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<br /> .t. �����`�Y�����Y�M�iP�����OY�1Vwc�'.�.w/LW�� � .
<br /> � ` _ _ `apper�iial iri�dE��mc be rol�eMOiabiY�ri�ef�f. I[Bo�nowa fa�a�inaua wversge desrn'bed sbave,L.eeder mry.�E�
<br /> '� I.a�ery aptin�.obt�a cavee�e to p�olcct l.eudec�ri�ts�the Hope�ty in a000rdance with p�graph T. < < ,
<br /> - !W�ra�oe policies aad slnit be aooepnl�la[o I.�nda�d sidt iacQ�de a st�od�d matsase c�e• Lender .
<br /> i .t�11 La�e'tt�e r's�t b hOW dit pa eKS aod teOe�v�ls. If�.ende[�8onowtr stal!p�ne�ptty S�t to LendeE aU mxipts .
<br /> u(p�id pKmiums aud�eriewal noBces. In the cvent of MnsR Ba�mwa sha11 g'►v�.prompt notice to�he iusunu�e ea�rier� -
<br /> � l,esder, t.snde�ma�!mrtcc p�oof of loc�itnot m�de P�P�Y M�"w� ` ` � _
<br /> ' sl�ll be appZied to restauian ot nepRir af. :
<br /> - -__ ._ U�lreader�od Fna�r�er ad�a+riseapee ui+�rntiog.ia�mce P�o�eeds ' - -
<br /> � . die.Ftopat�d�m�ed..if�ht t�ao or iepir is QoonomipUy feia"b1e�nd L+endes's seeurity is not ksseaed if the ,
<br /> � . rpiot�tioo nr Kpair n�not esqenmicaliy fe�'bk ar I.ender�s saieity a�routd be ks.se�►ed.tlie icuur�psoceeds.�lall�be
<br /> applibd lu tbe stra�secured by tb7s Seeuritx 1nuNrrxnt.wl�ther or irot tbm duG wilh�►x exoess pid to Bosr�wrec T� -
<br /> Bm�rar ab�dons the PtopeRy,or das not answer within 30 days a twtice fiom Lend�er dnt die insurance curier has
<br /> . oBaed tu xlde s c1�.t6en Leeder may col{oct the btwr�noe poceeds. Lenckr may�se the piocaeds to iep�ir or iestone
<br /> �� �t Pla�np ar to pg aums secmed by tAis Sa.�utity.�te�N.wl�etber ac not d�due. '[f�e 30day pe��od w�l besin wlke
<br /> tbe noaa�sHrm. �
<br /> -- �r�t�-���*�d Bot�nowe[-o�heiwise-agtee id writing.aoy apglicatian of�tn priecipal shali not eztend or-- -----
<br /> — -- posepone tbe due d�a d t6e ma�thtY P'�Y��'efemed tQ in patsg�apiis 1 and 2 or cttan$c the amoeuit of the•luYments..If
<br /> uoder pr�g�pll,21�tbe Pioperty is�ic�b3[-i.ender.Barower's righc to any insurance policies and p�oceeds Ksulhns
<br /> tmm daaa�e to tbe Propercy p�ior w t6e acquesitia�siwll p�to Le�da to the extent of the sums secvt�ed by,�his Secarity<
<br /> tastranrent imined'i�lelypr tathe acq�itsicion. _
<br /> i. Ooa�qs hs�vMtos, Ms�k�u� ard�Lk�hdio� d t�e Property: aorrawee's l.o� Appliatiow: ,
<br /> LeaulMii�. Barrovvrr slpiU accupY,esr�Mish,aM use th�Ptopecty ag Bortowa's p�incip�l zesiderice within sixry da�ys aher
<br /> d�e e�cecutia�e of dds Soc�airy i�aal sh�Il ca�tmae ta occupy tbc Aapeny as Baivvra5►principst iesidenee for at
<br /> -- — 'teast�e nas�et the d�tt aE oe�eT.ynless �.e�de�otheswise a�e�s ia-.wndng,-xfiich cQnsent shal! ra1 6e
<br /> �wrilhbeW.or w�kss exteawting c�rcwnst�noes e�tist which atie beyond Blxmwer's contml. Bormwer slall nol . .
<br /> despoy.c4nwge ar imp�ir the P�e�perty.allow tbe Ptopaty to deteriorat�oc canmu waste on the Pruperty. .�omower shail . ..
<br /> be in defwri if any facfeicune accion ar peaceeding,wbetber civil a edminal.is begwt thac in I.ender's good faith J�B�
<br /> -- oouW t�esuh in farfeitu�e of the Ftopercy a otherwise materially�impair the ti�ea cir.ated by this Socurity Instiumetu a' .
<br /> 1.ertder's ssauity i�erak Botmwet raay cune such a default and ninstate.as prvvidod in g�aBnPh.18.by causingthe action . --
<br /> � , or p�xediag to be dismissod�vid�a mliag dtst,irt beisder�s gooA faith det�rminatian..pcecludes fotfeidue of the Bocrowei S ;
<br /> interest in tbe ptnperty or otAer material imQaimient of tbe lien created by this 5ec�erity tnstrument or Lender�s searrity
<br /> � i n t e�e s t. B a e awer.slt�ll also be in defauIt if Bomower,during the loan applicatiaa pracess. gave materialty false ar
<br /> " inaccurate infann�tton or statemenu to l.e�der(or failed to pro�ide Leader with any material infommasn�in con�xim with
<br /> the loao evidrncod by the Note. iachidiag, but not limited W.ttpresentations concaa6rg Horrower's occuparxy of the ,
<br /> ptupetty�s a principol residence. if this Sa�uity Insttnmem's oa a leaseiiold,Barmwer sha11 camply with aU the provisions
<br /> of the ksse. If Hntrower acqnites fa qtk to the Prope�ty,tbt kasehold an�the fee Gtle sfiaA rwt merge uakss�ender agrces
<br /> to the merger in.wriHng. •
<br /> 7 p[afe�Uio�•af I,eeder$gi�p i� t6e Propert�. If Botrowc�fails to perfonn the covenants and agroerrent4
<br /> caitained in this Seeutity Inmament,or thene is a kgal procceding that may significantly affect l.cnder's tigMs in the � �_:
<br /> ptppetty(such as a pmceeding in.banbuptey.pmbate,for condemnation or forfeiture or w enforce laws or regulations).then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the P+roperty and Lender's rights in the Proprrty.
<br /> i,ender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a tien which hac priority over this Security Instntmen�appearing
<br /> in caurt,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and enterins on the Property to make repairs.Althaugh L.ender may talce action
<br /> undet this paragraph 7.L.ender daes no1 ha�e to do sa.
<br /> My.artaunts d'ubutsed by L.ender undec this paragraph 7 shall bccame acWitionpl debt of Barrower secured by this
<br /> Secwrity Iztctcumen�. Unkss Bortawer and t.ender agree to other tertns of payment.these amounts shall bear interest fram the
<br /> date of disbursernent at the Note rate and shatl be payable.with intenest.upon noticc from Lender to Borrower nec{uesting
<br /> . PaSrmea�• .
<br /> S. Mort�e Inwranca If L.ender reyuired mortgage incurance�a�a conditian of making the loan securul by this
<br /> Security Instrumen�Borrower yha11 pay the premiums required to mair�rxin she mortgage inaurance in effec� lf.for any
<br /> . ceason.the martgage insurance coverage �equired by l.ender lapses os�u�ases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the
<br /> ptemiums Rguired to obtain coverage sabstanually equiv�len!to the mangage insarnce previo�r�ly in effect, at a cost -
<br /> substantiaUy equivalent to the cast to BaTrawer af Ihe mortgpge insurance previausiy im effecl,from An�Itemate moagage ,
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substantially cyuivatent mongage insurance cnverage is nat availabte,Borrowei shal!�ray to ,
<br /> :. Lender earh mantf�a xum equ�l to one-tw�ift�of the yearly mortgage irrturance premium being paid bv`Borrvwer when the-
<br /> . insurance coverage►apsed or cea.�:ed ro be in effec►. l,ender will xc�pt.use and retain thes:e payme��es as a,,1o�.s reserv�in lieu
<br /> of morigage insurance. Loss reservo payments may no tonger 6e rec�uirecR at the option af Lender.if mortgage iasurance
<br /> coverage lin the amount and far the periad that l.ender mm�{{uines)pruvidcd by an insurer apprmed by Lcmder aga�n 6ecomes '
<br /> available and is obtaincd.Botrower shall pay the premium�.r�uirc8 to mainlain mong:�ge inaurance in cffect.or to prcvide a -
<br /> lass reserve.untii the requirement for mortgagc insurance c:�dr.in uccordance wi�h aay wntten ngrecmcnt betwecn Sorro�rer
<br /> and L,ender or applicable law. .
<br /> q InspecNon. l�nder or its agent may make rea`onAble cntries upan and inypcctionc nf the Property. Lender tiha11
<br /> give Bomnwer notice ut the time of ar prior to a�inspection xpecifying n;�sanable causc for the inxpecti��n. _
<br /> l��.Co�demaaUon. The proceeds af any award or cluim for damages,direct or ronaeyuential.in connection with any
<br /> 51ngk Family-•Fouk HarlFieAdk Nsc 1%UF()Rt�I�S7'RU:ItEtiT--l.ni(orm Ca�cnam4t 9I�M rpa�r.�r¢n per��aJ
<br /> fi�a�Id�eeBWerrra�s e�t
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