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<br /> ��'� . �. � , _. ;_.... _ . . _ . .ACKNdMLEDGEMENT , ; < . � � � _ - .
<br /> � � , ( , �� .*_.____._s .� ��-- 1��4$58.. � --
<br /> . �Ml acey ` � �_
<br /> . i/�. �Ds tece arid Nellie . . .
<br /> . - -. t"9orra�l�r , o�rta n, 'o rust �., �t1Y..lII� 1�t ���
<br /> - -T �- - - . - - <t'DMd'--ot. �'Ttws�l:- �=--b�--wn��"ad �uita awoe�-�a�rt�rr -�_
<br /> . . � � , t■T��,�
<br /> _. ., - , . � r p�''�P�MY- � �
<br /> ' A portion of !!�e t�lMf�ltw�r-ot,S�ctbe� i,..Township.a.Narttt, ��12�.wist�ot th�
<br /> iuti P.M.._H�II cwnt�: I�h�r�tn. �.�ps�utsrly d�sCrib.a �s tb1�o�.s: -
<br /> - -- --- -°9�inning.w�th ths,.N� ooe�r� oi said Sictio�i 6, th�nc� East�rly stong the—l�iort�i=--=-:--
<br /> , `tltr`af.ss�d S�ctbn 6.�i�sta�of 33': tt'�aqe Sou�heriY psralf�t �o the Mist U� - .
<br /> _ of s�id S�ctiqR_i s distsnce-of 237.t':�ore ar 1�ss to a poi�t on _the Soutir�rly.'
<br /> rl�ht o�-waY itn�af US Highwsy 30, thfs b�irig the�sctu�l pisce of b�innirg:
<br /> -- ` , thw�`SoutiwrlY_slorg th� bst d�scribad cours� s dists�ro� o� 15N: tt�rce
<br /> . � d�tMctin� f�ft lOR d�ytrMS 5#'30"�#�K!'[1��in�.,Nortflia�tile'ly.�e dl�lt��t'<tf. �72.T2';
<br /> ,---- ;-- thMres�NortlKr'tr-paraiiN-,to th�'�st tint of said 5�c:tion i �t di��� 0�`-8�.�9'- .
<br /> � �o a point on tt� Soutt�eriy right-of•w�y lir� of s�id US Hk�h�ray 3�; ttNnc�
<br /> Soutti�ciy siag_ss�d rk�t-ot-way lin�.snd on�the�src!► o� �.cur�e wl�oss
<br /> -- � �ndi�is is 2,23f.i3' (the fong cord pf which cNfi�cts lOt d�gr�es_S!` f�tt f� tt�e � � .
<br />- tsst d��sc�ib�d �ours�) a tong co�d d[stsnce of 133.82' to the sctusl plsce of _
<br /> x.i ' .'�w`J""��11g� .! �_ . . .� . ..- - _ �. .- .. � '"
<br /> �; , ,
<br /> , � � . '
<br /> - � i�reby acknowt�dge thst it is understaod ttiat (a} the O�ad of Frust to b�
<br /> �r- ` ex�cutsd by Bprrower is s t�ust deed and not � mortgage and (b} tlw pt��rer
<br /> :7` ' � of saM provided fa� tn th� Oeed of T�ust provi�ies substsntialty diffir�nt;
<br /> ry�" ' �Ights�and oblig�tfons to tff� Borrow�r ths» a aqMgaJe in th� Q�va�t of s.
<br />-;Y W cMt�ult or br�xh of obli�stion.
<br /> 8orrower scicnowbdg�s.tl�at this Ack�owfadgemant�wss msd� pcior �o
<br /> . the-exocutlon of ths Da�d'of�Trust.
<br /> �_.�'- �xeeuted a�d deltvet'� this �o day af _-- July . 19 91 .
<br /> , � �
<br /> t
<br /> � Borrower Le an . Lacey
<br /> �. • .�
<br /> t;�� � rower e e . acey
<br />���f Stst� of Ntbnsks ) �
<br /> :.�; . � ss �
<br />�`� ,Count� oi 8uffalo j � .
<br /> �:,_.
<br /> �,;.�,��° The foregoing instrumant was acknowledged before me this ,�,� day
<br /> ot � � , 19 �,�, by i e1�nd D. Lacey and Nellie M. �ac�X,
<br />::��;;•_ - �y__ -
<br /> . _. Hushancl A�� wi f.. .__�_.�,..,
<br /> �� -Wltness my hand a�d �wtarial seal at Gibbon
<br /> ���" M sald County, tti� dat� sfo�esaid. �
<br /> .�
<br /> : � lYly commissbn axpiros:
<br /> F;� . .
<br /> u� K�1 �`
<br /> F:r
<br />_ . ' t. �� � 1� .
<br /> Nota�y� b tc
<br /> �
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<br /> . � ,
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<br /> : . • :,
<br /> :,.�-•- .
<br /> � - -�•- .�. _ _ ,�
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