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<br /> � ` ` 'DOt�E'I��t W�1 ari tMe i�orewaMs so�r a 6anAer aac,7ed on 11ie pe�npe�t7•�d'all a�entf.
<br /> • �ad A:1�es aar�r ot l�eeedler a p�t ot tie prope�ry: A1t teplroea�e�e�s aad�ad�itians�dil aLo be oometea 6y�� . `
<br /> i�.iea� M af tre ra�is�denea ra is diis se�nity ia�+�e s�d�e'Fiopertr•" ,
<br /> � � sORROWOt�:UVENANIS idt Bue[o�ra is k�t�Uy sdtad of.�e ew�e baegr co��eyea�a a�d���e w grane .� -
<br /> ' , ,,,d ao�rs�,h�_pk�p�r!�d�t tl�Fmpe�ty is uo�eacae�6aed.eicapt t«�ar�ecad. 9anower�rpais�a,
<br /> . � �11 dele�d�eealty me Wie 1Q ti�'Ptope�ty�airot ati cL�as�ad den�.srbj�ct to�uY�c�n6n�diecad.' . .
<br /> _ - -�'y1S �IfY 1�iS1AtJM6l�1T-co�es.uaifana mv�o�._fa ertia�i uae.��ad aon-ueifam�.careaaea wid�
<br /> �
<br /> ._ ,lnni�ea v��io�s b!►�l�w�s ueifaem sec�ity ima�mentcu�ra�8�P!°R�+ny � � , - , - _ -.
<br /> UHIIaDR�t�VENANI'S. Borto�ec��od l.endercwemntand apa as folb�rs: '
<br /> . 1." h�sn■!�LltYeiMl ar 1�Iee��J���L� BaROwer sbalt[N'�PUY P�Y when doe tbe
<br /> prwci�t af ard iMaeat a�die debterjdmcad 67►IMe No1c and anY P�Y����s due u�da the Na�e.
<br /> -.' - �.t:Pi�i�fi�1�ar I�wra�oa Su6jea to�PP�Iarr ar q a�rtitku waiva 6y La�der.BaaoMna sball paY b
<br /> . Ire�der w tlle day u�oaY�fY-PNYn�ab�se doe tiada�tt�Na1G aat�t5e Naoe is pud in full,s wan("[i�eds'�for:(a)Y�Y
<br /> w�a aid�eatt Nhic!►n�aY amra Ptia�CY uver tbis Sa�itY t�uum�t s a tiea oa thF PioQeitY tb)Y�!►k�
<br /> ---p,�yme�s ar�rod�ao�P�7►,if ary;i��Y�Y�a P�P�9 uia�nce p�nni�ms;(d?y�y�
<br /> --- r. �I�ICC�!�����y������f�����$OfNI�"b--
<br /> (�r�aDOQ1�CC XM�!IbC�[OY�IOIM���8.10�1At C�1�IC pRSI�df OIO[[j�$C�� �
<br /> pp11f SC C�ikd�FSC[VN�M.� ��Y•�i�31 UmC.0O110Ct�Id hOld�!A�imOYllt iW[t0 C7COCl�d 1�G illfxll�
<br /> �IIOW�!�lOdC[fQ i�}R��lQ 1dORRjijC�Otlt�iy��Of BOROWli�Si OSCtaYY iRnOlk iY1�K f�1E fEaQi�Rl31 .
<br /> Fil�$��D00�1Cf�O���4��fD0111 t1111C f0 d1OC.12 V.$.�:.��1 Ct SCQ.(�R���.AI�S�OOf�1Ci
<br /> . �I 1��ICi�{�IC�lORS��CS�Sld i�i001N. �50s 1.Qidll 1�iytr 7I'�f tl�.Q�����NI�S III�i1d01111�ilOt t4
<br /> en�eed tic fasec amoqM. Ua�der ayy estitntie die ao�t af Ru�ds due oa We basisk citzeat diqt�d�easaa�bie ;
<br /> —-• - �tim�sa€a�p�esottatmreEsc�o�vilemsaro�a�riseiaacc�daooewritb�pDTicabl�. � . ----, -
<br /> 1be Fi�ds shtR be 6eW in an imtitutia�r w6ou depodts m inswe�bg a fe�Ten!a�ncY.in�mnamlity.ar a'titY .
<br /> . (ieciu�aq i.enae�if Leaaa�s sa��n ir�tiaaioal ar ia sny reaer�{trane i.o�a s�ot. Lsnda s6a�ri.pWy du r,uds w pay - .
<br /> the Etceav Ilam. i�ader may not chuEe Ba�owa for holdi�and apptyia�tbc�nds.aonu�ItY awlYci�,tbe escrc�v
<br /> aroount.o�vaifymg tbe F.scoo�►Itans.ankss La�der pays Baaower inte�est an tbe�imds and applicabk taw prnnits
<br /> Lender W�����SG.However.Lender may tequic�e Boaower to p�Y.a oae�ume c�uge for an L�depadau real .
<br /> estate tu�a�ting sesvict used by i.ender i�l cantieedoa witl�tlus ioan,un[ess s�bTe hw plovldes adl�wk� Unks6�r
<br /> , s�vnneat is made ar applic�Me taw ncquires inkcest to be pud.l�ender st�ll aae6e req�od to pay Honower any interest or .
<br /> eani�s an the Fmds. Bo�mwer aed l�endu miy agnx ia wnt�ng.haweva,thac�tenst shall de paid on tbe Funds. l.ender
<br /> shill give to Bamwer.witlaut charge.an aimwl accounting of the FLnds. �addiUOn�l s�uitY f all sectmed bg
<br /> ' papose far�vhicfi acb debit to the Fimds was nuide. 'il�e Ponds ace pkdSed . . .
<br /> � ����' law.Lenda sb�ll Acxouot to
<br /> � If the Frnxb heW by La�der exceod th��P�aed w be hr�d by appiic�bic
<br /> Boemwa far tbe axcess Fimds in accadance wi+.is tbe noquitetne�ts of app�taw. If tbe amoant af tbe A�nds held by .
<br /> �Layda at any tLne is not sut�icieat a pay tbe Es�w Items wt�en due.i.ender mxy��Y BoROwes shai{ma ke u�tde
<br /> such c�se Hamwer sb�ll piy w Lender d�e amount naxssuY to makc ug 8�e dcfieieac�. P
<br /> deficiency ia ao mo�tlun twetvt mo�Y P+�Y�at Lrnder�s sole discteaon. .
<br /> UPon WYment in full of all swns secutod by th�s Security Instrumea�[.ender sh�ll P'�PUY tefund to Barower any �
<br /> liu�ds beW by Lender. If.under puag�aph 2l.l.endet shall acquice or sei�t6e Ptnperty.Lender,prior to the acquisidun or
<br /> sale of the Ptnperty.st�'I appty aoy Pands heM by l.endcr at ihe time of acquisidon or sale as a c�dit against the snms
<br /> seco�ed by this Sewrity Instrvmen� ts traived b Lettder w�der
<br /> 3. Appliatbw a�PJi� Unk�c app[icable taw{�mvides otherwise.aU PaYmen Y
<br /> p�spaphs 1 aad 2 s1�11 be npplied:fust,to sn3'P'�Ny�!��under the Nutr;sera�d.co�nounts pAyabk under
<br /> p�paph Z;thud,to in�ecest due:fo�uth.co pr�i due:and S�G to any late chuges due undec the Note.
<br /> � �. �-'l��r�ea;i.ie�. Barower st�aU paF.:�1ues.assessrt�+ts.charges.fines and impositions attri�ut�ble to the
<br /> Ptopeny v�fiich mry at�n prioritY over chis Sec�rFcy lnsnument.and laseAotd WYm�nts a groand�s.if any. Bariawer
<br /> � sh�U y tl�esa obligations in the mmner providea�in paragap�h Z.a if not ptid in that ma�uur.Bonnwer shsdl psy them un
<br /> � c��,aTy co�ne��ea wymem. Borrower st�ll p�omptly furnish to[.er�der�II nouces of�maunts to be paid under
<br /> this�apU. if Bamwer m�ices these psyma�ts directty.Barower sl�Tl promptlY fumish to Lenda receipts evidencing
<br /> the pa�ma�ts. e
<br /> Bortowa sd�ll pamply disch�rge any lien which has priariry over this Securiry Insuument unless Bortvwer.(a)aF,nes
<br /> in vKitina to the pymau of the obligatio+n secuad by the lien in a manner accep�abk to Lender:(b)caKests in Eood faith the
<br /> lien by.or detends agrinst erdorcenknt of the)kn ia.kSal Pmcadin$s which in the Lender�s oQinion operue w p�+cvent the
<br /> etifaneaent of the liea:a(c)secuKS from the hotder ot the tien u�a�o�rra�t satisfactory to Lender subocdhuamg the lien
<br /> w this Seranity Instran�en� {f I.er�Aer dctennims thu any p�s of the Pbpeity is subject ta a lien which may attain P�iorltY
<br /> avr�d�s Saar�iry I"r�rt,1'�'det maY 8ivc Barawer a notice ldentifying the{ien. Boirower sha11 s�tisty the{iasr�rake
<br /> one or mare of the�R�ans set fath a6ove within 10 days of the giving of naice. .
<br /> 3. Harar+l ar lt�opMy Ias�rs�a. Barower sha11�ceep the impnavements now existing or�etaeted an d�e
<br /> ptvpetty ins�ued agait�ct toss by t"ve,hazards inctuded within the tertn"extende4 coverage"and arty df�s t�,�uds.including
<br /> ,floods or flooding,fa wt�ich h.e�i�er requlrcs insw�nce. Tfiis ins�rance shall be mairaained to the artaunts and tor the
<br /> , , Cw�3� !i!/ Ipa�e2MbPv;�al
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