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<br /> � ! �� ` . . - ` . 321-14943�i.3 7Z9 • _
<br /> ` � � ADN�TAB�,E R�4TE:RIDER ' .
<br /> -- --- , - - - __ ._
<br /> � TAfS ADNSTABLE RATE RIDER is uwda dus , -17TH� � `� ' .- �Y�
<br /> JIRY , 1991 .,iad is iaooYpo�t+ed inw aad aldt�6edear�ed toamead�d�Eemmt
<br /> 1be Matg�gc,Deed of Tn�st or Securi.ry D�eed("Sewr�ty L�sdvmeat")of the s�me d�te givea isy t6e�da��ed -
<br /> � (••Hvrro�t•,?tA sec�1�Foriawa'�Nc�se t"NArd')W NOI�ST t'�qRTgABE� INC.
<br /> ---- descn'bod�a tt�e Secarity it�stmmait and loc�;ed a�,--__._.
<br /> — - - (�"1.,etlder")nf the saa�du�e a)Id eova�tlic�rtapy�iy.._. _.
<br /> � . 2422 iiEST i@TH $TREE'f t3FiAND�:IStiAN��, .HE. 69H43 .
<br /> , � � � .
<br /> � . I�p�!:y:. .�o4�sl.: , �- •
<br /> ` ': �T�iWYtE CONTAII�.S PftOV1SIUN�,?�.����i�OR CHAN�IN T�Il�TERFST
<br /> - .�- RA'1'E AND '� MON7'fO.Y.PAY�"_:?T#�;'NBTE L7bUT5 T� AMOlil�t THL�. - ..
<br /> _ �itOWER'S IIVTEitE.4T 1tA'�.,.�`.._r$�:!�T ANY'ONE TIINE AND TdE '
<br /> . MAXIINtAMi RA'1'B TAE HO1tibQW�R;..�'�P�!Yr;�_:::`:> . - `, � .
<br /> ADDTITONAL COVENAKTS.. It� ,addip�,,t4;.t11F, cavenants and agrcennents ma�te in the Socarity '
<br /> � L�strumrnt,Bormwer and L�der further oovenant,�.�as Potlows: ' , � �- -- -•—
<br /> • S.�iTEAEST RATE AND MONT�.Y BAYMF,�T�,C,�N<�;.. - ._ . .
<br /> (A)Clw�e Dste � ` ' . .. . ...., - , .
<br /> � Tbc iMeract rate may cl�ange on titc tirst day of.: '!992 '.and on ti�[day
<br /> ,��������. �
<br /> of ach succaoding yar."thango Aatc"means eacd dace oa w1�'ICh th�.�tnntec�st rate oould change. , •
<br /> � (�)Tre I�wle�[ :
<br /> � Beginning with the first.�hange Dace,the incerest rate will be basod on an tndex. 'Index"r�ns the wakty
<br /> avernge yield on iJnited States Treasury Securitjes adjusted to a conswnt maturity of ane year,as made availabie -
<br /> by tl�e Fcderal Reserve Board. "Current Index" means the most recent Index figure available 30 days before tite
<br /> Change Date. If the Indcx(as dcfined above)is no tonger available. l.ender will use as a new�ndex airy inde�c
<br /> " prescn'bod hy,ttu 3ecretary(as defined in paragrasih T(B)).Lender will give Borrower notice of the new Index. _
<br /> (�CakWstba ot I�+est Rste Chnnge4
<br /> Before each Change D�.Lender will calculate a new interest rate by adding a margin of
<br /> TMID . ' ' Per�aSe poiat(s)( 2.000 �6)to the
<br /> Current lndex and rour�ding the sum to the nearest one-eighth o�,o�.percentage paint(0.1255�}.$ubjast to tha
<br /> limits statod in.paragr�ph 5(D)of this Note. this rounded amoul,Y4.wi11 be the new interest rate upttl the neat
<br /> ChaRge Date. ' � ' .
<br /> (D}i.imits on lnta+eat Rat�Chnngcs � � •
<br /> The interest rate wili never increase or decrease by more than one percentage paint(1.O�r)on any single
<br /> Change Date. TTticc interesi ratc will t�ever be more than five percentage poinGS(5.0k)higher arlawer th�the
<br /> initi�l interest rate stated in paragraDh 2 af this Note. � . , .
<br /> ' aao.�o+s kHA M�Mi�tMe.AitM ltfie�s-2ll1
<br /> ,' ���g1p3� VMPMOflT6AGE fOpMS-13 7 312 9 3 810 0•J80014Y1•�591 -�
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