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<br /> =- - - = - _ ,: S�tVI�QR�� �f1ARRA►1�iTY D�D► =`� -.-..` ..
<br /> z - : -- ---
<br /> � . Ri,ta "A. Co�iins, formerly Itita 11 Ring ana Bdvard��L. CoLiins. . ` .
<br /> , _ . Nf��'at►d 8usband �' .. � - � . ,hi�nia e�D�d ti��ta�w.bt�a er�e��, .
<br /> � i;-
<br /> : ' '-..-:.: �
<br /> - �� . :• :�:: in cons�de;r�on of, :`Fi:f t�;--��=;�h;a�'aad attd �No/1Q�#�.'����3t�f�0' �} - . -
<br /> . .., . ._... .. ....:<: - -
<br /> . . . _ , .. ;_.: .,.:, - -
<br /> :,�� •
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<br /> - ��;.��a.�
<br /> .:
<br /> . .i€�: _,.._,_�.- +�a�.�::.',:''
<br /> - receiPed#ram ;±��.�trii�;�l��si;�;,:�eoav�aud co�:`�30�`�.�.��t�. .
<br /> -. . _ ,. �,. _:.,. . :. .:.__-�:,;�:�::,:;��:`:' • -. . ...-.. , " . .- . _ _
<br /> ♦� ��,�L� V� y�,�,� t�,-:- .
<br /> Car014.�w•�K3:i.ifZi�i I .AuSrii4lid �� �!�@•
<br /> _ ___._ u iaiat t�nants �rltb�ht_ot s�ivor�hip, aad aot aa teasnb in common,the tdlo�dMen'bd:w1
<br /> �o�t� i�t ......... .........�......... Coas��N��� �
<br />- P�irt d�f tf� �a�t Quart�r of LI» �South east Qusrt�r (NE" 1/4 Ss 1/4) of
<br /> - . 8�ction E1�vsn (at,� fA Township E1�v�n �t 1} `North (N). R�n� Ninr E93. Mhit
<br /> - (N1 of th� et!'� P.M., nar� particularly d�scrib�d as follows: B��in�in� at
<br /> an 1 ran stak� that t s 8�v�nty-Sf x t 7d) f�t South (8) of ths Eaat Ow�t.�r t E
<br /> � 1/4? co�n�r of�said S�ction El�v�n (11); th�nc� South (S) ThrN.Hundr�� Fouf
<br /> (90�) fNt on th� East (E� 1�n� of sa1 d �uart�r �1!4) 8�ct ion to �n i ron �
<br /> - atak�; th�nc� Moat (W) 90° 00� On� Hundr�d Thi rty-Ei�ht t 1381 tNt to an f ron
<br /> - — atsk�; thaace North (N3 90° 00` Two Hundr�d Sixty-Eisht and Four T�nths
<br /> - (2d8.4) f��t to an iron atak� cn th� Southt�ly Ri�ht of May of a publie road:
<br />_�.- th�nc� Northaasterly alon� ssid Right of Msy Ei�ht-TMO and On� T�nth (82.1}
<br /> - - fMt to dn iron atako; thonce Eaat iE) p�rp�ndicular to the East (E) lin� of
<br /> _;,i: �aid Qua�ter ti/4) Section Sixty-Four (64) feet to an iron stak�, �hich is
<br /> ,Y a point of bQ�inning, containinQ 0.933 ac�es of which tha� Esst (E) Thirty-
<br /> Three (33) faet is occupied by publtc highway and conteins .230 acres.
<br /> To hsve dnd to hoId tue above daen'�ed p�+emires tog�ether with all tenement�, hereditameats
<br /> sad sppnstensaees theseto belongiag unto the grantees and to tfleir ara�na, as'!o the heirs sad a�i;as
<br /> ot the oarrivor oi them forever. ' �
<br /> _-` ead �rsntor daes hereby eocenant �CH t8e gr�mteei anc�^�7s their a��os +iae�'+.i�- �he ha�
<br /> =� and a�gna oi the�rvivor of them ths�t gantar is tswt�tily seised t�sisid premi�es;thst t�ir���ee ft�a
<br />='�`:. e�brance except easements a�nd restri�c�aons of�record. � :,
<br /> _ . '.;
<br /> �� tic�t grantar Haa good right and lawful snthority to eoavey the same; and tbat�aator wa'rrauto and will �
<br />- �� ' defead the title to said premises 2�ainat the lawial elaima of all porsona wvliom:nevEr..
<br />--'�s It is the intentioa of � �arties hereto tflat la the event ai the des�a€_ritbes ai the gsantea,_
<br /> =r-� , � the entire fee title to tLis re�i �roprrtv ahall vest in the earviriag grante�. .
<br /> �.. .
<br /> _:;;� • .
<br /> �:�:: D t� �'�l�r _� , �9�� � � � .
<br /> r`L .` .... ....,4�.�.. �.. . �............. ...........................w...w..w.............:........:,..;....,,.,.:�....... _.
<br /> • .............°.�:'.;�................. .. ................................. .... «.«.«......«............................�.�....................... _
<br />�� � ,,/�• • ,�,f���
<br /> /1A� Covnt of .»....l.t.`•G��...
<br /> . $TATH OF .»....����.�.»..................»......, y ... .............«...«.....»..«.»s
<br /> $efore me.a notsry pnbHo qnal�cd for eaid county, persanaily came , -
<br /> Rita A. Collins, formerl.y Rita A. Ring and Edward L. Collins, Miife and Husband. . -
<br /> -� •- •4 -� � tmown ta me ta be the identical per�om or peraona who signed the toregoing instrameat and.ankaoarled�ed _
<br /> - t the e:eeutioa the�eot to be Lis,8er or lheir volnntary aet and dee8. '
<br /> , . fJ
<br /> "� � . .a..d, 19.t�,�...�:...
<br /> Wltnes�my h�utd and aotarial aeal on..«.....�v�.»....«..�.».�......».»..-- ;
<br /> :� .......��2;�`,�.....�:..��.(r�y.y''��...w..Notary Pnblie -
<br /> • . . ���Mliw . ..
<br />- --_ . _�:-=. . . .. . . - --� ,� - - � - --.. _- ---
<br /> � fi�ot pp� .. _ _ . _.
<br /> 3tp eommis�sion e:pires:..�.....��w��..19��....
<br /> wd�ei�,�41� ....
<br /> �a�• '� �nrdt 4.2 Tc� be :+nnroved by �ebrr�4ka SEatr Bar assoeiat�an t'�"'�w'u a'"�..t''ii'k.
<br /> ,t .
<br /> �•
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