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<br /> _ _ . . , , , _ - . . , � <. ` - .
<br /> << . - . . . . � - - � :. . . : _ ._
<br /> - . . . ' ` 'I�O�iEtHO!Wtlii all�hn unpro�remee�s sor`r,a i�a�er e�a.�ted ai ibe�popqty.iM alt aaeaxats.ippata�...` < � .
<br /> aLe��d f.i�=.t.��res n�ottM ayr h�a/r�e�tlec s pret af�e piopa'ty:�i�l�ll��aM additiaa�s t�11�l�o be oo+nred by►dna Sec�itY �.
<br /> e� t. L�Y�. AN�i�1Q���b���7R'Yll�ry���~�7 w ' .. _ t .��: . . ,
<br /> : . BOR1tOY1►�ODVFSiAN7S tMt Boaowu is UwEi�lly aeised of 16e est�te be�etsy conveyeA sad lu�Ihe d�dt to p�nt ,
<br /> • . ��"iy�p�y aed d�t d�propeety�s�o�nbaed�euapt[oc eecum6riaees of teeord. BurroM�w�f aod
<br /> � �n'it deha�`i�'oeMY dit Ude ta tde Pra{feRy ssainst all cTaims aod de�,s+ibjcct w any a�umbcaaoes�t�acoN. .� - ,
<br /> � � 'I�IiS §ECURtP�t IN�'itUMENT capn[�ioes unifortn oaven�ote fes auianal aae and aon-�aifam cove�tNa with
<br /> � .ii�ibd v�i�lieos by jiuisdiction to caastituie a uAifarmsscwit�►iasuument caveriog teal praperty. . ` .
<br /> ' '� _ aN1�RM C�OVENAM'S. Bo�tower aod I.earfercove�nt aad�as fdbw� � .
<br /> � ` 1. �jae�t,�t hiul�f a�i I�lereM;�t�M7�eat ai l.Me� Bamwer sheQ p�ornptiY WY wAm ie the.- ` : .
<br /> : principal of�od i�a+est an the debt evidenoed by d�e Naie md�tnY P�Y��fatt chuses�undesl6e Nooe. -
<br /> 2. F�ferliuxs aoi LaNS�ce. Subject w applicable law or to a wntun waiva by L.ender.Bamwa sluli pay to
<br /> � Ld�ler oa�e d�y moatl�ty paymems a�due uoder tbt Naw imtit t6e PTaie is p�id in fu11,s s�lm("Funds")fac:(a)Y� .
<br /> � w�a aod asf�whi�b msy atnin pnarity over this Savrit�Iashumast as a lien at tbe Ptopeety;(b)YeadY ieasetiotd .
<br /> . pymeats a�[u�md mus on dK ptopaty.if�nny;(c)Yer1Y h�d°rproPMY iasur��ce p�enuums: (d)Yeac17►flood.
<br /> �apo�=pr�oium�.�f aay;�(�3 Y�►�8��w��if any:ma c��r�p►r��'Y samwer w ,
<br /> - --'Iradet.ia aeooidance wi9�t�e pRSVls�oas of p�aph&irrl�of d�e paymatt of mo:tgage insursnce preminrns. 7'I�ese`
<br /> 11AAS�CE C�Il��E1C[OW ItE1pS.° LafdEf UI��.it�J►11O'�.00IIOCi i�bOld�ItIdS IO�Il lmOYllt OOt t0 CXClM t�1E ID�7UmUm-
<br /> �no�mt a kpder fa a feae�auy n�toa mo�c�age laa,a�sy t+eqtn��for Barmwei�s esc�r accame unaa�me feded[Rw : ,
<br /> .Fat�te SetUetnent Pcooslunes Act of 19T4 as amel�ded from tuae to wne.!2 US.0$260I er srq.("RESPA�;w�tess anotber .
<br /> law tint�pplies to dre Fusds sds s ksser aroouow If so.La�der fnay.at aay time.cotkct�ud hold Fandc iQ a��inount mf to ,
<br /> ' .exceM tde le.sser amomnt. Leader msy es�nate the amount of F1�nds due un the b�sis of cornnt cUn�d��le
<br /> _ -..a�s'vf encpadim�a of fadaie�sc�ow Items or dbe�wise in acca+d�nee with applicable 1�►N►- .:. .
<br /> _ _ _- - _ .<--:�l�ads sLel!be 6eld ia aa institution wiws�deposits a�aa insu�ed by a fede�al agency.ia�iu�'a3t,,oc entie�► • .
<br /> � `,���:��'�,:�der,�I�d�is snci��insda�)a,r in aay£�er�l Nom�Laazt Boak. I.ender s6au appt�tbe i�tn pag :•
<br /> • . ,,.:tbe.�.'siiow Imms. Irntier maY s�ut c�ac8�Bortowa for holding aad appipirig the Funds.annwDy anaty�g tbe ese�u�:, .
<br /> - ----- . •..' socooat,.ar vaifyios�e.Esccup�rms.unless Ltnder p�Ys Bociuvrec inOne�on the Eimds aod applic�il�iaw pamiis . . ,
<br /> ' � .l.eader io m�fre st�R a��rge• How�re�.i�nder msY t�eq�e Boimwer to pay a one-time chatge far�n�� , .
<br /> ` esa�te tuc reponing serv[ce us�b�txadu in ca�tiecdon with t6is ioan,unless applicabk law pcovides otAavwise. Unless an .
<br /> .� _ " agroe�is made ar appucade laat s�es i�cest to be paid.l.ender shall nnt 6e requi�ed to pa}r Barro�ves any iatete�t or
<br /> - , �pn the Funds. Harower ao��:ender may agree in writing.howevu.that intene9t shaH 6e paid au the Fuads. Len�kr
<br /> e
<br /> �, st�li give w Ba�ower.without ct�e,an anaual acBcamdag of the f'�nds.s�owing ciedits and debits to the Funds and ihe
<br /> - ' purpose for whkh each debit to the Fvnds was eiada The Piuids are pledgad as additional seco�itY for atl sums secunal by
<br /> -- — . thia Secarity Instramen�. �. ,,
<br /> - � � I€.the Funds held by Lender ex�ed the amounts Pamiued to be hetd bx applic�ble law. Lender shaU accatmt to
<br /> ,_ ,, Bdeua�far the excess Funds in saia�dance with the�ss of applicabk law. If tbe amount of the Funds t�eld by
<br /> _= Ldrdes aE a�y tirne is nat sufficia��u pay the Fscmw Items wl�ea dne.i.eader may so nadg•Barmwer in writing,aa�.�a ,
<br /> - such case Bamwer shaU pay to L�the amount nccessary to malce up thc deficiency: Bormwer shall make up cEx
<br /> deficiencyr in no mae than twetve monthiy p�yments.at Lender's sote discreaaa: .
<br />__= Upon,payrtKnt in full af all sams seeured by this Securily Instrumen4��s�11�P�Y�fund to Borrower aa�yr
<br /> - liuids hetd by Lender. If.w�der�Ph 21.Ler�der shall acquire or sell the RoPestY,Lencier.Prior to.tl�ee acquisiKon or
<br /> - sale of the Property.shall appIy any Punds held by Lender at the time,.af acquisition a sate as a creQit against the sums
<br /> - sa�rod by thls Socuriry Insuummw
<br /> ,,', 3. ApplkaHon d P�y�aenb. Unless applicabie law provides othtrwise. all paymenu r�ceived by Lender ut�der
<br /> puag,taphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firse.to any pr+epayment charges due under the Nae:second.to amounts payable nnder
<br />. p�tr�graph Z;third.to inta�est due;fourth,to principal due:and last.to any late chazges due undcr the Note.
<br /> :_ �. Ciu��ls;Lkat Bocmwer shaU pay all taxes,assessments.charges.fines and imposiGans anributable to the
<br />'�*:_ Pmperty which may auain prtority over this Security Instrument�and leasehoid paym�.mts or graund rents.if aay. Bomnwer
<br />_� � ahaU psy:tbese obiigations in the n�,ar�.�er provided in pa�aph 2,a if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay tfkm on
<br />`- - time dicrctly to thc person owed paymenG Bortnwer shall p�omptTy fumish to i.ender all notices of amounts to 6e paid under
<br /> _ this p�tagraph. Ii Barowa makes these payr�cs ctiretKiy.Botsower sha11.P�P�Y fumish to Lender�ipts evidencing =
<br /> _�? the pa}�t»ertts. � _
<br /> .r.�, . Bcnuwer shall pcomptly dtsct��any Iie��vhich has privr�y over this Security Instrament unless Bar�wer ta1 a�rees =
<br /> - in wrip�g io the payment of the obl:�b+:ion secured by the tien in�mataier acceptable to Lend�r:(b)contesLs in good fait3�r,.'�e _
<br /> _�- ikn by,oc defends a$aiitst enfor�nt oi thd lien in,legal proce�clings which in the Lende��vpinion�p�re to peye�F�fie -
<br /> ��� • ' enfonxment of the['ee�:ar(c)secures ftam the i�o2der of thG Gen an agreert�ent satisfxtar��co�.ender sab�r�.�inating tlie lien ,
<br /> __- to this Security Inst��l. lf Lender det�minos:i�at any part af the!'rope�tY 1s subjoct to a.lien whicie ur�y att�in.priority -
<br /> ;,�;::� over il�is Security Insau�eet;l.endor may give�wer a nor�ce identifying the llen. Borrower shall s�sfy tLe lieh a�taice _
<br />::��i� � one or maee of the�tru�ns set fonh abav�withirf t(�days of.r�te t�iving of notice. � ,� -
<br /> s, gmM ar ptoperty Ia�ra�Ce. Barrower shall Icee�the improvements now er.�s..'�ng or henafter ecected a�c�e
<br /> �.�t..• -
<br /> . Ptnpetty ir.sured against toss by frre��azards ir,c'aded wi�*,:n c�term"eatended coverage":}r``d any other ha7.a�ds.incX�i�g - _
<br /> ' floods or flooding,foc which l,end��requlres�sur�ce. 'F3�is insurance shall be maintained in ttre a�unts and iesr the
<br /> -'F' faA3ili �'�f lpage2afbper,t�)
<br /> , �
<br /> � _._ _
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