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<br /> � � ` � I5. Mi$cel2aneoas Psovisfans. . - , � s
<br /> - � ,. ...��----- .
<br /> , .
<br /> . � . � �a) �HorroWer Hot Re2eased. Bictension of the ti�ei t`oz .
<br /> paysent or rodi cat cn o aw�o zatiou of the inss secured by -
<br /> Lhis Deed of Trust granted by Lender, to any succea:or fa faterest
<br /> ___— o� 8orroves'ahall nct-;operate to release, in any ianner, the . ,
<br /> _ "- �= liabiiitg of ths oriy��n�►� HorraWes aud 8o�rot+ei's sacceasors i� = _
<br /> � iutexest. Leader shall hot be�reqaired to ccareaca psoceedfn9a
<br /> aqainst sueh successor or xefuse to extend time- for pa]1�eAt or
<br />^ � ather+rise aalify aAwrt�.zatioa of the �um�s aecured by tbis Deed of
<br />=�, srnst by reagon of any deaands �ade by the ori.ginal Borra�s and
<br /> = _ Sorrater's succes$ors in inte�est. � �
<br />`;� _ ,
<br /> �=i • - (b}, � Leudeir��-Pa�ers: Without �€€ecti�nq- ttie if ahilit3F— -- -
<br />��.=> of any ather person a e or the payment of any obligatian
<br /> hesein aentianed, and xithont af€ectinq the lien or- charq� of
<br /> this Deed of Trust npon �ny portion of the Froperty not then- or
<br /> � theretofore released as aecarity for the full aaount�of a21
<br /> , � mnpa;d abiiq�tions, Lender �ay, fsom ti.ne..-bo ti�e an� withaut
<br />_� - � - aatice ;i� r�lease any person so lfa�ble,. [iif extend the s�a�tusity
<br /> : ox aitex any" of the terms of any s��h o-bliqations, �iif.i `9=�t � -T -
<br /> � vtlier indulgences. Eivt re�ease isr "reconvey� or cause-to. be
<br /> ,1 released or reconneyecl at aay time. at Lender's option, any
<br /> � - parcel, portion or. all of t�e Property, Iv) take or release any , _ —
<br /> ����_ • _ other or additicnal;security for any obligatioa herein mentioned, ��;___
<br /> .�� �. os Ivf� make compositions or ofher arranqements witb' dGbtore in - �
<br /> _ , rel�:tion thereto. � �
<br /> (c� Farbearance b I�ender Not a waiver. Ar�y forbear- _-
<br /> ��, - ance b y Leader n exeraisa.ag aay r�ght oz remedy hereunder, or . _�--
<br /> - �' `' otherWise afforded by app l ic a b l.e 2ara-� s h a l l n o t b e a w a i v e r e f o� . _ _
<br />��;;�::�,. �.,,.. preclude the exercise of any such ��aght or tentedy. The procure- :...� .:� ���u
<br />`'' ;�;;-.. �aent oE insurance ar the }'1Ay1dfJAt of taxes or other liens or =��_-
<br /> ��---- -
<br /> � -` charg�s by Lender shall not ba a Waiver of Lender's riqh'� �o ,� �_: -
<br /> : , t accelerate the maturity of� �he iadebtedness �eaazed by this Deed �-`'�--��-
<br /> ,.•y, ��"�' ---
<br /> ``-;;:�;' of Trast: �: � _�w�-_ -
<br /> . ; ,r`'�" , -- �`"-�+
<br /> - '�y� (d) Successors and Assi ns Bound; Joint and Several '�-�
<br /> ,:. �., . • °: ,. -
<br /> Liabilit�.• Cap�tio,ns• The covenants an agreementa heze n con- ..:=�.�-�
<br /> 4. ,t;.f..y
<br /> tained shaIl� bind, and the r£ghts hereunSer shall inure to, the �;:
<br />. respeati�r�_�ccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject �w__ _
<br /> � to �1� pZ����0A8 af paragraph 1�te) hereof. �ill aovenants and • • ; - -
<br /> � � "'' aqreeasen�s a� Bc����er shall be joint and several. The captiona , =.�_.:
<br /> ._`��°:� and.headimgs o� t�e paragraphs of thfs Deed of Trust aze for . `�`-�'°'
<br /> ,� . . �� � =�
<br /> '�' '� coIIp�s�;ea�e pnly and are not to be used to intierpret or de�ine =:��`�_.
<br /> . �; . . . �,.�,�_
<br /> ' �t�,,�, � t�s� g�rovfsians heseaf. �. '��
<br /> r' ?"'..;,. . , • —
<br /> ,� ��:.
<br /> `�"` (e� Re est for Notices. The parties hereby request � j . , ' . � �`
<br /> r:r'r�*:•�
<br /> �� that a capy of aay no ce o e ault hereunder and a copy of any :'`'-�`=`"
<br /> �.. �r-r-
<br /> noxiae o� sa��e h�zeunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of ,.. �� .
<br /> . °�- : T�aia� at tl�e a�s3ress set Sorth abone in the manner gresar�.be8-by � .--_---- .
<br /> 'r,°'�"` ag►�?�xcabie xa�r. �xcept Eor any �her natice requi=ed under .
<br /> ::..:�; ' ,
<br />. .� �: . apgl3cable law �a �z given in anot�aer manner, any notiice provided ! � �
<br /> '.�. � ; . .,
<br /> � ,.�.;;.. �,.� °�� � for in this DeeB of Truat ahall be given by mailing auch notice . �
<br /> :a�,_ ..<�..-...�°. • by certified mafl addresaed to the other partiea, at the address ,
<br /> "�``"��' se� forth above.
<br /> .��.�-�, ,t?;,, ` ,
<br />. .•� 'r'��,� r ' �
<br /> �Y...�..�:.__,i:,,',:�... - . � .
<br /> Any notiae provided �or in this Deed of Tivst �
<br /> :�''�"' ���``;���"', shall be effective upon mailing in the manner deeignate8 hesein. �
<br /> ` �� If Horrawer is more than one person andlor entity, notice�se�t �o �
<br /> ' ' .F•�_ ., _ Jr `
<br /> � - � � the acl8reas set forth above shall be notice to all suah persona
<br /> an8lor entities. ;
<br /> � � 'I ,.� ��= • �f) �ns ection. Lender may make or cause to be made :
<br /> :;i�,�--'=--�--- , . seasonable en�r es upon anc7 i�spectfons of the Property, provide8 ' •
<br /> that Lender shall qive Borrower notice prior to any such inapec-
<br /> ��� � � tion specifyinq reasonable cause therefor relate8 to Lender•s - . :
<br /> � �, �, � inberest in the Property. . : "
<br /> • .t - �g) Reconve ance. tTpon payment of all sums secured by " .
<br /> , ; this Deed of Trnst, Len er ahall request Trustee to reconvey �the
<br />-.,_ _.-_----_ __-_I . � 8roperty arW shaii $urrend'er thia Dee� o� Trust an8 aIi notes ' .
<br /> ' • evidencing in8ebte8s�ess sec�ie�8 �y tKis beect af Trast to �rus�ea: - ; . .- - -=--=
<br /> . �
<br /> . ., .,
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