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<br /> cRt�i,tk�,of 1�1�s� �7taCUt�d by ibobsrE J. Glark and Laurie A. Ciark II:••� ••d Yi�� -� ,_ - `-_
<br /> e�nto psaigiwr, ate .tal Z �s91 *���&e6�n6� iA11va'sng -
<br /> sti pcope�cty located in �ha camty o aaii , State of Ne6r�slc�!s `
<br /> � ` i,ot !i.€taen (15,), in Fas�ia�tbn subdivisio� of pstt af`t1u sout�t�i�alL qwrter .o� the , _
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<br /> .Hook 91 , Page�l5z ToBet watn icie i.o¢e�s) an�indebtedness_desc�l�ibed in acd ,.
<br /> sect�r�t�e instrement aforesai.d. -
<br />. -- - . �0�HANE AND 1D Ii�ID t�te�Sam� unt4.the safd� Princ� a1 Plntus2 L"€c �nauranca
<br /> - , -• � and unto its succ�ssors and ass gns a oresa� . . ,
<br /> �QS ASSIGfiI�NP IS MADE expressly.subject to and in accordance with the warranties an�l�
<br /> - �esentations of Assignor with Ass�.gnee pursuant to a c�rtain tbrtgage Loan Originatia��
<br /> qgre�t betw�een Assignor and Assig�ee, a copy of which fs on file in the Office of Assi;��ec.
<br /> fl�E(XllFD ANp DEL�VIItED this io 'day of Jnlq , 19 91•
<br />-- (�� OO�US FEDt1U1L SAVItdGS BIWK, Assignox, .
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<br /> �- Gc�u�ty of Platte ) , . - -
<br /> � The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before me this ioth day of auiv • � -
<br /> �- 1991 , by N.M. Fes �on President , of a0L1lN�US FEDERAL AVINGS BANK ,
<br /> ; As�gnor, a hrARt� Corporat on or Assoc atian,.on o t a Cor�ration or .
<br /> _•, Aseocfation. . -
<br /> �� -
<br /> s Witness my�nd and Notarial Sea.1. at my o£fice in sa3.c� rLA�Ct'E County �
<br /> at fta s NE8 sxe , this 1ot day aE � Ju ,r + ig_21.• -
<br />_�� � f,E1FML�1Al1f�M Mr�stx {�•
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