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<br /> �,W]'j'����ON�OOW Q�Q�R![OCIO�aR t11Q�fO�Ctty:�Od�)l�ri�f:�p�. ' .
<br /> i����r1,7.[.��,rE�laIOttM O.[t,�� t��=ryt O�t��1,E�(l10�lf[ll.c'�l�in�p/��.���.����IGllf 3��iif0 6C OOYQ!'��f 1�i.SOCW�
<br /> .._ ._ LNO�. 11Y��YG����i'lilG7`Wb���W�7a�YiYYYi�w���Y•w _ � �•' . � - ° . � _
<br /> " � a0RR011N�R COVENAI�TS tfwt Buaowia is laMfWly�seised af dre est�c I�e6y oanreyati aud h�s tbe ri�t li►��nt
<br /> aud twariey die Pbopaty m tdtt tbe Ptagetty is�4�.except for maap6�moes of�ecrocd. Bononret vr�rtaats aod
<br /> wiU deferW Saia�ily dje tlle b the Properqt s�c alt slaima aM deanods.subjax to�ny encomb�aoces oE�. �
<br /> TfIIS SECURITY 1NSlRUMENT oombiaes wufam oava�ts far natian�l use and non-unifam covea�nts witb
<br /> liroited va�i�ti6ns t�jtms�ion to ooasdtut�:uoifarm seauity i�nem covering n�t pmperty. .. ,
<br /> - LtNB�R�►lQOVBNA�T!'S. Bo�o�raeodl,eaderrorrentatae�spoeasfailows: . '
<br /> - � . f. la��s1�[lri�dMl aY I�er�t:�reMl�e�t�i l.Mc CWr�es. Bamwer s6�il P�P�Y P�Y wNm due t�e ` -
<br /> ptincipd of sod int�rn�t oa tbe debt evideaoed by tht Note and any p�epspmeut and late chuges due andet tbe Not� .
<br /> . 2. i�lr■/�lor'l�ies a�i I�aKa�ea Snbjxt to ap¢C�cabk law or Oo a written waive�by I.ender.Bamwa shilt pry W
<br /> iROdet an dre daY moalhtY WY�aaie dne unda tha Nate.wntil tde Note Ls p�id in fu11.a siun("E3�nds")fo�:(a)Y�Y
<br /> tua aod assasmaMs w6iet�may�uam pciaity ovec dus SoaQity lnstrw�u a lia�an the Pmpaty;(b)Y�Y�b �
<br /> phrasens ar �a�ud raus an die Pt+apaty.tf my;lc)Yca1Y 1w�d ar p�opetty ;asu�ox pnmiums:ea)Y�Y�
<br /> ;mu�aoa p�aniwns,if�r,t��Y�i►�a� ias�uanc�p�a��u�s.if aar.�d cfl�r�P�Y��5►�*�..a��
<br /> - l.eaae��a a000bmnce�rel�-ib��nvLs�as of�.8.in liw.of W�_p�yma�t a�mn�g�ge instuat�pcano�s. 'FBesc : .
<br /> . ilaas are c�lied"Fsccow Items.` La�der msy.at any time,colket�ad hoW FLnds ire an sraount not to exceed tlie� .
<br /> � �aaou�a kader fa a federalhr tiel�ted mottgs�e tatn may iaqmte fa Barruwer's esanw account wWa the feder�t.Reat �
<br /> Est�ie Settlament fmoodures Act of 1974 as�a�eoded hom time to tuae,l2 iJS C.¢�A1 a seq.("RESPA"),unkss aaot6� .
<br /> Itw tA�t applies w tbe Funds sets a ksser amount. If s0.I�et�der may,at aay tune.coilect aod tald Funds iqan�t aot m
<br /> exoeed t6e lasrr�mounr. l.rnder may�stim�te the amaaat of F+�nds due m the 6uis af cuRene cIsta.and nasannbk •
<br /> estim�es of�af futun Escrow Items ar a@�ecwise�accor+�nce with applicabk law. �.=:,
<br /> : 'i'�e Faods sia�!be beld in aa iastitution wb�ose depo�u ae�e iasund by a federa!agency, u�di�litS4 or eality,.
<br /> e
<br /> - . -- (�E�er,if t.eoder is sQC.fi��an)ar�aa�tscicrat Har�e t.a�n Banic. I.ra�r shatt�,�.��°+!nds to�Y
<br /> t6e F�Iteias. Lender may not cf�arge Bamuwa for tiol�og and applying t6e Fums,aanually:ai�yztqg the ies,cr4vv
<br /> - � �reunt.or Yaifying tbe Esct�nw Items.unkss Lead�c pnYs Bac�ower interest an tbe Ru�ds wd.applicable law peiimits
<br /> . �.ader to m�doe sach a char�e. Howeva.lxnder�mry nquic�e Bom�wec to pay s aae-time cir�rge for an..imd�epeadent�al
<br />- at�te tu reporting service usrd by Lender in camection witd this ioaa uWess applkahle law pmv�des otlierwise. Untess an
<br />_- agnxmeat is m�de ar applicable taw requizss inwest to be p�id,Ixnder shall not 6e mquired w pay Bormwec any intc�est or
<br /> - eacnings on the Funds. Borrower aid Leinder niay agra in writi�.however,that interestshaH be pa�d ae�he Funds. t-eide�
<br /> sinll give to Bamwer,without s1�r8e,an anawl accoundng of the Funds.showtng c�dits anQ dehits to the Fimds and the
<br />-= p�pose for which eac6 debit to ttn F��s was made. The Plu�ds are pledged as addiaaa�i security for all sums secured by
<br />= � this Security Incuua�ent . _
<br /> If the FiuKis hNd by Lender eacad the amuians pemritted to be detd by appllcable iaw,i.ender shall account to
<br />= �'': Baavw�t for the excess Punds in accadance with tlie requinemeats of appticable law. 1f tbe amaunt of the Funds held by
<br /> :`�:uc.aary tlme is not snfficleru w pay the Escrow Items afien due.Lender may so narify Boirower in writing.and.in
<br /> r �; ;�;�';:_..
<br /> � .�i�.Licmower shall pay to Lender tho sinwunt neoes.�aRy to malce up the defieie�. Bormwer shall make ap the
<br /> .:�., � •:,�;iie�w�Z;�m m mone thm twelve monthlY PAY���-�'�sole discntion. _ :
<br /> ' � UP�P�Y�t in full of ail swas secu�ed bk dus Seaadty Insuumen�l.endee shall promptiy cefimd to Bormwer any
<br />-- :'Funds held by l.ender. If.under paraBcaPh 2it�der sl�aU scquire or sell tl�e Ptopecty.l,ender.pnoz.to t6e acqaisitioe or
<br /> = ' sak of the Ptuperty.stiaU apply any F�nds held ffiy.l.ender at the time of acquisition oc sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> _ • _ sei.vzrd by th�s Socurity Ins�umenw
<br /> -- . '. 3 AppQcatbn o�PaynKnts. Unkss applicable law provides otherwise.all payments rereived by I.ender under
<br /> .�� par�grapds 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to acty pnpayment charges due unQer tbe Nate:second,to amounts payable under
<br /> � paragraph 2;third,to intorest due:fourth,to pr'�c�al due;and las�to any late charges due under the Notr.
<br /> y� 4 Cka�es;Lkes. Aorrowcr shall pay a11 tAxes. assessmenta. charges,fuus and imposiGoas aqributable to the
<br />_ . Pka�,:s�hich may att�in priorlty oc�r deis.Se�tity Instrument,and leasehold payrtxnts or g�+uund tents.if any. HwTOwee
<br /> - — s6���sese obllgations in the nt�an..��;avickd in pardgrapb 2.or if not paid in that manner.Boaower shall pay tTiem an
<br /> -� aQae d�acN'�r to the person awed p�+y���. Barc�wcr shall promptiY fumisb to Lcnder all ralices of amaunts to be paid ander
<br />� .y� diis�ragraph. If Bacrmwer makes+�e:ce�a!ir;�ts direetty.Barrower st�ll promptly fumish to l.ender teceipts evcdencing
<br /> tt�e pAyments. _ : -
<br /> ' Borrower si�atb��rc�aptiy discl►arge any�i�r�wttich has priority over it�s Security lnsuument uzsles�La:rower.(a)agrees , -
<br />__ in wri6ng to the pay'c:�^,a of the a�tion so¢taed by the Hen in a manner acceptable to Lender.tb)�aiests in good faith the _
<br /> =, lien by.or defe�ds agsdnst enfarae�st of the lien in,legal proceedings which ln the Lender�opinion operate to prevent the =
<br />_.,L,< enfa�cenxnt ot thc tien;a(c)s�s from the holder of the tien an agrament sadsiactory to l.ender subordinating the tien -
<br />-.?u� to thls Sxurity 1n�. If i.ender detertnines that any part of the ropet �s subject to a lirn whlch.may attain priority =
<br />-,�,; over thls 5ecutity Ias�iamen�Letldtr may give Boirower a notice idend'fyfingtythe lien. Botrower shall.sa�ssfy the lien ot talce _
<br /> �`2 one or morn of the acaans sea fvNe abova witl�n t0 days of the glving of ratice. '�
<br /> _ _ S. Ha�rd or Property i�siors� Barnswer shall keep the improvements now eaisting ar i�ei�a�ter erected on the
<br /> � PtopeRy insund against loss by fia�@aazards itictuded within�rre[erm"eatended covetage"2ad any other hazards.Including _
<br /> ftoods or flooding,for which Lcnder requires insurance. 71�is insurance shall be mainkuri:�t in the amounts au�d Por the
<br />- - ',�+�cia3�Jl�9� tpaKt2oj6pa�ea)
<br />.:;
<br /> .. ��. __-_._. . _, _ . . -- -- .. - • - --.. ._.._ - -� - -- -— � —-
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