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<br /> � � ; � � � ; ��.,._ � 1046�6 . :
<br /> , � ii�RRAblTY DBBD , , ,
<br /> - - �pliA�Lp L. 'RIC�lRDS, sponse of Lisa. M, �tichards. herein
<br /> - called the Grantor. fb� and 'ia ccnside�a�t�.oa of the s� af
<br /> - = 1"ORTY-S84'86i TBOQS�ilti1D FIVE.H�1NDR8D AIiD N4/100 DOLI+I�RS I��7�500.OQ)
<br /> - -_ -_-- =�rece#�ed--fr�nt---Gra��ees;.-doea--gra�ts barqain, sell. .aonvey: ancl -
<br />�'-°'� coafi�at unto 7�t0 l�RTTENBRIt�i1C AND JSPi�t�tE C� l�BTTENBRII�lc..��iusbsn� .
<br />- -- ` and �tif�, as t�nants in caawor�, -herefa cal2ed. the Grantees. the
<br />�- . tb3lorrfag-desc.xi� rea1. estate 5.a BaII. County, Hehraskas
<br />.��.;. . . ; . , , _
<br />�;�:
<br />_ - A `tra�ct o€ 2atnd caaprisi.aq a part o� the �ios-t.�ieast
<br /> �_ ' Quarter tli1��1 oi' Sectioa 8f.ght t8�, Tc�msb3$ �relve
<br /> ..r,_� _ -- .._: -�-_ -� �#�r"={3��es��=+t€- �� 6th FrM..Y HaII . �.-
<br />--�. t _ . - -- .."����=tiv�'ci�� �e�-
<br />-- , Co�ty. �iebraska, and mo3re pas�icularl.� descrfbed a`s
<br /> . � fQlloxs: . . _ .� .
<br /> S � First, ta ascertain the �oint Qf beqinninq. �tei� at �__ T_ -
<br />� � ` the aoutheas� corner of said �Tortheast Quarte� .�.���: . , �==_.
<br /> � thence norther2y alonq and upoa the eas�-1ine of eaid � --__-__
<br /> • Kortheast 4uarter (NE�) . a distance of aral el��th �_ -- -
<br /> . " � Sfxty-One• (261.0) • feet, thence w�sterlp, _p : - --..y.
<br />� � the south line of said�,Northe�t Quarter tl��j. a �-=
<br /> . ��,�..� �1� . � distance of Thirty-Nine aa8 �iiaetee� Hu�tdxedths f 39.29�. _� � ��.
<br /> feet to a poiat on the westerly riqbt of_.way line of II. ' . ��
<br /> r S. �Highway No. 28� and. beiac� the ACTtTAL point of . �°�`
<br /> � � � beqinuinqt t3tence continuinq westerly alonq the_las� ,-, �� ��
<br /> � descsibed course a distaace af Five Huadred PQV� and
<br /> � Seventeea Hundredths 1504.17) feet; '����N
<br />� thenee northerly, ���.=_
<br /> � parallel with the east line of a�id Northeast Qnar�er . ��``�.�{;,�_,;��; :___-
<br /> .+F Ai
<br /> �NE}) ► a distance oE One Thousand Thirty and Faur <<r;,,',�::�;� ':
<br /> � 8undredths (1,030.04) £eet; thence easterly, paraliel :'���� - �� ,-.. _-
<br />' � aith the north line oE said Northeast Quartqr lNE}) , a ;�f::�,�;H;_� -_
<br /> � a' distance of Five Hundred Three and Ni.nety-One Hun- • �� :'''�`-;__-
<br /> � ' r dredths (503.91) feeC to a poi.nt on the westerly �-. :��...._
<br />, �: � right-of-Way line of U. S. Hiqh�!ay ua. 28i; said point s�;. ''���•:.T,,
<br /> � ;,,. being Thirty-Nine and Fifty-Five aundredtha (39.55) -
<br /> �`•� - €eet west of the. east line of said•Northeast Quarter � i
<br /> ��= �NE}� f thence soutberly aTonq and upon said righ� of . -
<br /> . Kay line 'a distance of One Thousand Taenty-Fo�r and ; . � � =� �-
<br />