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<br /> :.G -: ;�. ' .} . .. - _ . . _ -_ —
<br /> . ...-:_�__ -,____.-'_z__"."— _ __- —_-_ -- �- "_ . _ __ " _ - --
<br /> -..:._ . . . .� _. _ � - _—
<br /> `
<br /> -.. -. ' y, �.,� .. '� �•• .._..�._� . .� _ .__' .... .�..�.��.��. .. .._
<br /> _.:r .. ' __ _ _ "_ . _ _
<br /> '.l�; • �.�. C_._• � ; '_ _ . . . . .A
<br /> �� �+ -
<br /> < : .- � } . -. _" -' - . c . . _ . , . _, � ' ". _
<br /> .�_ _'a`f' \1� � ' _ . .. - - ._ — . ' < - _ . _ . _ _ _ ' _ . . �� " ' _.. ..T- ._
<br /> _� ' • �K ` ' 4` . . � ' _ �" ` .(. . � ���� ������^
<br /> ._. _ � . . _ . � . �� • . . . . . , .._ '- � _
<br /> �c. . . ' . � . ' . _ . . ._ . (".. � .
<br /> � . � (•
<br /> — . � . . . . . {1 ` .. [ � � � ' . ' .
<br /> � � � �r. _T'he fozQgof,nq� .irarra»ties _ and repseseatattod�..;..u�d � ° � . :
<br /> . . � Dossawar•s obliqations�pursttant-to;the foreqQf ng ladad�iEg. �bal3 ` , .
<br /> , sa�n►ias repay�ent�of�the ltot� .and �he zecoavayance af t1�ls. Oa�d � . :
<br /> , cf Tsust. . � • . . - . .
<br /> . 9. ` 11ssi9rjwe�t of Renta• !lana e�ent of Pro rt • -:�s ;_ �.
<br /> -, :►dditiansl--secnr"3ty er er. Barra�er �eraag-asssg�s-r.�.-3,end�r
<br /> - < _. -
<br /> th� rents. ismes and profits o� t.hs Pzo�erty. Providad� thsL . .
<br /> Boria+ra�r sha22, prior to accelesatton nnd4r.pataeqraFli ii h�reof . � _
<br /> or abandom�ent of tha Psopeirty. have tlte sfqht ta collect and :
<br /> retais such rents� issaes �na pzo�fts'as .they,�becow� due aAd pay-
<br /> abZe. IIpon acceleratiaa ar abanclo�erit of; the..PsopeutY.. i�ende�r ' - _
<br /> �1ty, eitiier iu person�or by. agent, trith or Nithout bsinging suy
<br /> --- - . __ actio�s or graceed�eg. -or--by--a-:re�Qivar_sppQinted..by .a ��r�-a�� -- — -
<br /> Mftheut regard to the;adequaey ,oE�ifia security, ,enter upon and
<br /> --= taka posaessio�. of. the PrQp�xtyr.or any part thereo#, in �.t,ec o�m�:
<br />-== na�re or�. in tha-aame� of_the Tr�satee, aa8 dQ :ni►y.;�aats wLicb it _
<br /> ' . daaa.. neceasa�rY vr deairable to preserva the va�uar aarketabi�lity
<br /> � or raAtabflity of th� Broperty: or any part _thereof or intarest
<br /> - thexsiat, increase the incaae therefrest or pratect the sacQrity� .
<br /> � _ - • _ hereaf and. ait1= or without takinq pasaessfuon a#: tba PrcpertY, - —
<br />=- - aae� fo�- or.-othesn+ise collect the re�,tst issnes and_.pro�its = _ _.
<br /> -_ . � tizareo�;. ��.p8inq tliose past due nttd nnpaid; an8 aPPlY the aane, - - :
<br />_ ' less cvsxs�.�t$ expenaes of operatioa and collectien, �includi»q �- `
<br /> '`�"` attorn�ys*� �fees, upoa anp indebteclness aecnred here&j, .all in
<br />_ ' euch erder �a.�s'��bender may dett�i�ne� �The enter3ng npon anc] takfnq' _ . .-
<br /> ^ , goi�sesaion o€�the Property, the aalle�tio� of such rents, i�sues ,•
<br />���:"� - ' and piofits and the app].icatfon thereof as afozesaid, shall a�ot
<br /> cnre or waive any default or notiae of default hereunder' or�
<br /> ' � idbali8�te any act done in response� to sueh default or pursuant
<br /> - . to suah�notice of default�and; notwithstan8i.nc� the aontinuanee in
<br /> h
<br /> j' " possessio�a o�tthe,Property or the callection, ;��ceipt and apg�ica-
<br />._�,:,�: � t#o� of se�f�s�:���issues or profits, and Trust�: and Lettclex sha� be
<br /> eatf.�3ea<<ta� exera£s@t,eaery right provaded foi ia a�ay �af the.. Laa�n
<br /> ': In�truweAts� or by la9r.�ipon: occusrence �of any Event o�:�?e#ai�alt,
<br /> iriCl�nq, Without li�ai.tation, the right to exercise �he �raw�= of _
<br /> � sale. Farther, Lender's riqhts and remedies under this pazac�saph
<br /> • 9 shaell �be cumulative with, and in no way a limitatioA or�,, . ' �__
<br /> . 1,en�eic's:.rights and remedies under aiti�r Assignment of Leases and
<br /> itents� xecorded aqafnst the Property.-. Lender, Trustee and the �`'
<br /> receiver shall be liable to account only for those seats actually �-
<br /> . received. � ��t
<br /> � 10. Events of De£aul�. The follayring shall constitate� �?
<br /> ' � an Eve»t of Defaalt under s Deed af Trust: t..` ,
<br /> , ��J... . . , �.�i.
<br /> ,,:;; t; �a) Failure t.m, .pay, any installment of ':_
<br /> pxincipal or intereat or .amy a�er sua� s�ecured hereby �
<br /> ' � �Isen due, ar failure to pap i►hert due ang�;other indebted- �
<br />` `'�'`��-:� � � �ess of Horrower to I.enclert � , .
<br />_ ,s.
<br /> _���; � �
<br />:��,:,-;
<br /> - � (b� A breach of or 8efault wLder any psovi-
<br /> ,.', ` sion contained ia the Ne�e, this Deed ofr Truat, any of �
<br /> ' the I,oan -Znstsvments, or any other encumbrance upon the
<br /> ` �roperty, after giving ePfeet to any appl3cable cure
<br /> : �i:
<br /> period contained thereix�t � �
<br /> - �c) A writ of execution or a�tachment or any ��
<br /> $imf.lar process shali be entered against Horrv�+er which �
<br /> � �`� � shaL� becrnna a lien on the P�aperty or any portion ' f
<br /> - . thereog�or-iriterest thereins � �
<br /> �. �: i
<br /> 1d) There shall be filed by or against �
<br /> � - �- Borro�er an action under any present or future federal, �
<br /> ' atate or other statute, law or regulation rela�ing to �
<br /> � n� �' . bankruptcy, 3nsolvency or other re2faf for debtorsl or - ;
<br /> .�,..,,;..;... :
<br /> � � -- - ==1-� - there shall be appointe8 any trustee, receiver ar • - ;
<br /> .����: . :
<br /> • :.-..F�- . liqnidatox of Borrower or of all or any part of the , :
<br /> *��;' Propeuty• or the sen�s. issues or prof3ts thereof, .or �
<br /> ' ��� �� a aaai nment for the
<br /> +.�,.��� . So�crower shall make any gener 1 g
<br /> � benefit oE cre8itors� ,
<br /> . � �___. , -' -
<br /> . -- --_:�-,-�--� _. . - _. . . _ _ , . - - - - - . � _. . --
<br /> �, ����� . � ' ;
<br /> �,}� _�-
<br /> ' : r� "�. ,. . � - _ -
<br />