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<br /> �«a�a�a,o��r�����•ara�►�yinoe�����aa�+.��.�nate��� ,
<br /> • ' �!be p�a�a Laidet . : . . . , <, �
<br /> ``fa the eveH af�t�td laicin�of Ihe Pb¢ZnY:We�P�ocoa�s s�! be s�ppiied to�tM�'�t�s secWpd fiY,this.5ocwriry _ . •
<br /> `. Gistn�aKM..whethet ar not`thnt dur.with any e�tccss prid to Boea�wer. In the event of a p�utiai takia�of d�t�'tvPe�'�u ,
<br /> w6icb t[�e�fiir a�et vatue c+t'tt�e Pr�operty immediatety Defae tbe ta�ciag is equal to a g�than tAe arnouRt of the sunn
<br /> ,' aecwed by this Secud�r•Iaytumen►inpnedi�[ely bCfare tpe t�icing.unkss$amvvzr and IAitdrr atherwise apee in writiaa,
<br /> �e sums sec�ued bY tlds Socw�ity Inswm�nt sGall 6e reduce�bY thc amo�n[of tt,e proceais muhiplied by thc fdtovri�g` -
<br /> � fraction: f Y)tht eotal artio�uot of tAe�nu securcd imrnedi�tely befoR dK taking,divided by R►)tlx fair mui:et v�fue of�de
<br /> � � p�op�cty ime�edately`be[ix�e the Wcing. Any balance shall 6e p�ta Bamwcr. in the event of a p�tiat t�lcing of the _
<br /> . reope�ty.in whic6 me rair mui�r,raiae oi,n�e P+op�t+y immeai�te►�«r tt�t�lciRg is les�tl�a ilie amau�u af tAc cums -- -
<br /> sepuad imnedi�teiy befoR d�Wcing.unkss Borsower�nd l.eader ahenvise ag�ee i�i w�itimg nr unks.��pplics��Me yw
<br /> o�Mwise pro�ides.'ihe p�nceeds slWt 6e�ppl�ed to 1hG sums secuttid by�this Security insutunent whethet ot�ot the s�uns at�
<br /> thee due. �
<br /> ��p�,p�y�s�Ia�d bsr gtxmwer.oc if,aftet mtice by lxnder to BoRO�er tt�t tlr.caodeamor offers to m�ice
<br /> an awaM a settle a clai�l for�8�&�'�er fails to respond cq i.rnder�withirt 30 days�tier tGc date die txxice ic gira4
<br /> � Lender is�utNoriTSd iu,�6Aect and�PP1Y���nc its aptiq�l�,e�t�}er ca restoration or cep�i;of the Pt»pacy or m ehe .
<br /> -- - sams secvted by�his SecWitg 6u��, iwhe�he�a���!Fc•.
<br /> Unless l.ender an�i.Bamwer se agnee in writing,:��.. ljcation u�proceeds m. 'p�',�g1k st��4:�Mot,,ex�o�' .--- --
<br /> postpone flie due date n�th�monthlY Wyme�u ttiferred to in p��.!and 2 or chsut8e.,the,J,.. ►11{Q�rsu�'..�p J(�� .
<br /> � `f�� menc a
<br /> 1L 1uro�er Not R+elarei: Forbara�ec BY I:eader No�,:• rVatre�: Extensaxi.a .d� ��• t Y
<br /> modification of un�ization of tlie swns secuctd by this.Security Insuumeat granted by Lender m any su�cesso�irt interest
<br /> of Borrower shall not operate to rek�se the tiabiliry of the originat Bon�ower ar Barmwer's successo�s in inteirse.i.cuder .
<br /> . � . sha11 mt•be requittd to.cotnmena proceedings�gainst aay successor in interest or rcfuse to estrnd time foc payment or .
<br /> di�erwise modify amnr�ation af the surtLS setured by this 5ecurity lnswment by reason af aay demand made by the origiml
<br /> tior�a;tr or Hamu�+�et�s sucassats in inteirst. My forbear.u�ce hy�i.ender-en exeocising aa�r r�tw_tsm�dY shall not be a - ---
<br /> waiver of at pieciode the exercis�of any,right ac t+emedy. 'i4�e covec�nts and a reemeats of this
<br /> 12 S�c�rors�wf As�s Bai�d;Jaiat aNd Strerai I.ia6ility;Co-si�ers.� 8
<br /> Sowr4tY���t shall bind�and brnefit ttte s��ccesso�s aad�ssigns of Lende►and Barrower.subject•to the provi.�ions of .
<br />___ pa�agapN 1T. Bortuwer's covenants and agrrxments shall be jaint and tieveral.My Brnmwer who co-signs this Seguaty
<br /> ` Innnm�ent but does not eaecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securit�Instcument only to mortgage.Srant and convey that _
<br /> $onov�reisin�enst iu the Ptopercy ucxter the tem�s of this 5ecurity f astrumen� (b)i.c not Pe�sa�ally obtI�s►ted to pay the sums -
<br /> �i secuced by this Securiry instamenr.and ta}ag�ees that Lender and any other Barrower m:►y agree to extend mnQ�fy.fufiear -
<br />_= or malce a�ry accommodations with re8rtd ta the tem�s of this Security tnstrument or the Note without that Borrower�
<br /> �' consent�
<br /> •`' 13. Loa�n CLnraes. [f the loan secured by this Securiry Instmment is subject[o a taw which+ets maximum toan
<br /> �`� charges.and that taw is fir�afly interpceted so that the interese or other loan charges coltected or to be coltected in connectian
<br />:-� witt�the tou�exceed the permitted limits,then- (a)any such loan char�e shs►11 be reduced 6y the amacnt necessury to reduce
<br /> - the charge to ihe ptnnitted limir,and(b)any sums alrcady wllected from Bortower wfiich exceededpe�j�d,limits will be
<br />- refuncled to Borrower, l.ender may chaase tu m�ke.thjs iefund by aeducing the principal owed under t}�G Npt�,or by making a
<br /> � direct paymznt ta Botruwer. [f a refutxl reduces pr4�Cipal,the redaction w�li be treated as,a p1cp,�A pr,ep���RR,without any
<br /> _ prepayment charge under the Noter � � �b de�Sye�ing it or b
<br /> 14. Notkes. A»y notice co Borrawer pmv,ided for in tbjg Security Instrument sh�lkl6e..gY Y Y
<br /> mailing it by f irst cla4s mail unless applicubte law requims use af.another metbod.The noiiwe shaU be directed to the Property
<br /> ' Address or any other address Borrower designates 6y natice tfl l.ender. Any notice ta Lender shall be given by first class
<br /> mail ta l.ender's address s7nted herein or Any o[her address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice prov,ided for ,
<br />. in this Secusity Inswment shall be deemed to have beeq giv�p,to 8orrower or Lender when given as provided in this _
<br /> '.�;:
<br /> p�LdS.�.hGOYlrAlllg I.aW;Severability. This Securiry Inmpment shall be govemec�by;federal !aw and the luw of thc �
<br />-. jurisdic[ian in which thC Property is locate4 in thp event th�t any provisioq or cladse of¢hi"s Security Instrument�r ihe 1Vnte : �
<br />-.' conflicts with apglicab)e law,cuch conflict shall,}�q4.affect other provicians.of.this Security Instrument or 1he Nae which can =
<br /> � be given effect without the ccmflicting provisiot�„.Tq.this end the pmvi�iais af this Secarity Insuument and the Nate are , r.
<br /> declared to be scverable. '
<br /> `t =. �6. Bo�rower's Copy.Hartower shall he�i.•eri Ot1E COI1fOLII1Cd CO�(��1�1:1Vote acc�ef tl;is 5ecariry Instrument.
<br /> ;;£, 17. 1f�n�tee of the Yraperly oi'a Beeelkvai laterest ia Borrower. if all ar any�ast of the Pronttty or any intetest in
<br /> - it is sold ar transferred(or if a beneficial intere�e in Borr�w�rs;sald or trans#erred and Borrower is rtot a natural peison)
<br /> �.� without Lender:s prlor written consent.Lender r��y.at its option.require imrnedlate payment in full of aIl sums secured by _
<br /> :�;}' this Security Instrumen� However,this aption s�atl not be exercised by Ler.der if exercise is prohibited by federul law as of =
<br />°=r�`• the date of tMs Security lnsuument.
<br />_��;.' If l.ender exercises this aption.l.ender shall give 8arrower notice of Acccleration. 'f6e nntice shall pravide a period of , _
<br />...,�f'- � nat iess lhan 30 days fram the dAte the nntice is deiivemd or maited within which Bvrrower ntust pay all sums�ecured 6g this _
<br /> �-�;, - Secnrity lnstrumenl. lf 8orrower fails to p�y these sums priar to the erpiration of this pedod. l.cnc�er.rr��y inval�e any
<br /> . rert�ediey permltted by this Security laltrument,tii!uhnut further natice or dem�nd an Borrower.
<br /> 'r':�. .
<br /> .�., 18. Borrowea s Righl to Relnstate. t�,Barrower mce�c cenain rcn�itions. Barrowcr shAll ha}e thc rig t to ave
<br /> - �- enfarcement oi t�ais Security Instrument di�con;inucd at any time prior to the earlier ef:. (u1�S days(vr such other periad:�v
<br /> h`.
<br /> , SingieFrmitq..Fanai����d�YedAie:►1acl.�li(IRl/1�5'f'RU�1FtiT-•!'ttiG!6mC��venants 9l9A �pu.ie4o/i,pr��r.�l
<br /> .� : :
<br /> •�;.., .
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<br /> 'r'r,' - - -
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