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<br /> , '�����IbC I�l'0�►101qMi 1Wq1���1�lt QOCk�OR$IC�EO(Ilfl�s��!�•� `'� • _
<br /> ��t�P�M Of�![E�l't i�L Of ihQ�• l�1l�fOC��i����1 bQ QOYErC���'�y' '; .
<br />' �1qK. 1�Of 1�IE f0lC j011K If tlfR(Cd b IIl1�.S.�CY11��1�E0�S 1�IG`�QlR�4� < • , c.
<br /> lOitBt?�It�R C�OVFNr AK1'S tiat 8amower is lavrfully selxd af tLe est�te dereby cAareyed aud 1�a t6e tisht t�Qaot . �
<br /> aed ooavey d�e Pkapaty.ard dpt�he Feopprty is ina�cwnba�d.exapt fa eacmnbr�ocea o[�ecad Bamwer wartma auid
<br /> � wn�l ae�eaa�«aur We s�ue a ax�nr�an ci�s and deo.odf,subjxt io any�c�nbe�ao�of iecaa. :
<br /> ;_. _T��SF�UItI'!'Y INS'P�tUMENC camb�oes unifarm cpvenants far mtiorot uie aod noa-udfams caventqts�h -
<br /> � Wniled v�[y` ` � ,w oo�itute•a unifam sea�riry imt�mt oavainE tr��op�nY.- � -- - -
<br /> ZJI�tPORM.00VENAN7'S. 8nrt�o�ver:aad I.e►d���►�t�od��tee as fdto� wUdt due titi `
<br /> _ Z, ti��p�t d�rTiciMl a�d Were�t;heM7�t a�i Lale Cir�s. Beimwer ab�11 P'�P�Y P�Y
<br /> . pri�ciat af�W iatenst on tbe debt evidencad by i�e Noie aod anY I�P�Y�����s�°"�tl�Nat�'—" ,
<br /> � 1 �MiM tre 7f�res s�i�wral�te. Subject to�PPlicab�e faw ar w a Mnte�►�vaira by Leod�er.Bamwer sMli pry w
<br /> � L�et�der m�he dty t�iomidy p►ymeots a�e due w�det tbe Ncxe.�the Nate is p�id'u►iWi,a sma l"�d+")far:ts)Yar1X
<br /> p�ca sod�smaip wUic6 maY�tad Prioriry over Wis Secucity Ins�mat as s lieri on tbe Ftopaty:N)I�Y� .
<br />,-----p�a.E�►.raKs on the_PenpacY_if a►y;t�)Y�Y�?�a Po'P�9 �P�(d)Y�Y��
<br /> miartg�ge insiaau�ce Pmniam�.�anY:�fitfl-j►nY�P�7��i a•;.,.;::w-::.
<br /> iaw�1�P��if snY:(�)Y�Y t af ins�ce p�n�. 'l�ex --�-
<br /> i�endGt.ia aoc�xdaoee widt tUe povisiau of p�ragr�ph 8,in lieu of tbe psymm _ m�8+�
<br /> i�qs ue c�d'L�CU+v Iiems." Lend�er mry.at any inne:oolioct ad hdd I{uods tn�u amaunEaot to e�cca�t6e ma�n
<br /> � a�no�p�t s kmder fa s fedaaltY netated matg�e!aa mt�y�aqui�e for Baitower's�+aw aocamt�u�des tbe fe�aal Rea1
<br /> g,��P�ce��s Act of 1974 as amnded feum nme m emaG 12 LTS.0�2601 er ssq.("RESP1�►"?,unless snottier ,
<br /> I�N I�L 7�IiCS�D t�iE�'OldS 3EZS A{a5C[�t110U0[. �SO.LdWCt 1MjI.8L�lij/U111Ce COUEC[�I IlO�d I'�S lil�i 1111011M ODt W
<br /> • CxOCO�.�IC�ES.i�I�OYI� 1.Ef1dEt tll�yt GShcllftG 1hC�IlIOIRI[Of�IO�S�C 011 16C bi41i Of CIRCIIL�t��1rif00ib�G .
<br /> - -est�s af ezpdtditares of f�e F_scmw Icems ar dhawise in a�cadanoe whh apglica6le 1sw - - - - ,
<br /> . 1be.WMs ah�ll be beid ia an imtiwrion wlase deposits a�m�6y a federai agertcy.itaa�u�itY•a a��Y ° .
<br /> ('iachidias,�.rnder,if l.eader is sucb�u iastilutia�)a in wy Feder�t Honre Loan Bmit. Lender a1W!apply t6e Fonds�o pi►Y
<br /> � tbe Fic�ow Itert�. I.endet aay aot ctiarge Hamwer fa boldiag aod appiYmB the F�nds.tiww�iiS►sa�alY�n$t6e e�r°1i'�
<br /> • a000a�t,.or verifying tLe Eacraw Items,anless l.ender pAYs Bamwer interest oa tUe i3uids aod applicabte iaw pamits
<br /> LerWer to make susD a c�arS�. However.Lender may�quine Bnnmwa w.�Y-a oat-titne ahar8e far an u�depeadent real _ _
<br /> estate t�ceponidgs�C�d bY i.enderie oo�t with tinal�.�app�caYte law provides atbeawise. Unkss an .
<br /> ' agcoement is made or applicabte taw rcqui�es inuiest tv be paid.i.endes shail not{iz�equi�d ui pay�osruwa�►Y tatenst vr
<br /> amings on tbe Fiiads. Ba�ower and i.ender may ag�+ee in writiag.however.that inurest shal[be paid on tAe iiinds. Lerxkr
<br /> shail give to Bamwer.without cbaBe,9n amio�l ac�oantiag of•ti�Punds.showing ccedits�pd debits ue t6rFundc and ti�e
<br /> pm�pose fa which exh debit w tUe fimds was made. 77u Funds are ptedged as additional socarity for atL sracs secitted by
<br /> this Secuciry Iasir+uneo� . .
<br /> If thr.�iq�ds he{d bY I:ender esseod the amaiats peemitted.W,!x hel�€,kr• applicable law,[.��! xcau►t to
<br /> Bo[rtiwa SaE i�te excess Pi�nds in aococdance with the nquuert�+�a�lic�bsc 1aw. If the ac��nt of�}'�a held by •
<br /> LendeF g aay iime is not sufficie+nt[�paY the.Fscrow Icems aI�dc�l.e�der rnay so raafg Sc3crower in writiag,and.in
<br /> . . sach cas�$amwtr shsF�Qay w�.e+�er the amcwnt necessacy fifl�.��tttie:t�et'ictenc�►: a�c�ower sh�il make up tbe
<br /> � deficiency in no moc�e tt�itwtive monthiY WYments,at I.ender's sate disa+ecz�.,� refiuui to�arower any
<br /> UP�P�Y�t in�,...fi of alt sums sceurod by th�s Security Inswment.�.ecd�r shall P�P�Y .
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under�agraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Pmperty,Lend�r;pnor to ihe acquisiGon or
<br /> sak of the Pmpercy.sha11 appty any Funds held hy l.ender at the ume of acquisiaon or sate�s a credit against the sums
<br /> secured by tdis Securiry Inswm�,m� '
<br /> 3. Appiicatloa d P�ymesis. Llnless applicable taw provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under
<br /> puag�aphs l and 2 sh�tl be appiied:firs�to any p�epaymcnt charges due under tlie Nae;second.to amounts paysble und�er .
<br /> pu�aph 2;thind,to incerest due:fourth,to princlpal due:�d last,to any lace charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4, CMa�es; I,ie�, Barrower shaU pay all taxes.�assessments,charges.fines and impositians ataibutabk ro the
<br /> propetty which may attain priority over this Savriry Inshvmrn�a�teasehoid payments ar gc�nd nnts.if Any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay dxse obtigatIons in the ma�ute�provided in para�aph�ar if not paid in that mannea Borrowa shall pay them on
<br /> time dincUy w ti�e person owed paymen� Borrower shall pmmptly fiunish to I:ender al!notices ot amounts to be paid undet
<br />- this p�agra�h. If Bo�s�zer makes thesc payments dfrecNy,Bartawes shall pfescu+,tly fumish to Lender t+xeipts evidencing
<br /> the paymenta.
<br /> Borcbwer shall WvmptlY discharge any lien w�h.r�i!:as prias,.ty ovet this Seauiiry InsWmer�ar,tess�S'�r:(a)agrees
<br /> ln writing to the p�yme�t af the obligatian secured by;t�be�%ert tn a manner acceptabte to l.endee;t�si��s i�t`$ood faitf�the
<br /> � Ika 6y,oc defrnds ag�insi enforcement of the iicn ia.Teg3E�rooee�i�gs which in the Lendcr s opSnion op'er.ite to prevent d� .
<br /> enfa�remenl of the lien:or(c)sec�ns from the ho[de�o€chc t:e��agreemelrt s�Gsfxtory to Lender subor3utating thc Iie� •
<br />- to dua Se�orit3r Instrwnen� If Lender cktermines st��:,�t arty part of the Pbpary is subjoct to a lien which ma�at�ia pciprcgr
<br /> over�is Security 1nsOtmknt,l.cndtr may give Bc�rower a notice identifying the�iert. Boirower shalt s�ti.�'y�t�e 3'sen ar tsfce ,
<br /> ono a nwoe of the actians set fartb abace withia 10 days ot the giving of natice.
<br /> . s, yanrd or Property I� Borrower shall kcep tE�e impmvements now exi�uig or hereaiter erocted on,tfi�
<br /> piropetty insured against loss by fire.6azards included within the tem�"eatended coverage"and any other hazards.ir�ctu�r.a
<br /> ftoods or flooding,for whlch Lender requites insarance. This insurancr�slr.Jl be main�ained in the anwunts and for tf:e �
<br /> , Fir�3�2i fAl� IpaRe2oJbpo�e.f1 '
<br /> ' ,
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