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<br /> " ;���..��4..+�.r OIMe a�+!I�..oa sona�ra�i.u`i�we a14�p'��c:d�rtopia�ty..Mieer�c aa.ti . -
<br /> ,: e�i�la�e at arbea�lly e�ecle�.�iert�4►i�ar'dr,caaiiitia,�id ooeti�acies. i�cwdiai t�.kr wLich I�!�eqri�e�- '
<br /> . . i�w�oe: 't�ia'de�ooe:�W1.be�in die ao°ouats�ad far t1rc ge�rjod:tht isuder e�eqdites. Do��ra�YIl.�bQ ' , �
<br />, �. ia�we aU isp�oeerea�on tb�Pkopest�.arhed�aow in e:istarce ar wbaequardy.e�ec�ad.a�aimt yots by tloods w tl�e eitlea�t�t ,
<br /> � �teqYiead bS►We�ece�eu�Y.Al!iaw�aea�tli b�cariied ivith aoaiproia�PPeds►ed bSt[�eoder.'fbe i��oe poiibies�ed�ry -
<br /> fin�inab�Wii 6e 6dd by t�der aad slrD include kss p4r�bie ctawes in favur of.and ia i fam acaplabk to.Leodes.
<br /> � � , 1�.dre�rmt of iau,Horrowa�alt pve IRnder iaitnedia�e aatia�bY m�ti. Leider n�y mike proof of las iC eo4�t —.
<br /> .`� _ _. . .
<br /> P�AI7 bY��i. Factr�in�u�o�e eomp�ny aonoaned fs Gae6y auft�orixed�od di�e►�tb�to t�ttc�e prpmrnt fot sue�kis_ _ .---
<br /> airectty w�i�der.inaaf�l af w BonvMer aua co t.eaaec3oiatly-A1t or any p�t of tbe inaranoe pooeeds ms�r be appiipd b�►
<br /> iseder,at ia cptio�t:eitLa(a)w t6e rat�iat4 of ti�e iadebEedoes+unde�the Nate�ad tGis Seauity Ir�strmnak.fust to a�► '
<br /> dd'qq�eat as�ouet�appiiad'm tie a[dat in p�t�ph 3,aad i6ea ta pe�epaYn�t uf p�iocipl.or(A1 W the�aw�ian or np�ir
<br /> ' o�t6e�ed FmQatY• �Y�PP�����P�to tbe ptiecipd sli�t uot eztaod ot postpooc die due dMe of the
<br /> �Y P�Y�s�hid�acr nfeRed to in p�ra��ph 2,oir ch�e tlre aaaiurt of sa�h pyn�eats.Any excas i�ur�nae p��oeds
<br /> au�pt�a�tot�eqpined ta plq�.�ll a�mqaod�isde6ladna�unda the Not�snd d�s Seauity 1nAnwaK slaU i�e pid�o t6e
<br /> ---- • _ _ -- --- --. -- -
<br /> - �Y�Y entitledtl�a�to• � _ — - . . -—--- --- - - - ..
<br /> Ia t�e�ra�t af forxlow�of Wis Secariry Iu�umeot or at6er traasfer of dde w the P�ape�ty th�t extia�uis6es tlie
<br />- i�idebtadoess.a1t dght,titk atd irNec�est of Bormwer in md to i�otuict policies in fora sfult pass w the puod�aser. -
<br /> . . .. �
<br /> S. Q�e�c�,�pte�ee�atl�rt, lYLite�ot a�d Pt�ta�tio� d t�e Pt+u�ert�; �eeowds � Ap�lialii�r;.=:,`: ..
<br /> ` � �.mdmlds. 8ormreea s6ai!acrapy..e�hlish.a�ase tha Pln¢estY-as Bonowec's principal.�eside�we witbbt sixt�r days afa�;:;:::..;'-
<br /> ' tbe execotiaa of tbis Security Imaume�aad sbali oontim�e to a+Npy tbe Pmperty as 8ormwa's princip�i raiJaioe for at E�:'...:; .�-
<br /> � ` oae ysn�Re�the d�e of aocop�y,aalexsthe Secntary►detenaiaes th3�Kquitidnent�n'll cause m�aue hu�dship for Borso�er: � . ,
<br /> ' or unkss extaiu�tiag'� aa"st`which ue.bryad Bon+awer's ooeKml. Bormwer shaU �atify Irodeis of any :�
<br /> : eimeawting circ9n�stanoes_Hosorwer sl�ll mt co�nt waste or destmy.dun�ge or subsqntially ctuage tbe Pmperty a atlow .
<br /> i i�e:Pivpeay.tQ ddaior�te..te�aaDle wear m�d taar_exceptpd.I�der may inSpot.K tbe Pmpe�ty if the Fmperty is vxa�a�c ,
<br /> � abaudoned oc�e loan is in defaute. I,ender mry tatce reasonable aaian to protect usd preserve such va�+mt or abu�dnr�ed. �. _•
<br /> Pnppaty:.Basrpwer s6all also 6e in default if Bomnwer.during the loan applicat�on pracess.gave materialty faise or inacQUa�e .
<br /> tnfom�atian�st�ts ta I.erder(ar failod w pmvide Ics�der with aay materi�l infarmaoion)m comiatioR with t6e Io�a
<br /> evidenood by the Nate. ialuding,hut.aot limiud to.cepresentations ooaceming Borrawer's oa;upaney of the Pmpecty as a
<br /> ' princtpol�iterke. If this Securiry Insua�is aa a la�se6old,Bonower shall camply with the provisions of the le�e. If . �
<br /> Honp��er a�iins fa tide to the Piropat�.tbo leacd�old and fa title shatl not be mezged uatess I.eoder agras to the r�ec ia .
<br /> �.4��{8•: . �.
<br /> .. .6�.A�es to llor�a��tad Pt+otectbn ot I�aider'a RigMs io the PrqpertY.Borrower sha!!pay�gavemrrxat�t os.
<br /> `rrnuucfip�.ctt�rges. fines aad impositions that arc noc.ineluded in pa�agraph 2. Borrower sf�all pay tliese��ations oa ti�e . ,
<br /> dimtty to tba�dry which is owad the paytnent.If failure w pay would advetsely affut Lendes's irrterest in t�e�topaty.�
<br /> Lender's reqaest Bormwer shall pmmptty fumish to j.ender receipts evidencing these paymmts. . ,
<br /> If Bortower faits to m�lce tt�tse payraeats ar the paymeats requirad by parag�h 2,or failg to perform-arsy otlxr covenants
<br /> artd agreertw�nts crontained in this Sxurity Iasuttment.or there is a legal praaeding that may significanuy affeci Lender's righu
<br /> � in tho Property(such as a proceodiag in banktuptcy.for condemnation ar to enforce l�ws or re�ulations).then l.ender may do
<br /> � and pa�y whatever is necessary to prota4 thF value of the Prapetty and Letder's rigl�ts in the Ptopetty.inch�ding payment of
<br /> � taaes.h�zard insuru�ce and otAer items c�entioned in pat8gr�ph 2.
<br /> � My amounts dislwrsed by I.ender w�der this�aragtaph shaU bxome an�fi�tonal debt of Borrower and be secura!by ,,
<br /> �this Sxari,y 1nsp�umem.'['hese amounts shaU bear interest from the date af disburscrtxnt.at the Note rate.and at the apti�ot
<br /> Leader,si�be'immatiately due��nd pr�,�able. � : .
<br /> ', , �.C�idaewtion. The proceeda of any uward or claim for damag.eF, dircct or cansequential. ln connection with arty
<br /> mrdemnation os ather tatcing of any part of the Property.or for wmeyance in plxe ot condemnation.are horeby assigned aad
<br /> ' shall be pei�so Lender to the extent of¢h�full amount of the indebted�ess itiat remvng unpaid under the Nate and this Secutity
<br /> � Instrument.&,ender sliall apply such procr�sds to the reduction of G"s��ebtedness under the Note ard this Savrity lnstrument.
<br /> � first to any detinquent �nts ap�Pa�;ia the order provided iz �ragraph 3, and then r�prepayment of pdncipal. Any =
<br />'� applicaaon of the proce�ds to ihe principa! shali noe extend or p�rstpone thc dae date of rI�atwnthly payments. which sue
<br /> �-411INE) v.o.a�a
<br /> �
<br /> � .
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