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<br /> �`1' � < < � _ ` < ` . � " . * 1, _ 1 ` �� � S�Q . !
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<br /> . � � r. '. . r -
<br /> . i .
<br /> - ' � (��MMMMf�lYIlFR�MI'�1���� . .
<br />-- . BENEFIClARY • �
<br /> _- _ ��7�� � : .AYCOt�7NANC1AI:SERVICES G
<br />�
<br /> . _
<br />-- �N�17'iQ�I{�;.iNC• '
<br />_;� , �R ` _
<br /> . �:._`:.
<br /> s GRAN►7'�4�t�. ---•- _ _
<br />- -- -- 9989078t17-_.. . _ - �` - - ----- -- - -
<br /> utriwis nsT ►rru� usswwe cp�s� wtw � t�n.► .
<br /> -"-- - �g�Sp� `JAHES R LSdK. l�ii� � 1425 N tiEBB RQlW� :
<br /> wa�s+�ca�ss c�r+r. sr�s acmE • ' • --
<br /> � 319 B TSN'T$ G&SNI� ISI.AND I�. 68801 GItAND ISI�AN�Da �3�. Nebr,ska —
<br />: � - -- � 27th � JUtiB ' .19 41 .betwa ••• ••••:WI Ai�k--• j ;�_
<br /> 7111S DEEDOF'1'Itti�i';s!t�rit rl�is Y°f
<br /> X.^',; ---hemio�fier.�l1�1RU5FRR:wh�se_addigsst�319 E TENTli GBQjQ ISLANII. RE 1 �•,•t, Oql1 J. REEPE,_ JR- ��
<br />_ '__ .Ianio�foec caited TRUSTEE,wl�ose�ckess i�1904 Fl1RISlI1�I ST.: #7(H�. tMA11A. NE- 68i82-- -_ _
<br /> a�d AVCO � �1lVN�S IK{ERNAT'_ I�`AL�tNC..a j'�a corQo�tia►.herein�ftet�caliaf BENEFiGiARY.whose add�ess is - _
<br /> " �425" NOR'�lR��R01M8s tixAtiD ISLMUs � ---- • . . , . ,----- -
<br /> , .'f �AT.L : � Councy,Ncbraska: Cw4eeacing at aa iron stake `��;��-��:
<br />-_ - d�4?'14+alENPertY•sitwtc4 in •E.��.:,�:_,�.-
<br /> _� located at the Southwesterly corner of the intersectfon af Poplar�Street aad I2th StYeet in �- ;s==_ '_
<br />' the City o� Grand Island, Nebraska, which goiat is located ia the Nortb Ltne of Lot Ttrenty .,.,,�,._;._-
<br /> � ` sevett (27) of,the Couaty Subdivisiaa in the West �a2f of tbe SowthWeat Q�}arter (AllZSE1Il41 `?'E;�,�.w,_'
<br /> of Sectioa Te� (10), Tawnsbip �leven (11) Nqrth, Range Ni.ne (9), keat of the 6tb P.M., i.n •.. .•�,�
<br /> ....V: .
<br /> � . H�11 �ouatg, Nebraeka, rimnin8 thence tiest oa tbe Soutb line of 12th Street i25. feet to .�;�;.3--
<br /> ;. �
<br />, . f'', ' aa ixo�t stake;. ti�nce South para12e1 ta the�iiest line o� paplar Street,212.5 feet to the ��;"
<br /> �.�e_
<br /> - South line of-Lc� 14enty six (26), iq�said Couaty Sn�divisioa;, theace East on the Sauth �..�� •
<br /> � iins-r�� sai,d .i,o� ntenty six (261 I�. feet to aa. irosi stake located at the intersectf.oq� o� �'�=-`
<br />. : �_' t�.{�g� Iine of eaid Poplar Street �ud, �he Sautb liue of said� �Qt �entY six (261���.� . �r�-
<br /> Nortlt.a�oag tt�e West liue of Pop2ax S�rest to the p.lace of beg�,uAi�g.
<br /> _ ��.-:�.:�>
<br /> €' �. ,.
<br /> togett�ari+hallbuildingsandimprovemenegnaworheccaftererectedthereuqandaliscreens.awnings,+hades.stormsachand6linds,andhcatitig.li�tin& " `
<br /> pUuabing.gas.elecuic.ventilating.refngeratingandair-conditiani�r equiArt�ea4usedinconnectiontherewith.aQofwhich.fonhepurposeofth spaed � ,_
<br /> � d'Tn�t,s�6e deemed fixwres and sub}Sct tv ihe IiCn he�f.and the heredit�utknts and appurten�nces pert�ining[othe Qra�pecty above described.and
<br /> �psdeets.I�nes.alky�.passa8es.ways.watei�.watercourses.rightS.liberticxandprivikges.whatsoevenhereuntobctongmgorinanywiseappert�ining �. _
<br /> sM1d the�evertitons�nc!temainden..aU of whkb is refemed to heceinafter as the"premtsec. . '
<br /> � ! TO HAVE AND TO}i0l.D tlie above�described premises.witb the appurtenance�,and fiatu�es,un�o the said Beneficiary,i�s surccssors and assigns. � . '� �. =
<br /> . � - fotever.for ihe putposes a�d uscs herein cet fotih,free from all rigfiu and bencGts under and by vittue uf any Hanestead Eaemptia►Laws at the State � r
<br /> • e
<br /> ;. . of lYetx�sica which map be enactcd,which vaid rights and bc�efity the said Trusror doe�hercby expmssty rclease and waive�.
<br /> ;.
<br /> � - Tnntoc at}o assigns�o Beneficiary ail rrn[s issue�and proficc of�aid premisew S�nting the right to colle�y m�d.use the came.with or witrycwt t�cing �;. ,.-
<br /> ` ' posyes,eioo of the premises.during continuance of default hereunder.and dwit�A cuntmuance of such defau(t autiariting BeneC�ciary toetuer upon.caid : . _
<br /> ' �em�se9 and/tx to colkct and enface the same witlaut mg:ud ta adeyuacy oti any Securiry for the indebtedness hereby secured by any lawful meaos �t. .��-.� '-
<br /> . j' u�clYCling appainhn�nt of a receiver in the n�me oi any pany hereto.and ta appty ihe�art�e fe��a�zes nnd expensrs oioperation and cattection.including i. -
<br /> rasoea8i�attomey s fas.upon any inQebtednes�secured hereby,in�uch orQer ac Beneficiary may determme. � .
<br /> • FQij'TH�PiIRPOSE OF 5ECUIi1NE3:f�i�'edorm�nce af cach agreement af.Trustor wmained herein:l2►Payment or the principal sum w4ib intor�t. ` •• � .�`
<br /> as pr�widad in accordnnce with the tentu 3ssd pravisions af a Prvmisxury NMe/l,nan Agreenxnt Ihercinafter mferred to as"promissay ts�ie.'►dated � •
<br />' � '. , fy/?7/+�� .herewith executcd by Trurwr atxl aayable ta�hrorderaf Bcactic�ary.in�he Pf�mripai snm of ..
<br /> ..s�.�'.,,,�:�;;:a�r;�^• � 28,350.54. .ar.d having the date ui i�r fin:!�ayment due un ��Z��z�4� - , .orasextended. ?., �.
<br /> _ ^�`'��; �' �(���ut�eschtdutcdbyrenew�Irnre�nance:l;iPaymeatofanyaddi.tiaaalaJvaacc�.withintcrestlhcrt:��ta�mayhc�:flerbcioat►edbg.8eneficiary __
<br /> �� ��. � to'f}pstoiinamaaimumsumoFS 18,350.54 w•ithml5�rrrsfromthedueoithist?eedofTtusl:
<br /> ��3 howeve�.lttisparagraphdaesnotcvnNitutearonunitmentNyAencfisiaty,tamakefutuceadvancec:l4)'fhrpaymemufanymoneytfutmaybeadvanced
<br /> ;.- .,�.':.,' . by,LhtEtfie�c�arytoTrustort�ranyreawnnrtnthird�r{ie�,.�•ithir.ten�lSherc�Ni.wheretheamaunt�areadvancedtopcc�tectthesecurityinaccorQuu: , .
<br /> ,��:��;..." withshe coven�nts of this Oeed ai Trust:151 Any rcnewalj re�inznv i:�}���extenr3un oi wid promi.wuy nate.��r any othcr astecment to pay which may ,
<br /> ,�,,;;�,�;;;.�;.;:�� be 4ubstieuted therefor. ' ' •
<br /> c
<br /> +� �:�"i;`'��'�`r-�- All pa�rr.entv mack by'frurwr c+n thc oblieztian ucuTCd hy thi+Ucrd uf Tcu�t�hail ir applicd in thc f�+tinwing nrdcr. �
<br /> - ' - - � FSBST:�'o the payment�f raacv aasi e5xssuuntr Ihat may hc te�icQ:,nd:4ltiCtiyl'l):Iiw�II1W1�:fl()rfL't111�4'�.in�urancc premium..repairv.and all u11�er
<br /> • � chyr�s a�xf c��cnsc�:+gtcccl tn be paidlsy ttk"1'rwtur: '
<br /> • S�CUND:7o Ihe paymenl of interest duc�m vaid faan.
<br /> THIRb:To thepayment oP priacipal. '
<br /> � '�-.-:�a; ' .
<br /> 'flQ Plt(l7'E(,T THB SECUtiI'1'Y N�ItEUY.'I ItUSTUIt15�CUV8NAN7S AND A(9RkkS:i 1)To keep said prcmisc��a:ui+cda�ipst lass by Fre and
<br /> � � pherluzaMs.casualtymifcantingencie�upt��ttt�fuQvalue�fallimprmrementsfnrthepratectianoi&neticiuyinsuchrt[�cwcr,,nsucham�wnts.and : �
<br /> . insuchcampsmniesas�eneficeuy m•ry tn�m t�me tnnme apprave.:ua!thallorannx�eeJ911eys eapenxoPcuUecHon)ahap.:�t B�hCtic,i:it�soptian.be applied .
<br /> - - •�;� ' - - -, on said inikbtedncss..whedmr duc or nut ur tu the re�t�Katian of said inspn�vrmcat..Io event oi Insy Ttustar willg�vc immcdu[tc s�ctc.e by mail to ihe �
<br /> $eneliciary.who may m:�ice pnwi nf lass if rwt made pcnmptly by Trustar.;utii each insur�e rumpany rorxemed is herchy auth�rirsd s�tW ditected to
<br /> �� m�iee payment fat such tms direcNy lothr&neficiery iaste�f vf tn ittt 7'ru�wr.12�To pay all uucs a�l sprrial assessmenb ut any kind that have bcen .
<br /> • ry .� ,:: or rtuy 6e tevied aassessed upan said premisev.:ufd'tu deiiver to Beneficiary.upunreyuest uf the�eneficiary.the ut�cial tet�eiq st�owiag paYment ot . • • .
<br /> allsuchtvicesandasscssments.l;)Intheevenl�fdefaullt+yTrustnrunderp:tragraphclarlabove.6eneGci:uy,alityo ia►.rriayla�plxean�ikecpsuch _
<br /> � ' insura�x:c a6ove ptovided tur in fut��e thr�ughout thc life uf th}s t)er�i uf"IYu+t:+n�i pay ihe rcas�nabtc prcmium� charges thcrefar.I b)pay ull salJ .
<br /> - . , tatces apd assessmenta without 3etennining Ihe validity iheteoL•�nd tcl p•ry xach liens am1 ull such di.rtwr.�cuMn�v a�shall be�teeme�i a p�tt uf the �
<br /> • . indeblednesssecurcdfrirlh�tkedu('frust:mdshallbcimrttcdi•rtclyQucand}nyrblebyYrusuxtaHcncflci�ry.141T��prywhrnduc:u�ylicnwltheproqetty -- ---
<br /> ' �° -=�--==�----=-- -w#ic#is s,caior seshc f�a at�eneficlaty.:utd�nvEwitt�nnelinp aay rielu�x.aptian�rante�t by:snY sctt�s licn ur try:wy�cnior licnhoider to 16� . . - -----
<br /> x P�i
<br /> �u � principal b�anre of tiw;h�cniur lien to it�:rcax.Trust a•.vitl rxs�permi�1hc priiuip�l�i�fanca uf:my�cm�r licn w mcreasc u&ivc iHe tr�t3tk�3t�ttc�tn[e
<br /> oflhemak�ngnfthis'1'turtUeCtluntiltttisl'tustUec�lshaUfwvetwcenpaidintuU.tS)Tokceptitctwitdin�c�uufa�hcrimp�ovement�twwexistingurherraftet �
<br /> • ' ' � etected io goo�!condltiun:ut�l rep�ir.nut tucummit ur cuf(er:my wa�te or:my use nf.aicl prcn�i.�w cuunuty torcstdcuons of mwid or contrsuy to taw.
<br /> ' ' and to permit}3eneC�ciaty tn ciuer at:il)re�onubte tin�r�tor the purpu�r ui inspecting the p�rn�i���:nai w rc�uovr nr deuwlish:u�y buildin�s therecrn:t�
<br /> :��s ._ ` " - - - - -- - - - -- _ . -- - -- . ... .. - - - - - _ . _ _ _
<br /> • 2604711REV.Z•811 NE�(3ENERAL tlSURY LAW. --- - , ' , .
<br />