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� � • 99 10� � 53 <br /> 11. LENDER'S RIGHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND LEGAL ACTIONS. Grantor shall irtrr�ediately provide Lender whh written notice of any aclual or <br /> threatened action,suft,or other prooeeding affecting the Property. Grantor hereby appoirrt:Lender as hs attomey-in-fact to corm�ence,irrtervene in,and <br /> defend such actions,sufts,or other legel procee�ngc and to oomprortise or settle any delm or corrtroversy perteiNng thereto. Lender shall not be Ilable to <br /> Grantor for any action,error,mistake,omission or delay pertaining to the actions described in this paragraph or any damages resulting therefrom. Nothing <br /> contained herein wlll prevent Lender irom taldng the acdons described in this peragraph In ita own name. <br /> 12 INDF.AMIIFICA710N. Lender shail not aswme or be responsible for tha performenca of any_of Grantor's obligations with respect to the Property under <br /> any dreumstanoes. Crantor shall irrrr�ediately provide Lender with written noUoe of and Indermify and hold Lender and Ra shareholders,directors,officers, <br /> employees and agarrts harmless from ell daims,dsmages,Ilabilities(fnduding attomeys'fees and lepal expenses),causas of action,actions, sufts and <br /> other legal proceec�ngs(c�mulatNelY"Claime")PertsiNng to the Property(indu�ng,but not Ifmited to,those irnolving Hazerdous Materials). Grarrtor,upon <br /> the request of Lender,shall hire legel counsel to defend Lender irom such Claims,and pay the attomeys'fees,legel expenses and other costs incurred in <br /> connection therewRh. In the altemative, Lender shall be entitled to emplo its own legel wunsel to defend such Claims at Grantor's wst. Grantor's <br /> obligation to indarmffy Lender under Mis paragraph shell survive the termi�,rele�e or foredowta of this Dead of Trust. <br /> 19. TAXE8 AND A8SE8SMENT3. Grantor ahall pay all texes and assesunents relating to Property whon due and inrr�ediately provide Lender evidenoe <br /> of�paymerrt of ssme. Upon the request of Lsnder,Grarrtor shall depoaft wfth Lender each morrth ona-twelfth (1/12) of the asUmated annual insurance <br /> mium,taxea and assessments pertaining to the Property. So long as there is no dafault,these art�ounts shall be applied to the payment of taxes, <br /> assessmeMs and insurance as required on the Property. In the evem of default,Lender shall have the�ight at fts sole option,to apply the tunds so held to <br /> pay any taxes or against the Obligations. My funds applled may,at Lender's option,be apqled in reverse order of the due date thereof. <br /> 14. INSPECTION OF PROPERTY,BOOKS,RECORD8 AND REPORT3. Grantor shall allow Lender or fts agerrts to e�ne and inspect the Property <br /> and examfne,fnspect and make copies of Grantor's books and records pertsining to the Property from time to time. Grantor shall provide any assistance <br /> requlred by Lender for these purposes. All of the si�atures and infomgtlon coMained in Grantor's books and records shall be genuine,true,accurate and <br /> oomplete in all respecls. Grantor shall note the existence of Lender's benefldal interest in Rs books and reoords pertaining to the Property. Additionally, <br /> Grantor shall report,in a form satfsfactory to Lender,such infom�ation as Lander may request regarding(3rantor's finandal condition or the Property. The <br /> inbrtnation shall be for such periods,shall refled Granto�'s records at 8uch time,and shall be rendered with such frequency as Lender may desi�ate. All <br /> infom�ation tumished by Gramor to Lender ahall be true,axurate and complete in all respects,and s(�ed by Grantor if Lender requests. <br /> 16. ESTOPPEL CERTiFiCATES. Within ten(10)days after any request by Lender,Grantor shall deliver to Lender,or any intended transferee of Lender's <br /> rigMs with respect to the Obligations,a si�ed and admowled8ed statemerrt spediying(a)the outstanding balance on the Obligations;and(b)whether <br /> Grantor possesses any dafms,defenses,set-offs or counterdalms with respect to the Obliqations and,if so,the nature of such daims,defenses,set-offs or <br /> oouMerdaims. Grantor will be condusively bound by any represerrta�on that Lender may rt�eke to the Irriended transferee wfth respect to these matters in <br /> the everrt that Grantor fefis to provide the requested statement in a tlmely menner. <br /> 18. DEFAULT. Grantor shall be in defauR under this Deed of Trust and the Trustee's power shall become operatbe in the evem that GraMor,Borrower or <br /> any guaramor of the Obligatlons: <br /> (a) faila to pay any Obligation to Lender when due; <br /> (b) falis to perfortn eny ObBga�on or breaches any warranty or covanant to Lender corrtained in this Deed of Trust or any other preserri or fuwre <br /> �M� <br /> (c) desvoys,bses or demages the Properry in eny rnate�ial respect or subjects the Properry to seizure,wnfiscation,or condermation; <br /> (d) seeka to revoke,temiinate or otherwise Iimit Ra Ilability under any guaramy to Lsnder; <br /> (e) dies,becomes legelly incompeterrt,is dissolved or tertNnated,becomes InsoNern,mekes an assignment for the beneflt of creditors,fafls to pay <br /> debts as they beoome due,flles a petiUon under the federal bankruptcy laws,has en irnolurrtary pettitllon in banlwptcy flled in which Grantor,Borrower <br /> or any guarantor is named,or has property taMen under any writ or prooess of court; <br /> (� allows goods to be used,transported or stored on the Properry,the possesalon,transportation,or use of which,is illegal; <br /> (g) allows any perty other than Grarrtor or Borrower to assume or undertake any Obliyation wfthout the w�itten conseni of Lender;or <br /> (h) cauaes Lender to deem ftself insecure due to a signiflcant dedine in the value of the Property;or if Lender,in good felth,for any reason,believes <br /> that the prospect of paymerrt or perfortnenoe is impeired. <br /> 17. RIGHTS OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. If there is a defauft under this Deed of Trust,Lender shell be eMitled to exerdse one or rnore of the following <br /> rerr�edies without no�ce or demend(except as requfred by law): <br /> (a) to dedare the Obligationa irtrr�ately due and payede In full; <br /> (b) to oollect the outstan�ng ObilgaUons wtth or without resorting to judidel process; <br /> (c) to require Grantor to deliver and meke available to Lender any personal properry or Chattela oonatftuting the Property at a place reasonably <br /> convenierrt to Grantor and Lender; <br /> (d) to errter upon and take possession of the Property wRhout applying for or obtaining the appoirrtment of a receNer and, at Lender's option,to <br /> appoirrt a reoeNer wRhout bond, without flrst bringing suft on the ObligaUons and without otherwise meeting any statutory conditions regarding <br /> recefvers,it being irrtended that Lender shall have this corrtractual rigM to appoirrt a receiver; <br /> (e) to employ a menaging apent of the Property and let the same,either in Trustee's own name,in the neme of Lender or in the name of Grantor,and <br /> receNe the rerns,incomes,issues and proflts of the Property and appiy the same,after paymerrt of all necessary charges and expenses,on axourrt of <br /> the Obligatlons; <br /> (� to pay any sums in any form or menner deemed e�errt by Lender to protect the security of this Deed of Trust or to cure any default other than <br /> paymerrt of irrterest or prindpal on the Obligations; <br /> (g) to foredose thls Deed of Trust ju�dally or nonjudidally and to diroct the sale of the property through exerolse of the power of sale as referenoed in <br /> peragraph 20 hereof in acccordenca with applicable law; <br /> (h) to set-off GraMor's Obligations against any amourrts owed Grantor by Lender fnduding, but not Iimited to, monies, instrumerrts, and deposit <br /> a�000urrts meirrtalned with Lender or any currently existing or future afflliate of Lender;and <br /> (q to exerdse all other�IgMs available to Lender under any other written agreerr�rrt or applicable Iaw. <br /> Lender's ri�Ms are cumulative and may be exerdsed topether, separately, and in any order. In the event that Lender institutes an action seeldng the <br /> oth�erw�ise�be reYqulred. Lende�or r�Lender'sfdesigne�e�pt urroha� ithe Property a�ny sale. P r�roceeds of anyVTrustees�sale hereunder halWbe applie�d <br /> flrst,to the costs and expenses of exerdsfng the power of sale and of the sale,induding the paymerri of the Trustee's fees actualty incurred and not to <br /> rrt which ma be ded for in this Deed of Trust,seoond,to rrt of the Obligations secured hereby,third,to the payrr�rrt of junior <br /> exceed the amou y provi Paf� <br /> trust deeds,mortgages,ot other Ilenholders,and the balance,if any,to the person or peraons legally errtiUed thereto. The property or any part thereof may <br /> be sold in one parcel,or in such parcels,menner or order as Lender in fts sole�scxetion may elect,and one or more exercises of the power herein grarrted <br /> shall not extinguish or exhaust the power unless the entire property is eold or the obllyations ere paid in full. <br /> 18. TRUSTEE'S EXERCI8E OF POWER OF SALE ON DEFAULT: If Lender elects to sell Grantor's iMerest in the Property by exercise of the power of I <br /> aele herein contained,l.ender shall notify Trustee in the menner then required by Iaw. <br /> Upon receipt of such noUoe of Lender and at the directlon of Lender,Trustee shell cause to be recordad,published and delivered such notices of defauR <br /> and no�ces of sale as may then be requlred by Iaw and by this Deed of Trust. Trustee shell,only at the�recdon of Lender and wfthout demend on Grantor, <br /> after such time as may then be required by Iaw and after recordatlon of such notioe of default and atter notice of sale having been gNen as requlred by Iaw, <br /> sell the Property at the time and place of sale flxed by it in such notice of sale,either as whole or in separate lots or parcels or Rems as Lender shall deem <br /> expedierrt,end fn such order aa it may detem�ine,at public auction to the hlghest bidder for cash in Iawtul money of the United Statea�aayeble at the time of <br /> sale,or as otherwise may then be required by Iaw. Trustee ahall dellver to such purchaaer or purchasers thereof its good and sutflderrt deed or deeds <br /> corneying the properry so sold, but wtthout any oovenarrt or warranty, express or Implied. The redtals in such deed of any matters or facts shall be <br /> condusive proof of the truthiulness thereof. Myperson,induding,wfthout limitation,Grantor,Trustee or Lender,may purchase at such sale. Trustee may <br /> in the menner provided by Iaw postpone sale of all or any pordon of the Proparry. <br /> 1�. REOUEST FOR NOTICE3: Grantor requests that a copy of any notice of default and a cop�r of any notice of aale hereunder be meiled to each person <br /> who is a peny hereto at the ad�esa of such person set forth herefn at the same time and In the same menner requlred as though a separate request thereof <br /> had been flled by each such person. <br /> NEDOTC Rw.t?l87 Paps 8 d B <br />