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<br /> . ,Mpi;¢,4ie la�sag�pecit�r rc�r ce�art)b��uf d�Phapeiti►P.�iQ�oy Pv�ar oe sile.«,.�.Med ie sis
<br /> �tidt�►.iw++NM�a'@)��!!��J��.��►lapnma�t. 1�ae caaditiaa�ati tlrt Bano�s= (a�.
<br /> . � .Mq�+S,�dir al[�wwt wHicb tbea w�orid bf duc w�da��eis_Secu�itp fn�n�a�and tbe Note as if:n�+�ooe�aatiar`1ad ..
<br /> . occ�@)��oy defat�tt of qay aiher corana1s at�pe4maw'�(c)PsJ��il exp�es idcumad itE ada�:diis Sen�rit�.
<br /> le��hidp�.bYt uot Wniled tu�tquo�bie�o�s��'ees:aad(�.Wces auch�cqa+a�L,e+wiq'm��61� ..
<br /> rn�ir�tv�t�e dwc We fien of tbis SacuRiry�.1 e�d�'s rialNs en thc Ptnpe�ty aod Baquw��s abligatiqn to 1�►y!� , �
<br /> ��,.y� �r �C:gec�ihr tmtruaa�t sMait caN� unciu�ed• U�ar �� bY`Boebwv. tlu��Soc�ntY ,
<br /> .` _to�auma�c�!tac obL/�tia�s aacwed be�eb�►sMU�aaiit fa1lY,effective�s d no aoeekntion 6d ax�atod� I�nvrev�c deis ,. �
<br /> _ �6ceR�leslWtnaC�pplr_�tbe�aEar�efmt�an.uederp!�+Pi�17. �
<br /> � -1�S�it oC N�Aet E'4�t+�=.�t.S�tar. 71ie Na�c a a p�rd�t uxerest in tLe Nate i�8�*���h`
<br /> ' �a�ay be snid'a�e a mone tune.s vridwrt pior_nMice ro Haaowar. A s�te msy result ia a ciw��e-itt�he enutY
<br /> , (kao�ra a�dfe"I»arr Sesv�cer")dat coUects aw�thlY 1�Y�due vndtr ti�c No1a and this Sec�ait�►L�mna�t. 11x[t�iso
<br /> s�ba atc a more dan�-of tbe La�f Servicer wueWed m a sak of tbe Note:�If tba�is a ch�e af tite La�t�S�riar.
<br /> Baeo�er�rill.bc pvee:�df�mtic�of tbe clar�ge ie��aco�d�noe with pr�#�t'.14 abwc m�d�pplic�k taw;11�tiodoe
<br /> - widtsale t!e nfine sind add�essof tbcnew l.o�n Setvicdr�11d.the add�ess to�wbidt Pn►n�ts sba!W ix m�de. 'il�e t�aqoe w�1
<br /> �ko ao�Nain�nY.olba iaf4ttiqNiat zeqititbd bY+�PP����w �
<br /> - -- _ ��rda�esS�Aea.-Boetvxer-�hall not caus�or pemtit t!�p►esencta,use,d�s�OS�I;stangc:ociek�ce of_aay `
<br /> +lf�a�da�a Sub+no�es'at ar ia ihe Pt+opertY. Bor�ower shW twt sllaw a�►yonc elsc to do.anything�affecan$dre
<br /> •:t�kiopnty tAi�is ut viot�at of.atty Euvl�omnattal[.aw. Thc p�eceding two sauences sb�fl not apptY to the•p�
<br /> �oa the�Phopaty of am�ll qu�r�tities oF H�z�daus.Subs�xs d�t a�e Sea�rdl�recognizad to be appm�xiata to norn�l
<br /> . nsidenlW wtes ao�t�rn�i�Maunce of Ue Prope�ty. •
<br /> Banowc s6W.prom�rtlY_giva LeMkr written notia af aay iavestigsuion,cl�im,demsud.iawsuit a atber action by any
<br /> go+rc�cm�al oc RYu1�MaY a�a�.Y a�P�vue party invotvin�tbe Pioperey and�ny i�azaedais SuGst�rse a F.�►vimnmr�W
<br /> ' L�w.of which�I�aa.acltuli koQwk�gc If Bomnwer le�tls. a is iwtified bY sa►Y.govenupaual a�+e8u1�*Y
<br /> �uWurily,d�ait a�7 temov�l.or od�er�w+�of<any Natiudoas Subsp�e�a�in8 ti�Propetty is tsecsssasy..8.a�ca�es- -
<br /> . sA�U pr4o�ptty tNce.aU ne�essry�e�l:actians m ac:co�o�with EavimnR�nt�f Law. `
<br /> ..�•=.
<br /> . �uxA irt.thig,p�taph M,"Il�za�daus Su63tances�at�e tlase�nces defiaad as toxic or hux�+i�s�bst�CS bY
<br /> '. Favitomnenad Gtw and tht tdWwiaB subst�ces: .g�oline•�mseae.atNer fl�bk or eoxic petrokumrpe�Qrect�,.v�uc ,
<br /> ` pesticides an�Nesbictides,volatile solvents�matcxials containur8 asbestos or famaldehyde.aud radioactive•��, E►s
<br /> '� � use�ia qus p�gr�ph Z0."Environts�enis�i Law"rt�as federal laws aad iaws of the jurisdictian where the_Pt�vp�sty.e�Iacatod. .
<br /> ,-- _- that reLte�if�altlti saf�tY or enva�ornrxat��eat�. `_: ` .
<br />_ -�. 1vON•UN�ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foitows: .
<br /> ` Z�. Ara�ratio�:A'�sed�.. Lepdee'siu�U�ve�otke to Borrawer prioe to�acalerstlo�tdla��l!�'s
<br /> _ ' Dreac!atsn cova�t oe�ap+�eeeilt iR ti�Seearity I�truse�t(bat aot prjor W�uader pa�rapl�.I?
<br /> = �re�s a�iicMft Iaw provjdes atMerwlee). 'fbe�ofke slull specif�: (A)ti�e defaolt:(b)tbe nctlaR�ry�bar cwrt tLe
<br />__ = ieA�(c�:iY�Mt I�rs tl�3Y�3�s fFo�r t11e d�te tie aotice is gtve�to$orro� Whicb the deGdt�wsllfe
<br /> =�- c�e�a�(�IJ iMM 1�iY��e to e�a+e tMe defadt at ar befae+e tMe d�te specilie�l iR tie notke na�'r�k i�.aca�ii�d
<br /> ia
<br />_`�:� tit��s sae�eed b��tiia SecYrit7 L�tna�e�t�d s�le at the Pr�opest�.'IIMa;nMke sIWiU t�llher irli►Kyit�a'd
<br /> - tre ri�M rirrlMt all��kraftoe a�d tUe ri�t�o briN�a corrt�cliu� aseert tUe no��extste�eedA deUwit or
<br />:,'�-_. sy�f6�eFdel�dae af�are�o�er io s�ele�lio�a�d salt. it:tlMr ddf�Wt is�ot cMned at or Aefore_ti�+i�te speeflfei iR
<br /> q��alfia�I.e�der st ilsoptjor,�n'reqoit�e ia�ediate P�iimaN•in tpU dall s�ms sa�sie�i 69 tl�St�rity I�t
<br /> �
<br /> : willwlt fbet�er de�d s�d w4y iNVdce f�e power ot sMe�and�'ofber renKdies penait�e�t b�"aPP�i�bk I�wE
<br /> . . Le�i�si�'be a�titted w callect all rxpe�es incurred�in p�rsuing t6e�remedks providcd ie tliis p�ap6 El,
<br />- � - iicrdi��t�wt li�aited t0.raro�ble attorneys'tees and costs artiNe lvtden��
<br /> � IE t�e po�ver ot sWe is invoked.'[lrustee sbsU recoM a not�ce a�'detaidt in each couety ie vrhich aay pprt at the
<br />__. Propntr is ioded a�d sb�U mail a�opies ataQC6 notice in t6e nwnner.p�+�scrf6ed by applkabk Ixw to Borrower smd to
<br />- Oe Wrer Peraa�s Rr��cribed b7 apPlica�k law �tftse the,time cequir�by applkable b1�K 71rw�tee si�afl give pabiic
<br /> �otiatof aste to tMe•persons and ie tNe n�nner prescribed by applk�ble ta� 'IY��vitllout dema�d ae BorraNer.
<br /> �":r' : s�i se!i�e ProRertr at pYblic auctbrr to the hiahest bidder at tha ti�u�P�aed under the tern�de�tted ip.
<br /> �. He�utiee d sate i�a�e or mare patiYis and irt any order 7Y�ustee deter�i�. 71ru�ee ms�y po�tpo�e ssk ot�or any -
<br /> p�cetottk Pro�rt'by pnbflc��oonrement at the time and p1ACe otanp prevtousty schedpkd sala I.eader or its
<br /> � 1e�ip�e.t�1'Iwrclu�ee tUe Pru�et�+�t sny sale.
<br />= - UpM recetpt ot paymnt uf�tie prke 6�t.7lrustee sdsW.deltver to ti�c parchaser'Iirustee's dad coaveytng!!re
<br /> pe�opeet}� 'r11e recifats ir.t�e'Ilrusae's deed shaQ be prima facie evidence ot the trath of tha sqten�ents m�de therein.
<br /> le
<br />_r
<br /> . 71r�0ee sray apply t6e procadg of the sAk in the tdlowing orAer: (a)to all costs and expenses ot exerclsin�the pa�rer
<br />- - .�_; �
<br /> . _ � • .
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