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<br /> —�K� -tu. '�S _ 1 _ , . ' .] . , - . ..
<br /> _=-- — — r . . --= � _ � �c.. � . --- --' ------- -`-- : ----------=—'-T. � .. �._ - .
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<br /> ` � � . . . . . . � _ ♦
<br /> .. - � `
<br /> _ w�►�ttu�r Dss�. g� �.�' - �
<br /> . , -� �s��
<br /> f+
<br /> , I.ISA !!.� RICHllRD$. spouse. of Roaald L. Richards. her�i.n .
<br /> ca�led the Graator, for atnd �n coASideratioa;. of, tiie au� of.. �
<br />-_ — TEN ]I11D 1tO�*00 DObLi�RS tii0.00) l�FD �TBSR.Vl�1�T.D1��. COI�SIOSRhT�Q�i..
<br /> _.._ -receiv� -fraa[-Grnntees; does c�cant. b�r9ai.n• s��.�s corivey. a�y:� ; �
<br /> confira unto LEO METTSN9RxN1C 1�lt�ip JB1�1�.,G.. I�48�$����. h�i$?�� . -
<br /> ,� and. Wi.fe r as tenauta sit c�ao�n, herein c¢Il�.<.� Gx, ,'�,ees,_ t�g , '
<br /> `'� Ealio�.nq-des�ribed: te�l estate S.a. Hai�;Cv�ty�r;�Nsbxa��:. _ , ...
<br />--= 1� tract of laad ca�pzisinq a past;�af�_t.� Northeaat _'_
<br /> ,-__ . puartes I�S�� v€ Sectian Eiqht � �8), ��`'�P Ti►elve �
<br /> � .....
<br />-':,�:- {�Z1 Nar�h, Retuge �ii.ne �t9) weat of th�_6�ttt P.M., Hall._:-..:�':�: . , _. .
<br /> - ` Connty, l�tebraalca� �aad more pa�cti.culazly .+�eseri�,ied as ._ . . :� .
<br /> - =foll�o�rs: � . - � .
<br /> �-".. , . � .
<br /> 'First, ta a$c,ertain the point of begi.n�utg, ��� at : - .
<br /> - - the eo�ttAea�t ccrnez of said Nartheast Quarter 11lE�): . ' .-_
<br /> LL ` - tfieiice uorthesly alanq and upori the eaet 3ine-of �aid . ..��'-_ `
<br /> - Naitheast �Quarter I1�1E}) . a distance of _Tiro_ Hundred
<br />_ : . . .� �:. Siaity-Otte (�261.a� feet; thenre r�esterly,. parallel with - - . :
<br /> the south line of said Nortbeast Quart�x tNE}) . a � . •
<br /> � �distaac� c!f Tbisty-Nine and Hin�teeu„Hu��sdths t39.39)
<br />'�`� �=�, feet to a�pofat oa the westerly.r�gi�t, o€...ta�y ls,ne of Q.,, , : � ..-
<br />.�' ' S. Highway No. 281 and beinq tlze ACTIII�. -Point:.vf =:; : : -
<br />- beginningi thenre conti�uxng. westerly a�P�A.�.e.,.��as�:•.:�:!'.�•�•;;
<br /> _ - deacribed course a distam�e of Five He�r�ir�.d,Fe�.c �aa�; °---
<br /> � �:..
<br />- r'" Seventeen Hundredthq t���4•27) feets th�.nqrtherly,, . �,._
<br /> � parallel with the east�.line of said Noi�h6aat Guarter. . � ��
<br /> '�� (�E�), a dietance of One Thousand Thirty and Faus ��'�'
<br /> s., tL__
<br /> Hvaaredths i1,030.04) feet; thence eas�ex1.y, parallel -
<br /> ' with the nqrth line of said Northeast �x�r (HE�) , a *� '� "
<br /> h
<br /> distance of Five Hundred. Three and N�,�gtY-One Hun- ;�:,_�<
<br /> � dreaths (503.91) feet to a point ori:,�tl�e westerly. �t �.-
<br /> riqht-of-way line of U. S. 8i.gh�rap No. 281; said. posat f�_
<br />: � � beiag Thirty-Hine and Fifty-Pive Hundredths (39.55) ��'^:-
<br /> feet west of the east line of said Northeas� Quarter
<br /> � - (NE�lt thence soutberiy along and upon said rigbt of , �a�
<br /> � way line a ciistiance of One Thouaand Taenty-Four and� , ��-
<br /> Siqhty-One Hundsedtha� !1,024.81) feet to the A�CTill4�. f
<br /> .� �1.88? acree� �ipoze oz �- [�� �
<br />:�;,.' point of beginning and contai»1ng � i._ �:,
<br />-- . lesg. �-'::,..::
<br />-.. . , : , r,�`�'..
<br />_ � �: TO �VE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, toqether
<br /> � � �� �,,'.,: • with all the tenements, hereditanients an8 appuztenancea thereunto �_,�
<br /> r..
<br /> �.�; belcnqing, uato the sai8 Graatees and to Grantees' heirs and .
<br /> � _ �-�''�'� ass agns �o�ever. � •
<br />_ . . �.}.�
<br /> � `�� Siqned this � day .of 199��.• '
<br /> ,;r, � �
<br /> :;�,: .
<br /> ��1.: - •��`,i�,;. . . � '. .
<br /> �.�:-;� _ . ...... L�:sa M, Ra�cha.r , � �..
<br /> i� , .
<br /> V ""� �'- STATL OF NEHRASKA 1 ' `�'
<br /> 1 �1..'!-..Y ' S8i ('_�. "
<br />. yt.:. ..a. , i
<br /> • �T' ' .., CO[1IiTY OF )
<br /> �:i ;,,;:� ".t�.
<br /> "•,�;.�,.,tiHf;.� j , .
<br /> . "� yl'-`a'�ti�r'�� .- i
<br /> �-;��-,•,�;:: •. He£ore me, a Natary Public for said Covnty, personally came
<br /> Lisa M. Richa�d�, spouse of Ronald L. ltichards, known to me. tQ be ,
<br /> • •=x>t�:-�l-''�_'�:_ �he identica] person �aho signed .the Eoregoiaq instrument. and
<br /> � ��= � acJctia�ledged the execution thereof- to be her voluntary act and
<br /> �_ �;:�,�,� aeea. .
<br /> � . �-� '-,� �-'
<br /> � - ' Witness my haad and Notarial Seal on .
<br /> '"�:-�,��, � �� . 1991. . , f
<br /> � .
<br /> �.
<br /> .�.�,: .�_.:.... ii,? ,� j •
<br /> • �.- ,:': r rs �i -1[..�'�� (! !�t (� ���QC .
<br /> ___ . - - -- —
<br /> . . �_
<br /> —; - -� - - �b��� NOtiary P� i�� . • ' .
<br /> . =- .•;,�� - - --My commi.ssion expires�_ .t��. �./�19�� _ - -- - - - _._ _ . �
<br /> ''. 2BS2Q .15 �
<br /> _ �39_
<br /> � `�� �
<br /> . .�. ..__':
<br />