__:� _ . . . • __
<br /> ;�A, : ' . ' ' ' . . _ �;_ . _
<br /> .(�-. _ .�._.��. __.._� - -- ~ -
<br /> i -� . .. . -- � .. - . , . . _ ' ' . .
<br /> — �F .i. .
<br /> s� �� .-- .__ . _ � . _ � _ _- __ :k�.�_- . g�...��o�7a��-� : �
<br /> � _ _ , . � . . . - , � ,
<br /> `. , � caaaemn�t;oe ar ae�ni�i�of any p�t i�f u�Ptope�Y:�foc conveyspce in lieu o�rnnae+nn�MiQn,�rrh�bY�°0d� �%`:.
<br /> . slwl[6ep�idwE�eader. � ` �����<���! 6t applied�to tha s�pns�bY��`�X '
<br /> ia the evart ofi a totsl takin6 ta Bonower. ia tbe_�ve+K of a p�tiaf taicing of ti�Pmperty i»
<br /> • %•�••:�: �vUet[ier�or not t1�due.withanY exce�s P�d.
<br /> whicR the fair m�ticet vaiue of t!�PmpectY!mm°�t�ely 6efan the taYing is equal in or gceater tha�t tGe a�x�uM of tAt sunts ,.
<br /> sec�ea bjr tb�s SecuritY L�sw�nent immed�a�etY befae tde talcit�g,unku Botrow�and Lendec dhecwi�e agm m wrifing, .
<br /> F. In�umrnt shal!ix neduced bY tl�e�n�uM of thc pto�'ads ttwltiplied by the foltowieg
<br /> die sams securod,bj''t6is Savricy
<br /> ft�ctio�:_.4�the tcbi.�tw�nc of the sums secw�ed imm�di�aety before the taking.divided tsy lb)tAe fair muket value.of tfx _. __
<br /> puopnty immediat�Y lxfoc�e b'ie tal�in& Any b�i�C s1n1E Ae p�id to Borrower. 'lu shc e�eat of.a pa�tia!taking.of t6e
<br /> Y�opetty u=which tLe fa�r a�rket v�tue of the PropeAy immediateiy hefoce the tatcing is kss tha�t the.ampunt.of the sams
<br /> secuc�a!immodiatsiY befor�ihe takinS,,uolass Bormwer and Ixnder otherw,ise apree,,in writing or unkss applicabb law
<br /> oUxcwis�P�����shaJi be applied to the sums sec�ued by this Secunty ti�stiument whether or not the sums ue .
<br /> tlkn d�e.
<br /> If thr.Pkopetty is abat�doned bS'B4�SOwer,oR if.sRer notice by Lender to Somnwer that the cademtror o�ets to m�lca
<br /> an awacd a seule a cTaim for.dau�es.Bamw�r faiis to respond to Lender wit(tin 3Q days after the du�tbe natica�80�.
<br /> },��i is authoci�.ed w cdkst and applY the Pro�eeds•at its aption,eitlter to restocation or npair of the.PropeRY
<br /> sum4 stFucrd by this Sa�tY��whether or not then due. ---------------- - -
<br /> Uaiess.[.ender and Borcqwer otheswise agree in writing.an�+applicatian of p�oceeds io princip�l s6ali rat excend ot
<br /> postpone the due due of the mootidy pajmients rcferred to in paragrephs 1 aa�d 2 or change the amount of such P�YmCnt�-
<br /> !l. E�o�reF Nat gsia�sed; Faeb�ce BY l.e�der NW A W�iver. Extension�of the time for paymcnt,or
<br /> �f��.��tion:of tbe sums securcd by idis Security instrument granted by Lender[o an}�succe.ssor in�Met�
<br /> , �of�o�ovrer shall uot operat�ta t�lesse the liability of the original Borrower or Barowers successors in inte�+est.Lender
<br /> _�.�::'=�'�``_ : s�lE.poE h&�ired w c�p��8��t�Y����interest oF re6ise to extend time fix.payment a .
<br /> ---_ _ — - -__.. ._ �c+�thc sums�ecured by.this,SeaicitY_Ips�'uu�ent bg neaset?�an�dema�nrd�yby the oriSinal
<br /> - . °�'��Y An forb��e by Len+�er in e�5e�:.���'�Tl �S� shali nas be a �
<br /> Borcowa a Bono�vers s�r�ss�s"s in intenes� Y -•; - ,:�.
<br /> � waiver of a proctude�ther�of any right or n�nedY• � :��venants and ag�+cements of this
<br /> I Z. 5��.�.g���:Jd�t rud Serera!Liabilit�;C.�:.o5i� •. wer.s u b j e c t t o t h e p c o v�.a a n s of
<br /> ' Securiry Tnsuumen[si�all ti�and benefiCthe nuccessot9 and assi of L��'�i�. .
<br /> gc�uwer who co-signs this Security
<br />-- �!7.Boauwerc.eoc�ec�nts a n d ag,reements shall be loiat and se�e�^�:.Ikr� _
<br /> -_ - Ia'stcoment but does not execu�e s�te Note: (a)is co-signitlg thi.s 3ecurity Inst�uiri�asiS�;�?mnail aobiig t�edto�ttte sums
<br />=s < Bortower's i�rceresc in the.FmpertY under the tem�.c of this Security Instrume�i.�`ib}�is ii<it_perso y PaY � -.
<br /> secund by this Security InstrumenG and(a)agcces that l.ender and anY���otrower may agree to,ex.tend.madify.forbear
<br />-_- �m��y-���odaUOns with regard t�the terms of this Security'instrument or the Note�i'�.+�mut that Borcower's .
<br /> � consenc.
<br />'4'= i�, i.o�s CMatgRS. [f the toasr.�csra�by this�Secutity Insuument is subject to a law wEsisFs sets maximum loan
<br />°-`� ct�rges.and that law is fuially���t�inter�`ac otber laart charges coltected or to 6e cc�llected in connection
<br /> witA the toan exceed the pem�ittal t�t��(a)any stirF.r IR�charge sha11 be reduced 6y the amu�;!��ed 'il mi s wlll Ge
<br />-- the charge to ilte per.initted limr��t�t�Y����y collected itoa►Rotrower which e�cceeded.Qesn?p
<br /> re�tn Bass�r� Lender may c�eoose.sa make this refund by reduci��the principa!o�r�d iutdFr ti�ti¢te ar by making�
<br /> Tp� dic�ct paY�en�to Borrower. [f.a.refund reduces principal.the reductiai�u�7t be;�3��a P�i�F�P'a4ment,w�thaut aay
<br /> -� pregctyatent charge u�xler the T�Ivte. � • `
<br /> t4. Notices. My notice to Borrower provided for in this Seeurity��nsn'ument sFrtl be given�u Gelivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first cla�.s mail unle,s applicabte law requires use of another�.hod.The notice shaA be a�ed ro the Proper►Y
<br /> Addres.s or any other addcess Borrower desi�mates by notice to Lxndcr. /tny notice to Lender shali.be s ven by fi�t ctass
<br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lendcr designates by notice to Borrower. Fus.�natice provided for
<br /> =;�;� iri this Securiry lavtrument sh:�l!be deemed to have been given to �orrower or Lender when gi4r.i as provided 'sn this
<br /> -,� � -
<br />,_kY_ p 15 Governing Law:SeverADUity. Thiti Security Instrument +hall be govemed by federal law and the law af the .-
<br />-�- jurisdiction in which the PrapertY is located. In the evrnt tfiat any provjsion or claase of this Sccurity lnstrument or the I�Iote
<br /> ��-" ' conflicts with appl#cAble law.svch conflict shall not affect other prov�s�ons of thi�Security Instrumento�the Nate which can
<br /> 6e given effect +:�hout the conllictin�provitii�n. To this end the provi��n.g of this Security lnst,mrrtes�t and tf�e Nate are �_,
<br />- ac�t�r�to be s:�•Prable. ��f the Note ar,d of ihis S�ccr'sy tnstniment. � �
<br />--- Np, �araR�er's Copy. '8ocrower sha0 be given one conformed cup�= or any inrerest in �
<br /> ll. Tnesf�r ot the Property a'a Beneflcial tnterest in&xrower. �t ull or zr,;;�4ci.of ttte 1�crty _
<br /> it is so;�or trattsfeTred(or if A beneficinl inzcrest in Bartower is+aid.ortransferced aai��O�roue�i?not a nut�r�I:person)
<br />- with�rt�,e�3er's ptior written consenG L.en%f��r may.at its option.requirc immediate payment in•full af all sums cccured by
<br />-_:� �A�y Seturi�}fc�mene. However,this opt'ri�re v�all not be exercised i�L�nder il'exercisc i�proFtils+s�by fedemt law as of . -
<br /> �he d�o�tttFS Security Instrumem.
<br /> {f�-r exercises this op�ion.Lender shall give BotmWer notice of acceleratinn. Tfie n�tice.hall provide a pereod af -
<br /> fia L�y tl�„n 3a�ys fmm the date the natice isdelivereetnr r•iailed wi�hin which Borrower must pa}aIl�ums secur�d by ihis
<br /> Security lrrstru�t. If Borrower fails to psy thew: sums_priar to tltc expiratian of thiy peri�.I.�:nder may invoke any _
<br /> remedies permitted Dy thi�Securiry Instrument without funher noticc as ci�znand vn Borrower. _
<br />- - Ia„ �p�ver's Aight fu Reit�st�te. If Bnrra�4•er meets cenairt:�.onditi�+n�, Borrowcr sh:,I(have the righl to have _
<br />_:�:��� enforcemcnt oi this 5ecuaty Insirument discontinucd at any lime priur to thc carlier of: la)5 dnyc(�r�uch other period as
<br /> y3. SingtcF.unily..Eaeektt�elireddkHyc�tilFUR�11Kti•eae��e�•r�•UnifarmC��enanl.� 91%•l�n�,¢e.luj�i�xrgrs�
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