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<br /> ` s ��i+OCi�7�iBIt wITN�lt We aeporeseoa;aMr a 6ematle'c+e.c�od.6n�.die pcvpatY�+ad au e�l�.appw�es�wcet, . ' '-
<br /> �dd tw�es�ow or ba�ntle�a.pirt of We p[opaty. Al!eepl�oama�tt and addidoas s1W!atso 6auovaed bg d�is Sec�i�g .
<br /> . LW�� AU af��ix�uc trfarzd to Lr dis Security Lu�aviaent ss tbe�"P r o p e i t p." � . `
<br /> .. _ N� `
<br /> 80RADW�R QOY�U�.'�7�tf�t BoROwa is 4wtWly seisod of tUe ast�te t�uelry�►veyat aad 9as tbe ri�t to�nr .
<br /> �i d aoavey d r e l r v p r r t�r a n d d w t 1 b�P b p e h Y i�u�C a m b a�d,�u x�f o r�nf zecad Harmwer warr�ats�ad
<br /> ` M�Y defa�d�e�a�a1�Y the dtk ta the Property ayunst al!ci�s a�d dan�Ws,subjxc m atY euc�mt�aooe�af t�ecad. .
<br /> � 7t�1LS SEL'URtTY II�LS'tRU�T.�-,w�am.oove�ts.foc.a�donal as�and zwa-unifacm cavenints wit� < <
<br /> • ,timiied vari�iao:by jurudictiao to caa�tiupe a uaifam s�urity insuua�ent cover�a8�l P�P�Y- - .
<br /> _ _. _ - .EJN�OiC�1t C�OVE�NAN'E'S�Bortower md�aWer cwm�nt and a8c�e s�fdiow� ' --
<br /> L i1��wt�t hidrl�aM h�ei�+�t;h�M7�e�4 aM ta�lr Ci�. 84aowea sbaU p�ompt[Y P�Y w�a due,ihe�--
<br /> pri�d#��oa 1he debt evidenoed by t6e Nn�c aad�ey P�eP�Yn�nc�d 1��d�e w�der tt�Na�e. `
<br /> �PYM�/a'11u��t 6M��M.�e. �+bject w�PF�k�ble law ar te a wnuen waiva by L�ender.Bamwar sh�ll pay to
<br /> � t.e�der aa tGe d�y�Y P�Y��+e due w�der the Na1G witil the Piate is p�id in full,a sum("�ndt'�fac(a)Y�Y
<br /> n�+et�rd astas�ts w1�cA mty�u¢P�t�wa tbis SecutitY insuument as a lien oa the Pmpaty:tb)Yartr ka�eboia ,
<br /> P��°�F�� caKS on thc Prapetty, if aa,y;C�)Y�Y�� � P�P�Y.�P��"'�d}yearly ftood
<br /> u�e p�aniypls. �f aay:�(e)Y�5' �5�8'��P�•�any:and(�anY su�P�Y�bY�war to.
<br /> - ` Lendet.ir��c�ce widt the p�vvisia�us af prragrpph 8.-in iies�-o€�c-payaseat�st�a-iast�-Pcsn►ums--,1� - .
<br /> ioqns�ne c�Uod"Eacrow Itpns" Laider may,at aay tnae�caUoct arld Iwid�nds�n aa�moWIF nQt to e�acamd the �
<br /> snwWM.a ta�der fa�i tedQal�Y nelated mortS�C gom nme t�o wne.1B2 U.�S.0$Z60 al st4•("ItESP�►'� unlas�o�a .
<br /> � Eswe SettkmaK Ptacedu�es Act.of 1974 as e�e�dod
<br /> I�w dat aPPlies w tbe Au�set`s a ksser sirnoun� If so.Lender may,at any time,collece aad'hoid Fands in an amount.na to
<br /> _ , exceed the lesser amouat. Leald�a�sy estimate tUe amount of Fvnds due oa�he basis af c�ment da�a and nasan�bk,
<br /> su�Ye�dexpeaditwea of fimuo Fscrow Ueu�s a.od�erwise in acca�d�ace witb appl�icaWe istw.
<br /> - - . �'!'he A�s shal!6e heM in an institutian:wlwse deP�ts ace iasurod by a federal agenry,inst�umentaCty,ar auity _
<br /> (inctudinj Lertder,if l,e�der is such aa institudar)a in any Rederal�Iome Laan Banle. Lender sh�llappiY the F�s to.pay —
<br /> the Escmw I1ems. L�ider nu�Y..�eba�ge Ba�mwer for holding and applying tde P1m�s.anm�allg ahalYr3o8 the Gccrow � .
<br /> — aoow�at,a verifyiag the Escrow Items.mtl�cs l:aider pAys�as�awer Inteast on the Fands and apptk�bk Iaw per�nits
<br /> - Lender to make such a clarge. However,l,ender may coqa�+e B4aower to.p�y a oao-tiwa¢cb�ge fa aa independent ira.l • . .
<br /> _ � est�te tatc trponip8 servioe used�by Lender in connecdon with tids Ia�u►.uaiess applicaWe law pmvide�ottie4wi'se. llnless an
<br /> -- �t ie made ot appiic�te iaw.rtquires iat�st ta be_Pa►d.l.en+der shalt r�t 6e requirod to pay Borrowec any inteiest a
<br />� e�re�ings ort tt�e Ii�nds.,Bortnwer and Lendec may agree Lt writmg,however,that itfterest shall bc paid on the Funds. L.eixkr - ---
<br />_- - shali give w Bot�ower.without charge.art atuwal accouating of the Wnds.�ac didoaa'1 securiry f sums secured hy � ,
<br /> - . .ptupose foR which each debit t�tite A�ds,was m�de. 71�e l�nds ate pledg .
<br /> . this Soctttiry InspurtwmG • • • .
<br /> lf the i'�nds hetd by Leadcr eacoed the amounts permitted to be heid bp appiica6le law.Lender st�ail accouat to
<br /> ' Bormwer fa the excess FLnds in accardance with tt�e to4Wnernents of applicable taw. If the amaunt of the Funds held by
<br />�`�' • Lender at any time is not suff�ciant w pay the Fscrow Itetng when due.Lendcr may so natify BoRawes in writing,and,in
<br />� sucb case Boaower slwlt pa�y to Leader ttte atnonnt nccessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up tt�e
<br /> -- defkiencY ia no mone dwut twelYe moatbt9 PaY��•at Lender�s sole discne6on. -
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums�red by thts Secudty�Instrumen�Le�µkr sha1l pmmptly refund to iiorrower any
<br /> - g�nds heb by 4ender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell d1�Property 1-ender.Prior to the acquisition or -
<br /> sale of the Property. shall appty any Funds held lry Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against tlie sums �
<br /> • secured by this Security Inswm�m�
<br /> - 3 AppUcstbw d P�ymeaty. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments rec.eived by I.ender at�der _
<br />� parag[aphs 1 and 2 s8a11 be applied:first.to aay prepayment charges due under the Note;seoond,,to amounts payable under �L
<br /> , par�grsph 2;third,to interest due:fouRh,to priac�pal due:and 11s�to any lat�ch�rges due under the Note. E�
<br /> 4, CYfe�ea; Lie�a. Barrower sha11 PaY all taxes.assessmeats,chuges.fit�es and imposidons attributabk to the _
<br /> Ytopecty which may aaain prioriry over this Securiry Insuument,and leasehotd paymenta or ground rents.if any. Borrower _..
<br /> sf�alt pay these obtigations in the manner provided in paiagrapb 2,ar if not�id in that manaer,Borrower shall pay them on _-
<br /> �' dme directly to the persan owed payment. Borrowar shall promptly fumish to l.ende�all notices of amounu to he p�id under =
<br /> , �s�. If Borrower m�kes these payments directly.Boaower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts ev�denciag �
<br /> m
<br /> ts. �
<br /> -:.;��.r $amwer shall promptiy discharge any lierr which has prioritp over this Security Instrument unless Baerower:(a)agrees =
<br />-- in writing to the payment of the obligauon secured by the lien m a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the =
<br />-- liert by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,tegal pcoceedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to prevent the t:
<br /> enforcernent of the 1ien;or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordlnating the lien �:
<br /> - to this Se�urity Instrumen� if Lender determincs that any part of the Property is subject to a lien whish may att�n prjority
<br /> � over this Setnrity tnstrument,l.endcr may give Borrower a nonce identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take E•
<br /> one oe more of the acdona sct fonh a6ave witfiin 10 day�of the giving of notice. • � F
<br /> . s Ha�ard q�property lnsunnca Botrower shall kcep the improsements now exlsting or hereafcvr erected ert Lhe
<br /> �
<br /> _ Ptopercy.insured against loss by fire.fiazards indudeQ within the term"extended coverage"ztid any otf�tr�ards.ir�clv�.:s:g �.
<br /> fioods m flvoding, for whlch l.end�r requires insurance. This irtsurance shall be ma3ar.�'sr.ed itr tP.e a-'aounts and fe�She i.
<br /> - . . Fars3l�i 47� IDaRe2oj6pagtsl �
<br /> , ._' . , �
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