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. . . 99 � os �53 <br /> 38. DEFEASANCE AND RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon the payment and�perfomrance in full of all of the Obligations,Lender will execute and <br /> delNer tb Grantor those documems that may be requlred to release thls Deed of Trust of record. Grarrtor shall be responsible to pay any costs of <br /> reoordation end any reoonveyance fee charged by Trustee. Upon written request of Lender stating thal alf sums secured hereby have been paid and upon <br /> surrender of thls Deed of Trust and any note to Trustee for cancellatio� end reterrtlon and upon paymerrt by Lender of Trustee's fses, Trustee shall <br /> recorney to Lender,or the person or persons legally entftled thereto,without warranry,any portion of saidpreMses then held hereunder. The reatals in <br /> wch recorneyance of eny mattera or facts shall be condusive proof of the tn�thtulness thereof. The grantee in any reconveyance may be described as"the <br /> person or persons legally ernhled thereto". <br /> 97. CONSTRUCTION LOAN. ❑ Thla Deed of Tn�at is a construcllon mortgage undar the Uniform Cormierdal Code,to secure an obligation Incuned for <br /> iha con�tructlon of en Improveman3 on lend Includlng the aoquisition cost�of land. This Deed of Truet secures a constructlon loan,and It will be subject to <br /> ihe tertns of a con�tructlon loen agreemerrt�etween 4ramor end Lender. My materlals,equipment or supplles used or intended for use fn ihe construction, <br /> developmeM,or oparaUon of ttw Property,whether stored on or off ths Pro rry,shali aiso be sub�ct to the Ilen of this Deed of Trust,end Grarttor,or <br /> Qremor's coMrector If ban prooaeci�ere paid to auch contractor, shall appPy the loan proceeds to the paymaM of lawful dalms for lebor and rnate�lal <br /> fumished for euch con:tructlon. <br /> 38. WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD AND 07HER EXEMPTION8. Qrantor hereby walves all homeatead and other exemptlons in the Property to which <br /> Grarrtor would othervvlse be entitlad under any applicable Iaw. <br /> �. JURY TRIAL WAIVER. aRANTOR HEREBY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY CIVIL ACT10N ARISING OUT OF,OR BASED <br /> UPON,THI8 DEED OF TRUBT. <br /> 40. ADDITIONAL TERMB: <br /> Grantor aclv�owledges that Cirantor has read,understands,and agrees to the terms end wnditions of 1h1:Deed of Trust,and adv�owledges receipt of an <br /> axed copy of same. <br /> Dat�dthis aaQ dayot J`uly, 1999 <br /> �RANTOR: GRANTOR: <br /> � - � <br /> 1�A.R . .A P .OS CCU <br /> GRANTCOR: GRANTOR: <br /> s ' �— P� <br /> DWIGBT MCC Y <br /> ORANTC)R: aRANTOR: <br /> f3R/WTOR: CiRlWTOR: <br /> NEDOlE FNv.1?A7 Pp�6 d 8 <br />