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;ar�d(b)anY sums already collected from Borrower which escoedod <br />_- — permiued limits wi}I be refunded to Bonawer.Lender may chomse to make this refund by reducing the ptincipa!o�re� <br /> under tHe Note or by malcing a direet payment to Bbrrower.Ifa cefEc:d roduees prineipal.the roduetion wilt be treatod as a <br />"• pf�rtixl prepayment without any prcpaymmt charge�der the Note. <br />-'= � 13. Le�Wstioa Aliectiag i.e�der's Ri�. 1P enactment oc e�nication of applicable ta�s Eras the effoct of <br /> rrndering any provision of the Note ar this SecuritY lnstrumrnt uneriforcea�.z�:cording to its terms.Lea� iu opdon, <br /> msy reqaire immodiate payment in Pull of all sums secured by this Seturety Instrumeat and may invoke any remedies <br /> pem�itted dy paragaph 19.IiLender eaercises this option,Lender shall talce ttie steps spec"sf�ed in t}:_secand paragraph of <br /> =l p�rsgraph 17. <br /> 1�. NoNees..•"Etny notice to Borrower prasvidod for in this Securitx;l�+�rument shall be givrn by delivering it or by <br /> - m�iling it by first c�+s niail unless applicabte iaM roquites use oi ano[3se,.r�sethad.The notice sha19�ic dirccted to the • ; , <br /> - • propercy Address cr:�.^y other sddress Borrower designates by�notice to l.ender.Any natice ta Lrnder shal!be giverk by <br /> flnt etA�s n+ail to Len3�er's address statod herein or any ot��ec audress Lender designat�by notice to Borrower.Any�x <br />�;i pravide3 far in this Secr�rity Instrument shall be deemed tabave ban givan to Bonower or Lenda wbrn g�ven as pro�i� � . . <br />=��� in this p�ragraph. �' ' - <br /> �S, Coren�i�i.�w;SeTentitltty. This Security lnstrument shall be govemed by federal law ar.d the law oP tt�e <br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeny is lacated.ln the event that any provisian or clsuse of tAis Security lissttument or the � <br /> - Note conAicts wlth appticabte law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note _ <br /> - �vhich qn be given eff'ect withant the conHictiag pravisian.To�his end the pravisions af thia Security lnstrument and the _ <br /> � Note arc declared to bc severable. � <br /> !-L 16. Barawee's Cooy. Horrowu shali be given�ne conformed copy of the Nate and of thic Secusity Instrument. � <br /> 17. Taesfe�ot the Pro/erty or s gtneficltl 1Aterat in Horrower. If�U ur any p:►n of the Property or any : <br /> ietetesl lrt it is soW or transferred(or if a betieflcial inte�est in Borrower is said or transferred and Borrower is not a natural � <br /> peraoe)withoue Lender's prior written wnsent,L'ender m� its option.«quire immediate payment in fuU oi alt sums _ <br /> soeured by this Socurity/ostrument. However.thi�aplion 51tat1 nnt bc cKC�cised b�,Lettdev if est�tise is ptohibited by _ <br /> [�eral law ag oithedate otthis Security lnstrument. - <br /> lf l.ender exerc't.�ihis option.Lender sh�ll give Barrower not�ce of acceleration.7he notice shall provide a period = <br /> of not less than 30 daya Prom the date the notice isdelivered or mtifod with�n whioh Borrower must pay all aums secured by _ <br /> tLis Securiry Instrumont.IPBorrower fails to pay these sums prinr to�he expiratiun of this period.l.snder may involce any = <br /> remedin permitted by this Security instrnment without further naticeordomandon Borrower. <br /> • � Is.t�oerower's Wgrt to Reir�state. If gOrrower meets ceHa9n ccsnditinns.Borrowes shal{ha�ra�hc right to bave - <br /> '• �� eaforcement of this Securnty tnstrument.discontinuaQ at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)S days tur such other period as i <br /> � ' � applicabk law may sprsify for reinstatemeat)6efore sate of the Properry pu�sc:ant ta any power of sa2e contained in this <br /> ;-;�;", , � Securiry Instrutaenti or(b)rntry ot a judgment enforcing this Security instaw�sent.Thase conditians are that I3orrower: <br />:.`;!,7;,r;� (a)pays LenQer all�ums which then would be dne uades this Security �nsttummt asr��he Nate had no acceleraairn► <br /> �:`il.l�i� occurred;(b)cutes any default ai'9ny ather covmants or agraements;(c)pays al1 expenses incuned in eeforcing t6is . <br /> .:'L,L� <br /> : Secwity lnswmmt.including,but aot timittQ to,reuonable attoseeys fer$:.and(d)�akes such ection a9 Lender ms�y <br /> -.__. .. <br /> --� - =� <br /> ,, . reuon�6tji requin co assiire tTiat Qie ren af t1ti�SecQritq In�rumeer,g.�ader's rrghts itr thc i�roperfy�n� rawes s _� <br /> , _ obliption to pay the sums seeurod by this Sccwity lestrument sLalt ooatinue nacAang�. Upon reinstatement by <br /> ' Borrower.this Seeurity lnsm�mmt and the obtigallons secured hereby s1�1F�rcmain futty effcctive as if no acceteration h�d <br /> ,: oocurrad,However.thi9;i�ht to reiasyte shall not apply in the case ofaxetention under paragraphs 13 nr 17. <br />, 1 _ <br />